Top 38 My Heart Aches For You Quotes

#1. My heart aches for you! But don't despair! I am persuaded you will come about! Recollect what the poet says! I'm not sure which poet, but very likely it was Shakespeare, because it generally is, though why I can't imagine!

Georgette Heyer

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #521608
#2. Jimmy looked back over at his wife, and Celeste could feel the tenderest of aches in the look. She could feel another teardrop piece of Jimmy's heart detach and free-fall down the inside of his chest.

Dennis Lehane

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1077494
#3. My Heart burns with a never ending deep passion for Jesus Christ. My Heart longs and even aches for the American church to be in Revival

Joe Joe Dawson

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #933217
#4. Heart-aches are forgotten, tears lose their bitterness, and like a leaf of lavendar in a store of linen, so does Memory make life sweet.

Myrtle Reed

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #975515
#5. Today the heart of God is an open wound of love. He aches over our distance and preoccupation. He mourns that we do not draw near to Him. He grieves that we have forgotten Him. He weeps over our obsession with muchness and manyness. He longs for our presence.

Richard J. Foster

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #976405
#6. My heart throbs and aches and, for once, it's not for myself. It's for all of us. It's for everyone who knows what it's like to be helpless, to have to watch on the sidelines, to be paralyzed, literally unable to do anything.

Sarah Wylie

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #988478
#7. If my eyes have pain, I close them; If my body aches, I rest it; If my heart breaks, I mend it; If my soul is lost, I pray for it

Jeremy Aldana

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #990489
#8. I have one thing that counts, and that is my heart; it burns in my soul, it aches in my flesh, and it ignites my nerves: that is my love for the people and Peron.

Evita Peron

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1006609
#9. For a moment, my heart aches for him. I should never have asked him to join me here; I should
never have asked him to cross.

Lauren Oliver

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1046109
#10. I want to reach out and grab his hand and hold it to me, right over my heart, right where it aches the most. I don't know if doing that would heal me or make my heart break entirely, but either way this constant hungry waiting would be over.

Ally Condie

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1047594
#11. Faith endures as seeing Him who is invisible (Heb. 11:27); endures the disappointments, the hardships, and the heart-aches of life, by recognizing that all comes from the hand of Him who is too wise to err and too loving to be unkind.

Arthur W. Pink

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #916246
#12. I'm trying to follow all the steps and check all the boxes. But my heart hurts and my skin aches, and God, I just want to be touched ... ... .Can you touch me and then look at me tomorrow, and it will be okay?

Amy Lane

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1099932
#13. I know death is the fascinating snake under the leaves, sliding and sliding; I know the heart loves him too, can't turn away, can't break the spell. Everything wants to enter the slow thickness, aches to be peaceful finally and at any cost. Wants to be stone.

Mary Oliver

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1138727
#14. I miss you. No, not just miss you, my heart aches every day because you're not there.

Tarryn Fisher

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1211534
#15. My heart wants to escape, to flap out of my body and into his. And, God. Is this what it means to become infatuated with someone? A heart becomes a hybrid, half yours, half theirs. Mine beats like this because it wants out. My chest aches to let his heart in.

Christina Lauren

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1213201
#16. No matter how one's heart aches, one can do the necessary things and do them well.

Myrtle Reed

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1245697
#17. The sun rises over the Grand Canyon, igniting rocks that have been there for two billion years before we were born and will likely remain two billion years after we're gone. My heart aches with the cruel and unimaginable beauty of it. We are nothing. We are everything.

Sarah Ockler

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1254993
#18. After all these years, my heart still wants you. It still misses you. it still aches for you. I can't control what my heart wants, I could just deny it of it ... Love, Viv

Eveli Acosta

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1259503
#19. THIRD WATCHER Let her speak. Don't interrupt. She knows words that mermaids taught her ... I'm falling asleep in order to hear her ... Go on, sister, go on ... My heart aches because I wasn't you when you dreamed at the seashore ...

Fernando Pessoa

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1281251
#20. I tell her I don't have a broken heart. It's still beating, the blood still moves around my body; it only aches when I remember to breathe.

Justine Larbalestier

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #1371711
#21. Increasingly, during those classes, longings had seized me, foreign, torrential aches that overran my heart. I wanted to know things, to become someone.

Sue Monk Kidd

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #443129
#22. The heart, when it is too much alive, aches for that brown earth, and ecstasy has no fear of death.

Willa Cather

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #12593
#23. I won't defile my blessings by imagining that I deserve them. Until every human receives the dignity I casually enjoy, I pray my heart aches with tension and my belly rumbles for injustice.

Jen Hatmaker

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #83496
#24. Heart thoughts are profound, hindsight aches and hope is obscure. I'm craving a great adventure
one that leads me back home.

Donna Lynn Hope

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #154639
#25. Its hard not being with someone you have an attraction to yet have neither seen nor meet, but your heart aches for.

Matt Trevitz

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #192972
#26. It's worth all the aches, All the tears, the mistakes . . . The heart of a man and a woman in love? It's worth all the pain in the world.

Colleen Hoover

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #235838
#27. The heart aches in brokenness as daylight awakens the pain of knowing.

Phindiwe Nkosi

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #333032
#28. My heart aches for less divisiveness, less polarization Less mindless partisanship, which at times sounds almost hateful to the ear of Americans. How we conduct ourselves and how we treat you, Judge Roberts, can be a great start toward reconciliation in our country.

Tom Coburn

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #368091
#29. True love is a fairy tale, which can be transformed into reality by rewriting each chapter by hearing the whispers of each other's heart, by believing in those whispers and absorbing the aches that lie within.

Balroop Singh

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #415266
#30. The night wears on; the fire dwindles; the wind shifts and my heart aches with nostalgia - summer camps and catching lightning bugs and August skies aflame with stars. The way the desert smells and the long, wistful sigh of wind rushing down from the mountains as the sun dips beneath the horizon.

Rick Yancey

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #845698
#31. After watching the video, the senseless shooting and taking of Walter Scott's life was absolutely unnecessary and avoidable. My heart aches for the family and our North Charleston community. I will be watching this case closely.

Tim Scott

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #498094
#32. In the daytime, when the sun is young,
My heart aches for thee.
I take a flute and blow it.
I go out wandering.
Taking a long sword,
I go away into the night;
I go away under the dark sky.
I fear nothing...

Andrew Marshall

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #669583
#33. My heart is sinking and my chest physically aches from the heavy sadness that it carries within.

Shannon Perry

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #678845
#34. Even when our heart aches, we summon the strength that maybe we didn't even know we had, and we carry on; we finish the race.

Barack Obama

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #691965
#35. The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control.

Billy Graham

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #704221
#36. My heart aches to hold you and no one else for all eternity.

Peter Sklivas

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #712025
#37. Ah, what stars there are in the Ukraine. I've been living in Moscow almost seven years, but I still feel drawn to my homeland. My heart aches, I get a terrible urge to board a train and be off. To see the cliffs covered in

Mikhail Bulgakov

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #797961
#38. A day doesn't go by without me dreaming of your smile and your beautiful love

My heart aches everyday that goes by when your not at my side

It's a bittersweet feeling, because as long as I have tomorrow then I will always have a second chance at making you smile

Austin V. Songer

My Heart Aches For You Quotes #844418

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