Top 17 Moravec Quotes

#1. Hans Moravec's book Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind.

Randall Munroe

Moravec Quotes #1161327
#2. This year, Rebecca instituted a White Elephant gift exchange, that passive-aggressive method of conveying just how little the people you see more often than family mean to you via the splendor of craptastic gifting.

Qwen Salsbury

Moravec Quotes #829762
#3. My childhood memories reside somewhere in my subconscious part of my brain. Somehow I feel that my subconscious part creates far more interesting things than my conscious part can ever dream of.

Akram Khan

Moravec Quotes #1840582
#4. I despised God because of death.

Martha M. Moravec

Moravec Quotes #1804042
#5. You can see my decision as either a distinctive factor or as a limitation. I don't feel it is a limitation.

Ennio Morricone

Moravec Quotes #1618315
#6. Those who walk in radical obedience have made themselves ready for the storm, and they will overcome.

Bob Sorge

Moravec Quotes #1372543
#7. Are you sure? You sound afraid." Said the Pied Piper to his subjects.

Pepper Winters

Moravec Quotes #1200360
#8. I used to call myself a war photographer. Now I consider myself as an antiwar photographer.

James Nachtwey

Moravec Quotes #1134270
#9. Erasmus says that you should praise a ruler even for qualities he does not have. For the flattery gives him to think. And the qualities he presently lacks, he might go to work on them.

Hilary Mantel

Moravec Quotes #1038868
#10. Life is sad and there is nothing we can do about it. All we can is to be vigilant about what we should not do. The worst thing we can do is to not feel the sadness, to not weep, to not acknowledge the hurt that sits at the core of the human heart.

Martha M. Moravec

Moravec Quotes #837484
#11. From Adam's day until now men everywhere have tried to find their own way to meet God's standard of holiness. Has anyone been successful? No!

Dr. J. Otis Yoder

Moravec Quotes #761356
#12. I like how love lets everyone in.

Corey Ann Haydu

Moravec Quotes #473158
#13. For me, the consolation of history resides in the fact that hypothetically returning to any point in time feels like coming home.

Martha M. Moravec

Moravec Quotes #442151
#14. It seems like in the beginning of my flight, the space dreams were rare. And now, almost 150 days into it, the Earth dreams are more of the rare ones.

Scott Kelly

Moravec Quotes #370274
#15. When man's freedom equals zero, he commits no crimes. That is clear. The only means of ridding man of crime is ridding him of freedom. And now, just as we have gotten rid of it (on the cosmic scale, centuries are, of course, no more than "just"), some wretched halfwits ...

Yevgeny Zamyatin

Moravec Quotes #366988
#16. I think that for humans, the most regrettable of omissions, along with unshed tears and unexamined lives, is untold stories, the things not shared, the lost opportunity to be honest about oneself and tender toward others.

Martha M. Moravec

Moravec Quotes #230431
#17. Sometimes when you're writing on a ukulele, you're in a totally new land, rhythmically or melodically.

Tift Merritt

Moravec Quotes #109911

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