Top 13 Mondim De Quotes

#1. Dusk shrouds the long and useless day.
Even the hope it denied us crumbles
To nothing ... Life is a drunken beggar
Holding out his hand to his own shadow.

Fernando Pessoa

Mondim De Quotes #103755
#2. Only cowards cave. The brave get assassinated.

Donna Lynn Hope

Mondim De Quotes #484593
#3. Death is the waiting-room where we robe ourselves for immortality.

Charles Spurgeon

Mondim De Quotes #551367
#4. I hope you choke on your lies before you tell them to someone else.

Mohamed Ghazi

Mondim De Quotes #567780
#5. What we are working for is an educational program that has become a resource and rallying point for scores of brave southerners who are leading the fight for justice and better race relations in these crucial days

Septima Poinsette Clark

Mondim De Quotes #898027
#6. I can dig my claws into the rim of a building's crown and spread my arms and feel the buffets and gouts of boisterous air and I can close my eyes and remember, for a moment, what it is to fly.

China Mieville

Mondim De Quotes #1009422
#7. You have had to travel a long way to get here, to tell us about the Lord Jesus. Please thank your tribe that they have allowed you to come here.

Corrie Ten Boom

Mondim De Quotes #1024594
#8. He held the flag like a banner of defiance. 'You can take our lives but you'll never take our freedom!' he screamed.

Carcer's men looked at one another, puzzled by what sounded like the most badly thought-out war cry in the history of the universe.

Terry Pratchett

Mondim De Quotes #1145577
#9. It is one of the gifts of great spiritual teachers to make things simple. It is one of the gifts of their followers to complicate them again. Often we need to scrape away the accumulated complications of a master's message in order to hear the kernel of what they said. (24)

Julia Cameron

Mondim De Quotes #1155833
#10. I've always thought that you don't love a country by turning a blind eye to its crimes and to a problem. The way that you love a country is by seeing everything that it's done wrong, all of its mistakes, and still thinking that it's beautiful and that it's worthy.

Junot Diaz

Mondim De Quotes #1444181
#11. Countless people pray far more than they know. Often they have such a "stained-glass" image of prayer that they fail to recognize what they are experiencing as prayer and so condemn themselves for not praying.

Richard J. Foster

Mondim De Quotes #1524377
#12. If people wake up and go, "Oh, where's the coffee," or "Oh, another day," that does not set a good tone for the day.

Louise Hay

Mondim De Quotes #1526538
#13. Even in ancient days they were, as a rule, shy of 'the Big Folk', as they call us, and now they avoid us with dismay and are becoming hard to find.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Mondim De Quotes #1639054

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