Top 100 Mira Grant Quotes

#1. A lot of people have read the Mira Grant books who are not urban fantasy readers, and they would never have picked up a book with an urban fantasist's name on the cover, but then they go on to read my urban fantasy and like it.

Seanan McGuire

Mira Grant Quotes #913982
#2. When I was first writing 'Feed' - which was the first book I published as Mira - I talked about it very openly on my blog, on Twitter, that I was writing this book, and it wasn't until after it was sold that I said 'Mira Grant' wrote this book. And the reason there was really purely marketing-based.

Seanan McGuire

Mira Grant Quotes #1547291
#3. 'Mira Grant' is actually my pseudonym. And 'Seanan' is pronounced 'SHAWN-in.'

Seanan McGuire

Mira Grant Quotes #1721620
#4. I've got no problem with octopuses. It's bugs and spiders that I don't like. Octopuses are cute, in their own 'nature did a lot of drugs' sort of way.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #13
#5. There was no warning before the outbreaks began. One day, things were normal; the next, people who were supposedly dead were getting up and attacking anything that came into range. This was upsetting for everyone involved, except for the infected, who were past being upset about that sort of thing.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #246
#6. The sky was a flawless blue, the color of surgical gloves.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #6607
#7. Humanity has always been disturbingly happy to sacrifice its future on the alter of right now.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #29133
#8. As soon as the dead started walking, they stopped sharing their secrets with the living.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #30390
#9. That's Becks. Always ready to offer a helping headshot.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #40464
#10. The only thing we have in this world that is utterly and intrinsically ours is our integrity.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #40734
#11. People used to romanticize the natural world, before the Rising. These days, we mostly just run away from it.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #48738
#12. You may think you're doing the right thing, and hell, you may even be right, but when you don't let anyone watch over your shoulder, how the fuck are the rest of us supposed to know?

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #49433
#13. The problem with people who have power is that they start thinking more about what it takes to keep that power than they do about what's right or wrong or just plain a bad idea.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #53217
#14. It's amazing how many of the things needed for a basic biology lab are capable of blowing up, if you're willing to try very, very hard, and don't much care about possibly losing a few fingers in the process.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #63331
#15. That's the danger of genius. One way or another, it's going to destroy the world.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #73352
#16. I just want to know what I'm going to be freaking out about before I waste energy freaking out about the wrong things. Conservation of panic is important.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #74857
#17. Some people say I have issues. I say those people need to expand their horizons because I don't have issues, I have the Library of Congress

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #75545
#18. Why is it you assholes always feel the need to tell the media your evil plans before you kill us?" asked Becks. "Is it a union requirement or something?

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #77248
#19. But my name is Georgia Mason. And I am here to tell you the truth.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #83073
#20. Never steal another reporter's story; never take the last of another reporter's ammo; never mess with another reporter's computer. Those are the rules, unless you work for a tabloid, where they replace "never" with "always" ...

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #84415
#21. You're a mad scientist,' said Maggie, in what may well have been intended as a reassuring tone. 'We don't expect you to be nice. We just go to bed every night hoping you won't mutate us before we wake up.'
Dr. Abbey blinked at her. 'That's ... almost sweet. In a disturbing sort of a way.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #87990
#22. I think I just had a minor psychotic episode or maybe a breakdown or something, but it's cool; I'm feeling basically okay now," I replied, closing the van doors. "You?

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #90339
#23. Hey George, check this out.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #91318
#24. There were always going to be people willing to trade a place in a cage for a gun and somebody they could point it at. No

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #91827
#25. The fact that he was still smiling was either a testament to his training or an argument in favor of stimulants.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #97430
#26. I guess when you're one of the richest people on the planet, you can buy yourself a window that never shows you anything ugly.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #101308
#27. Everyone belongs somewhere. Some of us are just lucky enough to figure out where it is while there's still time for us to find a way to get there. And once we arrive, we will never, ever leave.'
Juliet Seghers-Ward

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #103006
#28. Don't feel sorry for me, now. It was for science, and as long as something is for science, it's worth doing. It's just not necessarily worth repeating.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #107591
#29. I don't deal well with being alone. Maybe that's why I decided to go crazy instead.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #112676
#30. I would have dismissed [the email] as spam, except for the first word: urgent. People stopped flinging that word around like confetti after the Rising. Somehow, the potential for missing the message that zombies just ate your mom made offering to give people a bigger dick seem less important.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #113036
#31. Tansy had acted like a thug and reacted like a heroine, and if that wasn't one of the best combinations I'd ever encountered, I didn't know what was.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #114490
#32. We're all monsters ... Being a monster is not the same as being a bad person. It just means you're willing to eat the world if that's what you have to do to keep yourself alive.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #119356
#33. Oh, dear God - " "Pretty sure God's not here just now. Leave a message. Maybe He'll get back to you.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #125288
#34. The thought was sobering. How many people's motives didn't match up with what I'd taken for their actions? How many villains were the heroes of their own stories? I didn't know, and I was terribly afraid that I was never going to find out.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #125707
#35. And those people? They like it when you're scared. So they do their best to sit on the truth,

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #129129
#36. I'm going to aerosolize me some dead guys.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #130249
#37. I am, in fact, immortal when annoyed.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #131311
#38. There's only one thing we never wrote down. You know what it was.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #136030
#39. Hate to ask you this, Sal, but is it all right if we don't go straight back to your house? I think I need to stop at the hospital." I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand as I forced myself to sit up. "Okay," I said, in a small voice.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #136808
#40. A fresh Coke would keep me from thinking too hard about the tools he was using to do the job.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #139952
#41. That was the cold equation. How many lives is one person, even a totally innocent person, going to be worth?

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #143762
#42. Oh, jeez. Is that a spleen?" "I think that's a spleen, yes.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #150777
#43. My mother once told me that no woman is naked when she comes equipped with a bad mood and a steady glare.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #186265
#44. Do your research. Do your homework. Learn what this man would do to our country in the name of preserving a brand of freedom that is as destructive as it is impossible to secure. Know your enemy.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #190133
#45. Be good. Be kind to each other. And if there's somebody you love, tell them. The world always needs more love.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #192607
#46. Of course, if we were lucky, we wouldn't be getting chased by an army of zombies through the quarantine area that used to be downtown Santa Cruz. We'd be somewhere safer, like Bikini Atoll just before the bomb testing kicked off.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #201961
#47. Why can't you just say 'don't breathe the water' like a normal person?"
"Because I'm a doctor, and they teach us never to use little words where big ones will do.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #213880
#48. George, she says it's the truth that matters. We live and die for the chance to maybe tell a little bit of the truth, maybe shame the Devil just a little bit before we go.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #221196
#49. People used to travel for fun before the Rising. Can you believe that? - Alaric Kwong

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #225663
#50. People blame science. Shit, man, people shouldn't blame science. People should blame people.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #225666
#51. Tom, you're with me. Bring the tranq gun, we don't want to kill her, but if she so much as looks funny in my direction, you're going to send her off to play with the magical pastel bunnies in the Shouldn't-Have-Fucking-Done-That Meadow.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #230548
#52. Know your enemy. That's what freedom really means.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #242166
#53. Remember what I said about the mosquitoes?" "Which part" asked Maggie. "The scary part, the really scary part, the legitimately terrifying part, or the part that makes suicide sound like an awesome way to spend the evening?

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #250211
#54. He'll die first, we both know it, but I don't know ... I really don't know how long I'll stay alive without him. That's the part Shaun doesn't know. I don't intend to be an only child for long.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #257125
#55. Maybe if we'd had more information...It wouldn't have made a difference at all. Those doors were already locked. What was going to happen was already a foregone conclusion. All that could have changed is the details.

Sometimes, it's the details that matter the most of all.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #263638
#56. That meant we needed to play to our strengths, and our strengths came from lifelong training in shoving microphones at danger and demanding that it explain itself. It wasn't much. It was going to have to be enough.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #269297
#57. The next person who says "I'm sorry" is going to get punched in the nose. Because "I'm sorry" doesn't do a damn thing except remind me that this can't be fixed. This is my world now. And I don't want it.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #270236
#58. She's shaped her image of the world around someone else's fantasy ... Because it's easier. It's so much easier to say, 'This is a story, and there are heroes and villains, and there's an ending, and when we get there the book will close and we'll all live happily ever after.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #275396
#59. Sometimes the hardest thing about the truth is putting down the misassumptions, falsehoods, and half-truths that stand between it and you. Sometimes that's the last thing that anybody wants to do. And sometimes, it's the only thing we can do.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #284509
#60. The people who have the power want you scared. They want you walking around paralyzed by the notion that you could die at any moment.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #287390
#61. Nobody cares if you're an idiot, as long as you're a useful one.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #293370
#62. I just find it interesting that kids apparently used to cry when Bambi's mother died. George and I both held our breaths, and then cheered when she didn't reanimate and try to eat her son.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #297695
#63. The only reward you get for making it to the end is making it to the end - you get to know the truth, and that's it.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #299314
#64. I heard all three bolts click home. Even if I screamed, they'd never let me back inside. That's the protocol when you're in the field. No matter how loudly you yell, they never let you in. Not if they want to live, anyway.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #305896
#65. It was the smell of home. Home isn't always a good place to be.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #309419
#66. I figure I'll just keep on going the way I am until something starts making sense."
"What if nothing ever does?"
"I guess if that happens, I'll start hoping all the God freaks are right, and there's some superior intelligence up there treating us all like laboratory rats.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #311594
#67. You're a miracle," he breathed.
"You're a miracle," the mermaid echoed, before it leaned up and carefully, almost delicately, ripped away his throat.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #311614
#68. Fear makes people stupid.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #322478
#69. When the corruption seems to go all the way to the end of the world, the only good approach is through the front door with a gun in each hand.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #324704
#70. Sometimes, the hardest habit to break is the habit of doing nothing beyond the necessary.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #325721
#71. We live in a world where joy is possible, love is possible, happiness is possible; where all things are possible, if we're willing to take the time, take a chance, take a breath and step off the edge of everything that is for the sake of everything that might be.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #332209
#72. We have speed, and we have bullets. Everything else about this fight is in their favor.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #334614
#73. Think about that for a moment. They died for you. Now take a good look at the life you're living and tell me: Did they do the right thing?

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #342265
#74. How am I coping? I miss George and the goddamn world is still full of zombies, that's how. Everything else ...
Everything else is just details. And those don't really matter to me anymore.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #353218
#75. See, Berkeley has always drawn the nuts and flakes of the academic world. That's what happens when you have a university that offers degrees in both computer science and parapsychology.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #367940
#76. There was no single index case. It all began, and ended, too fast for that sort of record keeping to endure.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #372530
#77. Rick stared at him. "Your brother is an alien."
"Yeah, but he's a cute one.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #385142
#78. Never 'it,' never 'it,' " Marya chided. "None of God's creatures is an 'it,' even if they're not a boy or a girl or a mammal or a pretty bird. Call them 'he' or she' and be a little wrong, but never take away their individuality like that.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #393105
#79. You know, addressing my crazy by name doesn't exactly help me stay sane," I said. "Nothing can help you stay sane at this point, Mason," said Becks. "That ship has sailed.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #402726
#80. It's quite all right," I assured him. "My mother always said that eggs were appropriate no matter the time of day." That was a filthy lie: My mother was a traditional woman who would have died before she'd fed me breakfast this late in the day.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #406114
#81. That's the trouble with being scared all the time. Eventually, people just go numb.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #420312
#82. To tell the truth is to provide armament against a world too full of cruelties to be defeated with simple falsehoods. If these truths mean the world is less comforting than it might have been, it seems like a pretty small price to pay.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #438354
#83. More things we learned from the Rising: It's hard to gentrify a city that's on fire.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #447605
#84. Babies arrived covered in blood, didn't they? Maybe dropping something tiny and helpless into the world with its own gravy was a terrible decision on the part of evolution.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #461251
#85. I hate that word [insane]. All it means is 'you don't think like I do,' and by that standard, everyone is insane. It's a meaningless idea.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #462847
#86. Having a home means having somewhere to go back to. Having a family means having someone to defend. Having a life means knowing you'll do anything to keep it.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #464010
#87. Some experiences are nearly universal, and no more pleasant when viewed from the outside.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #469863
#88. How many miles to Babylon? Three-score and ten. Can I get there by candle-light? Yes, there and back again. If your heels are nimble and light, You will get there by candle-light

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #487543
#89. People who can't hack it as Irwins because they're too violent go into the air travel industry.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #493881
#90. Apparently, the voices in my head couldn't hear each other. That was just another slice of crazy pie.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #499095
#91. Journalism must have been very different before people resolved so many of their conflicts with bullets.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #505535
#92. Is Shaun Mason activating security profile Pardy. Something's wrong with Brenda, we're out of Mister Pibb, and hunting season's here. Now let's go to Hollywood.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #516253
#93. Irwins are never more alive than when they're five minutes away from getting slaughtered.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #517178
#94. This is crap," Shaun said, withdrawing his arm.
"Right," I agreed.
"Absolutely fucking crap."
"No argument."
"I want to punch somebody right about now."
"Not it," Rick said.
"I punch back," Steve said.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #528027
#95. If you want to go foraging into the wilds of Canada without proper gear, you deserve what you get, even if that happens to include being attacked by an undead moose.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #532441
#96. We are in the middle of what looks increasingly like the zombie apocalypse. Moaning people don't need help. Moaning people are intending to eat us.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #533753
#97. Alien eyes watched the strange metal object as it floated upward. There was blood in the water. Their home had been invaded. They would respond.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #541983
#98. Post-traumatic shock,' said Shaun. 'He thinks he's a boa constrictor.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #543377
#99. But that's the thing about reality. It doesn't need to make sense.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #543887
#100. Kelly bit her lip. "Is ... is everything okay?" "Not really, but we can pretend.

Mira Grant

Mira Grant Quotes #545134

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