Top 6 Minasian Robert Quotes

#1. I loved acting, and then acting led to writing, and writing led to directing, and directing lead to five movies, and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

Tom McCarthy

Minasian Robert Quotes #184030
#2. Chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans have been living for hundreds of thousands of years in their forest, living fantastic lives, never overpopulating, never destroying the forest. I would say that they have been in a way more successful than us as far as being in harmony with the environment.

Jane Goodall

Minasian Robert Quotes #400601
#3. As you gain more discipline over your body, you will find that a corollary discipline will develop in the mind because the two really go together.

Frederick Lenz

Minasian Robert Quotes #491256
#4. Many think that assigning blame settles matters.

Mason Cooley

Minasian Robert Quotes #899687
#5. I'm not aiming for a knockout. I focus on doing my best. If the knockout comes, fine. If not, that's okay.

Manny Pacquiao

Minasian Robert Quotes #1259289
#6. I'm on a Roller-coaster that only goes up, My friend

Augustus Waters The Fault In Our Stars

Minasian Robert Quotes #1663463

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