Top 13 Megalodons Quotes

#1. Megalodons," Prometheus announced, pulling the Rukma higher and higher, little fountains of water spilling from the leaks in its sides.
"They were at least thirty feet long!" Scathach said.
"I know," replied the Elder. "They must have been babies.

Michael Scott

Megalodons Quotes #104463
#2. I'd like to leave you with a bit of wisdom I picked up from a documentary I saw this weekend: Mad Max: Fury Road. All you young people really need to succeed in the future is a reliable source of fuel and a fanatical cadre of psychopathic motorcycle killers.

Stephen Colbert

Megalodons Quotes #290154
#3. Today is, after all, today, but yesterday is of the same substance as tomorrow.

Franz Grillparzer

Megalodons Quotes #436483
#4. The worship of safety emasculates greatness.

Max Lucado

Megalodons Quotes #593674
#5. It seemed, when all was said and done, that all souls were a little wild, in some way or another.

Jodi Lynn Anderson

Megalodons Quotes #681032
#6. There is something inexpressibly sad in the thought of the children who crossed the ocean with the Pilgrims and the fathers of Jamestown, New Amsterdam, and Boston, and the infancy of those born in the first years of colonial life in this strange new world.

Alice Morse Earle

Megalodons Quotes #684874
#7. A better idea than my own is to listen.

Mark Twain

Megalodons Quotes #752665
#8. Some people come to the edge of the cliff and they look over, then run away in fear. They never realize it's possible to fly, to soar, to be free. They spend their lives crawling along cliff tops without finding the courage.

Michael Dobbs

Megalodons Quotes #793568
#9. We push time from us, and we wish him back; * * * * * * Life we think long and short; death seek and shun.

Edward Young

Megalodons Quotes #804829
#10. To its critics, the study of theology distracts from real life. But, at its best, theology inspires and informs precisely the committed and caring ministry.

Alister E. McGrath

Megalodons Quotes #1076443
#11. Like a lot of people, I love a bit of blood and gore.

Natalia Tena

Megalodons Quotes #1306823
#12. I meditate on God's life and I read the scriptures. I read something about Him, go through it and spend a lot of time by myself.

Jim Caviezel

Megalodons Quotes #1310366
#13. Most people don't understand that being in the public eye is emotionally exhausting. It takes a lot out of you.

Tabitha King

Megalodons Quotes #1545860

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