Top 14 Medaglia Guy Quotes

#1. Jack Sparrow: [after Will draws his sword] Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again.

Will Turner: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you.

Jack Sparrow: That's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?

Jack Sparrow

Medaglia Guy Quotes #90650
#2. The artist is the man in any field, scientific or humanistic, who grasps the implications of his actions and of new knowledge in his own time. He is the man of integral awareness.

Marshall McLuhan

Medaglia Guy Quotes #129273
#3. Amy: I never knew you drank wine.
Doctor: I'm 1103 I must have drunk it sometime in my life.
*takes sip and spits it out in disgust*

Steven Moffat

Medaglia Guy Quotes #226298
#4. Why aren't I like other boys?

Alexei Nikolaevich

Medaglia Guy Quotes #342997
#5. I think the problem is that there has been a kind of backlash against feminism. I think women just didn't really see themselves winning that fight, and I think that probably led to a lot women feeling trapped in a perpetual cycle of disappointment - trying to be feminists and failing to be.

Romola Garai

Medaglia Guy Quotes #383652
#6. People want to see big, escapist fare. They don't want to be challenged to think.

Harvey Weinstein

Medaglia Guy Quotes #536368
#7. We are pushing hard to find quality advertising clients.

Ben Nicholson

Medaglia Guy Quotes #897720
#8. On some campuses, change is effected through nonviolent or even violent means.

Hillary Clinton

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1043301
#9. Knowing how to keep someone motivated and how to keep a connection are skills humans have learned and evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. A robot can't figure out whether you can do one more push-up, or how to motivate you to actually do it.

Erik Brynjolfsson

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1334840
#10. My son John was just under a year old when I collapsed with a life-threatening kidney disease. The shame and guilt resulting from my unplanned pregnancy had continued to fester to the point that my toxic feelings literally poisoned my body.

Mary Manin Morrissey

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1402494
#11. Don't wait to "feel" like doing a thing to do it. Live by decision, not emotion.

Joyce Meyer

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1547815
#12. Educate yourself, welcome life's messiness, read Chekhov, avoid becoming an architect at all costs.

Kurt Vonnegut

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1674951
#13. I met Robin Williams a few times, and he was a beautiful guy.

Bill Hader

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1684112
#14. Life is on an incline; you either go up, or you come down.

Kiran Bedi

Medaglia Guy Quotes #1692231

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