Top 35 Matt Fraction Quotes

#1. I am a huge, raving fan of writer Matt Fraction. His semi-indie 'Casanova' series is an ongoing masterpiece of 21st-century American comics - and his run on 'Immortal Iron Fist' with Ed Brubaker was pure, yummy martial-arts-fantasy deliciousness.

Michael Chabon

Matt Fraction Quotes #910435
#2. Great emotion, it turns out, is a fire, and like a fire it needs fuel. Unfed it dies down to a hot and banked glow, ready to ignite again but leaving space for other matters.

Mark Lawrence

Matt Fraction Quotes #1271587
#3. My kitty wishes to engulf you within her darkened delta of destruction.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #964406
#4. I'm great at boats!

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1009105
#5. Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

Ralph Marston

Matt Fraction Quotes #1058200
#6. You're into what you're into, I'm into what I'm into. We don't have to be into the same shit, and if you're safe, sane, and happy, then go on and get you some.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1116228
#7. Having shot Stilt Man in the taint with a bazooka
I've come to realize every character is somebody's favorite character.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1124307
#8. Sex is just a word. Love is a sentence

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1182376
#9. As uncommon a thing as true love is, it is yet easier to find than true friendship.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Matt Fraction Quotes #1256192
#10. That's how I survived. Time and time again. That's my secret. I survived because I willed it to be ... How did I survive apocalyptic fire? I simply refused to feel the flames.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #802365
#11. I reject passive consumption. I reject the premise. I will have no passive consumers. Casanova will not stop and explain itself to you. It will not allow you to flip through it while you're dropping a deuce and waiting for Batman to show up.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1284806
#12. He played Sarah McLachlan. For the rest of my life whenever I'd get a latte or see a sick dog, I'd think about my hymen.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1500172
#13. Because of this.
Because your funny.
Because you know Lolita.
And Nabukov and James Mason too.
Because you're cute and funny and i'm kind of sad and you haven't tried hitting on me once.
Because you weren't even trying ...

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1547047
#14. I'm going to ejaculate sparkles into your heart!

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1583471
#15. When it comes to lyrics, I just write down a lot of things, and only a very tiny fraction of it, I think, is any good.

Matt Berninger

Matt Fraction Quotes #1585019
#16. How do we define "normal?" Quite literally it comes from the Latin norma meaning "carpenter's square." Straight. And "abnormal?" That's from the Greek anomalos, and the Latin abnormis meaning "monstrosity.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1659546
#17. Nay, father.
Some of us have been killing giants today and aren't in the mood to have a tea party.
- Thor, God of Thunder

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1673260
#18. Death to the pale-penised man-monster! Death to the pendulous-breasted harridan!

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #1858427
#19. Today sucks. I'm goin' back to bed.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #200670
#20. Who the hell let you animals into my office?
I'll have you know I was playing a VERY unimportant game of chess right now with a man that kept saying King me.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #37040
#21. Some days it just feels like I'm here for the shoes and the eternal hope that I shall be issued minions.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #58264
#22. I am not metrosexual. I am not macho. I am normal. I don't even wear nail paint.

Arjun Rampal

Matt Fraction Quotes #79473
#23. Behold now the erotic demon that lives in my panties.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #89816
#24. Boomerang arrow, Kate
It comes back to you in the end. Boomerang. Respect it.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #142251
#25. This guy.
This fucking guy.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #156257
#26. The bank'll take everything you love sooner or later.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #180497
#27. Don't never participate in no bad scenes, he reminded himself; that was his motto in life.

Philip K. Dick

Matt Fraction Quotes #181709
#28. It is those who are different that make the biggest difference in the world.

Shana Chartier

Matt Fraction Quotes #913962
#29. Valentine's Day is an extraordinary moment for recalling the lasting power of a true love.

M.F. Moonzajer

Matt Fraction Quotes #348185
#30. This is death during wartime and it is capricious as shit.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #373303
#31. I had at some point the epiphany that if I wanted to be a writer, maybe I should stop thinking about writing, or stop writing about writing, and actually write.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #447541
#32. You're gonna miss each and every shot you can't be bothered to take. That's not living life
that's just being a tourist. Take every shot, Kate. If it's worth caring about, no matter how impossible you think it is
you take the shot.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #452265
#33. Suddenly it made me realize why religion was such a big thing around here. Because, yes, sure, God could not exist. But then neither could humans. So if they believed in themselves
the logic must go
why not believe in something that was only a fraction more unlikely?

Matt Haig

Matt Fraction Quotes #571208
#34. You've invaded my erotic dojo. For this your assholes will adorn my thunderous cock like jewelry!

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #697503
#35. Sexcastle is a perfect mix of homage and comedy, action and irony, loving tribute and hilarious send-up of the great, good, and ungodly-bad action movies of the '80s. I don't remember the last time a debut book hit me this hard. Literally, this book punched me in the face. It's THAT mean.

Matt Fraction

Matt Fraction Quotes #785172

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