Top 13 Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes

#1. Mark Twain. Samuel Clemens has been quoted as saying he thought the Book of Mormon was "chloroform in print". For

Park B. Romney

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #1785695
#2. Many punishments sometimes, and in some cases, as much discredit a prince as many funerals a physician.

Ben Jonson

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #4094
#3. If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be
a Christian. Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain", American author and humorist

George Washington

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #55000
#4. Tomorrow I'll get over you if I just get through tonight.

Lila McCann

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #324140
#5. He could just never see anything coming. He was nearsighted. The future lay before him inevitable yet invisible

John Green

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #714992
#6. You have to, in some ways, trust in the human spirit and in human ingenuity.

Ariel Garten

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #734008
#7. I would never make an artwork that I wouldn't want to make forever. Wouldn't you want to make Trash Humpers [Korine's 2009 film] forever?

Josh Smith

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #783739
#8. Some people scorn a cat and think it not an essential; but the Clemens tribe are not of these.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #841163
#9. When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.

Graham Chapman

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #1282481
#10. So it was that we soaped ourselves in sadness and we rinsed ourselves with hope, and for all that we believed almost every rumor we heard, almost all of us refused to believe that our nation was dead.

Viet Thanh Nguyen

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #1286802
#11. It has an L on it. L for love. See? It's the key to the universe, Dad. You said you were looking for it. You told Mom you were. I found it for you so you don't have to look anymore. So you can come home at night.

Jennifer Donnelly

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #1506372
#12. This is a mad planet," David Bowie said in 1971. "It's doomed to madness.

David Bowie

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #1509378
#13. Later I read that there are things inside us too tiny to see. Not even a microscope can capture them. This got me thinking
if there are things inside us too tiny to see, might there be things outside us too big to believe?

Rene Denfeld

Mark Twain Samuel Clemens Quotes #1642932

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