Top 34 Marie Howe Quotes
#1. We tell each other stories to help each other live. That's why I read poetry. I read poetry to stay alive. That's why I went to poetry in the first place, that's why I stay with it, that's why I'll never leave it.
Marie Howe
#2. Poetry is telling something to someone.
Marie Howe
#3. Reignite the fire in your heart. Live on purpose.
Dawna Markova
#4. Without devotion any life becomes a stranger's story ... told for the body to forget what it once loved.
Marie Howe
#5. A number of Guru's feel that there is something wrong or sick about being gay. I think it really doesn't matter what your sexual preference is; what matters is the quality of your love.
Frederick Lenz
#6. Poetry holds the knowledge that we are alive and that we know we're going to die,
Marie Howe
#7. It comes down to this. Some one must wash the dishes. Now, would you expect man, man made in the image of God, to roll up his sleeves and wash the dishes? Why, it would be blasphemy. I know that I am but a rib and so I wash the dishes.
Marie Jenney Howe
#8. I liked Hell,
I liked to go there alone
relieved to lie in the wreckage, ruined, physically undone.
The worst had happened. What else could hurt me then?
I thought it was the worst, thought nothing worse could come.
Then nothing did, and no one.
Marie Howe
#10. Memory is a poet, not an historian.
Marie Howe
#11. Research shows that people getting healthy together lose twice as much weight as those who do it alone.
Rick Warren
#12. Don't blame me. The devil made me do it, and the Lord said you have to forgive.
Wes Fesler
#13. I started hitting the ball a lot better a few weeks ago, and just the putter wasn't working. And putting a new putter in the bag last week, it just helped.
Retief Goosen
#14. But there are moments, walking, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the window glass, say, the window of the corner video store, and I'm gripped by a cherishing so deep for my own blowing hair, chapped face, and unbuttoned coat that I'm speechless: I am living. I remember you.
Marie Howe
#15. I called her name into the fold between night and day.
Marie Howe
#16. A traitor commits his crime but once. The rest/is retribution.
Marie Howe
#17. Besides, when I look around me at the men, I feel that God never meant us women to be too particular.
Marie Jenney Howe
#18. God's Word is alive and powerful! When you declare these words over your life, the truth of God's Word draws forth the seeds of love that God deposits into us when we invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior.
Victoria Osteen
#19. Although Nature needs thousands or millions of years to create a new species, man needs only a few dozen years to destroy one.
Victor Blanchard Scheffer
#20. St. Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families.
Pope John Paul II
#21. Every poem holds the unspeakable inside it. The unsayable ... The thing that you can't really say because it's too complicated. It's too complex for us. Every poem has that silence deep in the center of it.
Marie Howe
#22. Prepare for death, if here at night you roam, and sign your will before you sup from home.
Samuel Johnson
#23. Each of us suffers with envy/for the forgiven.
Marie Howe
#24. Bedeviled, / human, your plight, in waking, is to choose from the words / that even now sleep on your tongue, and to know that tangled / among them and terribly new is the sentence that could change your life.
Marie Howe
#25. A person doesn't know how much he has to be thankful for until he has to pay taxes on it.
Ann Landers
#26. In truth, I did not have to wonder. She would be feeling that disturbing mixture of emotions that she always summoned from me: admiration and envy, pride and a furious rivalry, a longing to see a beloved sister succeed, and a passionate desire to see a rival fall.
Philippa Gregory
#27. When we think we have something to say we are usually wrong. We are fooling ourselves. Trip into discovery. Don't write what you know, discover something new.
Marie Howe
#28. If I stopped dyeing my hair everyone would know that my golden hair is actually gray, and my long American youth would be over - and then what?
Marie Howe
#29. I understand what it is like to rely on beauty and know the shallowness of it ... Yet, it is impossible to say if you would have caught my attention the first time had you been plain and wrapped in brown. Thus remains the endless dilemma of beauty's impressionable curse.
Anne Mallory
#30. Someone hanging clothes on a line between buildings, someone shaking out a rug from an open window might have heard hammering, one or two blocks away and thought little or nothing of it.
Marie Howe
#31. My soul drank enough to know how thirsty it was. This
Marie Howe
#32. Do you believe in fate?" "I guess, but ... its more about creatng the life you want so you can make that fate a reality. You know?
Susane Colasanti
#34. I'm no good at cooking or music, but I've always known how to garden. Nobody ever taught me; I just absorbed it. Some families are churchgoers or sports fans. We gardened.
Thalassa Cruso