Top 12 Mansome Yahoo Quotes

#1. A pistol ain't good for nothin' but killing other human beings, man.

George Pelecanos

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #17399
#2. They had ganged up on her, in the claustrophobic, loving way of families, and she wanted no more of it.

Gregory Maguire

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #92918
#3. Frienship is eros ... without wings

Lord Byron

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #226306
#4. I see no difference between my pictures that people consider amusing and the rest. To me, it's all serious work - they're just a reaction to what I see. I don't leave this apartment in the morning and say to myself 'Today I'm going to be funny and tomorrow I'm going to be sad.'

Elliott Erwitt

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #562591
#5. There are young men of whom it can be said that their countenances chatter. One looks at them and one knows them.

Victor Hugo

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #572814
#6. To be able to put oneself in another's position, to be able to see and to feel as another person does, this is the rare gift of an earnest spiritual seeker.


Mansome Yahoo Quotes #598524
#7. I talk to children like adults and to adults like children.

Bryant McGill

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #663774
#8. At a time of massive inequality, I think we can raise substantial sums of revenue to address the needs of working families, the elderly, and the children, by asking those people who are doing phenomenally well to start paying their fair share.

Bernie Sanders

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #853396
#9. For only that which we knew and practiced at age 15 will one day constitute our attraction. And one thing, therefore, can never be made good: having neglected to run away from home.

Walter Benjamin

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #932618
#10. A strong player, which has the sufficient critical mass, can withhold pressure better and create a more stable environment that benefits shareholders as well as employees.

Lakshmi Mittal

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #1013424
#11. I would do anything to save our love because our love is my life

Michelle Magorian

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #1735140
#12. You can quicker get back a million dollars that was stolen than a word that you gave away.

Arthur Miller

Mansome Yahoo Quotes #1819482

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