Top 100 Magnus's Quotes

#1. Even the trip throught the Portal had not disarranged Magnus's hair spikes. He tugged on one proudly. "Check it out", he said to Isabelle.
"Hair gel. $3.99 at Ricky's.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #32633
#2. Ragnor's important business was probably getting together to write a burn book with Raphael. Magnus could see them now, sharing a bench and scribbling happily away about Magnus's stupid hair.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #32940
#3. Magnus's eyes went back to Alec. They were gold-green, as unreadable as the eyes of the cat he held on his lap. "Not my favorite topic, Smedley."
"Simon", said Simon. "If I'm going to die for you all, the least you could do is remember my name.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #150374
#4. Then Alec had smiled at one of Magnus's jokes, and the smile had lit a lamp in his solemn face, making his blue eyes brilliant, and briefly taking Magnus's breath away

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #283259
#5. King Gaius began to laugh. It was a dark sound edged in danger and it made a chill run up Magnus's back as it echoed through the cavernous hall.

Morgan Rhodes

Magnus's Quotes #653542
#6. Magnus's eyes gleamed. He seems to like you. I saw him going for your hand out there like a squirrel diving for a peanut.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #661690
#7. Go to faeries for gossip about vampires, to werewolves for gossip about faeries, and do not gossip about werewolves, because they try to bite your face off: that was Magnus's motto.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #811265
#8. Magnus's ship would sail that night...His interest in the ship and his thoughts of an adventure to come made him regret his departure less, but even so, he stood at the rail as the ship departed into the night waters.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #874743
#9. Dear Alec and Magnus, How are you? Everything's just fine here. Thanks for you postcard with the picture of the Taj Mahal. It looks nice. Disregard my last few postcards. I see I overdid it. To make it up to you, I'm going to redecorate Magnus's loft for free. -Izzy

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1014149
#10. Simon watched a kelpie skip past, carrying a glass of blue fluid, and raised an eyebrow.
"It's not like Magnus's party," Isabelle reassured him. "Everything here ought to be safe to drink."
"Ought to be?" Aline look worried.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1044565
#11. A chill had spread through the tent, but perhaps it was only Magnus's blood cooling with each word he spoke.

Morgan Rhodes

Magnus's Quotes #1318964
#12. Chaos erupted, but Magnus's darkest imaginings had been proved wrong. When the fight was joined, there were Shadowhunters on his side, fighting with him against Shadowunters, fighting for Downworlders and the Accords of peace they had all agreed to.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1347950
#13. You tried to drink the East River,Magnus said, and Alec saw, as if for the first time, that Magnus's clothes were soaking wet too, sticking to his body like a dark second skin.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1371316
#14. Sincerity and gravity, in Magnus's opinion, were highly overrated, as was being forced to relive unpleasant memories. He would much rather be amused and amusing.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1478780
#15. Good organization," said Magnus. "I knew the man who founded it, back in the 1800s. Woolsey Scot. Respectable old werewolf family."
Alec made an ugly sound in the back of his throat. "Did you sleep with him, too?"
Magnus's cat eyes widened. "Alexander!

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1529488
#16. Time was something that moved in fits and starts for Magnus, dissipating like mist or dragging like chains, but when Alec was here, Magnus's time seemed to fall into an easy rhythm with Alec's, like two heartbeats falling into sync.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #1778049
#17. I just don't see why the past has to matter.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #8826
#18. Magnus was a really cool guy.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #10563
#19. No man will revel long in the indulgence of crime.

Decimius Magnus Ausonius

Magnus's Quotes #11366
#20. I learnt an enormous amount, but there came a point where I found there was too much stress. It was no fun any more. Outside of the chessboard I avoid conflict, so I thought this wasn't worth it.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #14537
#21. The long lonely cry of a suffering boy he could not help chilled Magnus through to the bone, like cold water seeping through to find a grave. Sometimes he thought they were all forsaken, every soul on this earth.

Even the Nephilim.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #15264
#22. Magnus held up a warning finger. "Don't overstep yourself, biscuit," he said, and moved past them, disappearing into the crowd around the portal.
"Biscuit?" said Simon.
"Believe it or not, he's called me that before," Clary said.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #20681
#23. Very well," Magnus said. "Let us pause for a moment and consider - Oh, you have already run off Splendid.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #22616
#24. Some victories didn't taste as sweet as they should

Morgan Rhodes

Magnus's Quotes #34651
#25. Chess only appeals to quite a small minority. It does not have the cachet of a mainstream popular sport.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #38664
#26. You don't say to a university professor who is immersed in a particular subject that they should get a life. They are encouraged to enjoy their subject and to pass it on.

Magnus Magnusson

Magnus's Quotes #38682
#27. The truth is only dangerous if it can inflict injury.

Morgan Rhodes

Magnus's Quotes #43542
#28. Torbjorn (Hansen, Magnus Carlsen's first teacher) himself went from 2104 to 2204 in rating during the year he trained with Magnus. This reflects the experience I have had. One learns nearly as much from teaching others.

Simen Agdestein

Magnus's Quotes #44957
#29. As far as I'm concerned, this is the worst thing that's happened since I found out why Magnus was banned from Peru.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #45080
#30. There was also the fact that sometimes vampires committed crimes worse than murder. They commited crimes against fashion.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #45386
#31. Woolsey bites on occasion

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #53885
#32. I don't consider myself a particularly young chess player. I have been playing in the best tournaments in the world since I was 16 years old. In other sports, if you have been playing for seven years, you are not a young prodigy any more. You're one of the pros.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #55831
#33. Always ask for what you want, because the worst thing that can happen is embarrassment but the best thing that can happen is nudity.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #56366
#34. Hello," Magnus said to the monkey. The monkey did not reply. "I shall call you Ragnor.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #59249
#35. Rules of science." Alessandro shrugged his elegant shoulders. "And what are those? We don't even know how this works." He pointed to his head.

Magnus Flyte

Magnus's Quotes #59890
#36. I assumed," Magnus said, "that you two would be partners, since you're practically married anyway.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #61817
#37. You could give me the past," he said a little sadly. "But Alec is my future.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #63622
#38. Alec's trying to get Magnus to take him seriously, but he's never told our parents about Magnus, or even that he likes, you know -" "Warlocks ?" Simon said.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #76213
#39. Maryse: I am fighting for a better world for myself and my son.
Magnus: I have no interest in the world you want or in your doubteless repellent brat, I might add.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #78041
#40. Magnus Bane," said Magnus. "High Warlock of Brooklyn and Scrabble champion.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #83820
#41. Natural science does not consist in ratifying what others have said, but in seeking the causes of phenomena.

Albertus Magnus

Magnus's Quotes #86574
#42. One of the things that first attracted me to chess is that it brings you into contact with intelligent, civilized people - men of the stature of Garry Kasparov, the former world champion, who was my part-time coach.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #91033
#43. You've got to be able to take a hit and learn from it and get back up on your bike again, or get back doing whatever you do, and try even harder next time. It's all about learning from your mistakes and using it the next time so you don't put yourself in the same situation.

Magnus Backstedt

Magnus's Quotes #99314
#44. Do there exist many worlds, or is there but a single world? This is one of the most noble and exalted questions in the study of Nature.

Albertus Magnus

Magnus's Quotes #100474
#45. I can't get enough adventure," Magnus said lightly. "And adventure cannot get enough of me.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #101945
#46. Come in. And try not to murder any of my guests."
Jace edged into the doorway, sizing up Magnus with his eyes. "Even if one of them spills a drink on my new shoes?"
"Even then.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #110503
#47. I met Magnus Lidehall about two years ago, and the beat that I originally wrote 'Younger' on was one of the first ones that he sent me. I must have been around 21 at that time, feeling a bit lazy and disappointed with myself and my life.

Seinabo Sey

Magnus's Quotes #112528
#48. Bear good fortune modestly.

Decimius Magnus Ausonius

Magnus's Quotes #114175
#49. When one steals a flying balloon and animates it to fly over Paris, one should, ideally, have some idea how said balloon normally works.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #114947
#50. Magnus was sure that the llama stampede he witnessed was a coincidence. The llamas could not be judging him.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #117442
#51. Hey," said Jace. who was sitting on an overturned speaker, looking at his cellphone, "do you want to see a photo of Alec and Magnus in Berlin?"
"Not really," said Simon.
"Magnus is wearing lederhosen."
"And yet, still no.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #119405
#52. As of yesterday, my son became engaged to be married to his partner, Magnus Bane -

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #123515
#53. It was, of course, odd for a lady to be opening her own door, but from the look of the place, Magnus assumed the entire staff of servants had been given the decade off.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #125154
#54. It was one thing to have a demon for a parent. It was another thing when your father owned a significant portion of Hell's real estate.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #128688
#55. Magnus gazed upon Camille. Some of my fondest memories include lashings of cream and beautiful women.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #135168
#56. The medical term for that is dead. Gee, Magnus, what did it feel like? It hurt. A lot. Thanks for asking.

Rick Riordan

Magnus's Quotes #136056
#57. Daenaira, Magnus realized, had the fighting instinct of a berserker. For her, once battle began, it didn't stop until she no longer felt threatened.

Jacquelyn Frank

Magnus's Quotes #137842
#58. The Nephilim - the bogeyman for monsters, and all those who could be monsters.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #142635
#59. I am fighting for a better world for myself and my son,' said the woman called Maryse.
'I have no interest in the world you want,' Magnus told her. 'Or in your doubtless repellant brat, I might add.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #147790
#60. We're not dating," Alec said again.
"Oh?" Magnus said. "So you're just that friendly with everybody, is that it?

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #149379
#61. I will add that I do not believe his admiration of my person, dazzling through I am, to be sincere. He told me I was a beautiful, sparkling lady.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #157258
#62. We seemed to be trapped in an episode of One Life To Waste. It's all very dull.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #159867
#63. I will not hang back here in Alicante while Magnus is in danger. Go without me, and you disrespect our parabatai oaths, you disrespect me as a shadowhunter, and you disrespect the fact that this is my battle too.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #168422
#64. I feel sorry for players who are always lying awake at night, brooding over their games.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #175133
#65. Magnus gazed dreamily in his direction. You should leave him here. I could hang hats on him and things.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #175245
#66. Every time I mention her, Magnus says, "Are you two getting along?" in raised, hopeful tones, like we're endangered pandas who need to make a baby.

Sophie Kinsella

Magnus's Quotes #176528
#67. It's Simon, he's missing."
Ahh." said Magnus delicately "Missing what exactly?"
Missing!" Jace repeated "As in gone, absent, notable for his lack of presence, disappeared

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #178575
#68. Magnus clapped his hands. "Everyone! Gather around. It's time for a meeting. I'm going to teach you how to summon a demon.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #182961
#69. Every teenager in the world feels like that, feels broken or out of place, different somehow, royalty mistakenly born into a family of peasants. The difference in your case is that it's true.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #187160
#70. What if everything you believe is wrong and you could still be loved and still be forgiven?

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #195828
#71. He raised an eyebrow, which made Clary instantly jealous. She'd always wanted to be able to do that.
Magnus raised an eyebrow. Damn, Clary thought, another one.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #199494
#72. Fine." Magnus stood up. "But," he added, pausing by Alec's chair and leaning in close to him, "you are not trivial."
Alec flushed. "If you say so," he said.
"I say so," said Magnus, and he turned to follow Isabelle out of the room.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #205900
#73. With horror he saw that her hair was already afire as the tarred stake burned about her head. He held her agonized gaze with his fierce black eyes. "I'll love you forever, and beyond," he vowed as he raised both arms and plunged his sword into her heart.

~Marcus Magnus

Virginia Henley

Magnus's Quotes #208327
#74. He shone all over. Only Magnus, Simon thought resignedly, would have access to sequined battle armor.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #208592
#75. There was a long silence. Magnus broke it. "I have to hand it to you," he said. "I never thought Jace and Clary would be topped by anyone else in terms of insane, self-destructive decisions, but you all are giving them a run for their money.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #209504
#76. Even more blood welled up and spilled down his arm, splattering onto the ground.
"Camille's carpet," Magnus protested.
"It's blood," said Will. "She ought to be thrilled.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #209790
#77. When the fey were worried, it was time to panic.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #210155
#78. If you insist on disavowing that which is ugly about what you do," said Magnus, still looking at Alec, "you will never learn from your mistakes.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #211639
#79. How strange and frightening and intoxicating life could be.

Magnus Flyte

Magnus's Quotes #214793
#80. I got the travel bug when I was quite young. My parents took me and my sisters out of school and we travelled all over Europe. It was an eye-opening experience and, although I love Norway, I also enjoy visiting new countries. I don't get homesick.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #219522
#81. Where Snah [Hans Magnus Ryan] is a melody and texture man, I am more of a riff, rhythm and concept guy. I am much better than him in certain fields, and he surely wipes the floor with me in others, and we both know it's like that.

Bent Saether

Magnus's Quotes #220381
#82. Soon the day will come when science will win victory over error, justice a victory over injustice, and human love a victory over human hatred and ignorance.

Magnus Hirschfeld

Magnus's Quotes #220580
#83. So, what are you?"
"What I am is someone who doesn't want you to jump out of the window. The rest are details.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #221588
#84. When I was a little kid growing up in Iceland, I always dreamed about creating something that could have an impact on the whole world, and even as a young boy I was passionate about fitness and sports.

Magnus Scheving

Magnus's Quotes #228979
#85. Magnus sighed. "Alexander, I've been alive for hundreds of years. I've been with men, been with women - with faeries and warlocks and vampires, and even a djinn or two." He looked sideways at Maryse, who looked mildly horrified. "Too much information?

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #238112
#86. Stripping the protection wards off the ship was bad enough - it's a strong, strong enchantment, demon-based - but when you fell, I had to put a fast spell on the truck so it wouldn't sink when I lost consciousness. And I will lose consciousness, Alec.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #241477
#87. You must be Magnus Bane," the blonde said. "I've heard a lot about you from Simon."
"I can't blame him for bragging," said Magnus.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #241960
#88. James had given his heart to this girl, Magnus thought, and Magnus knew well enough from Edmund and Will what it meant when a Herondale gave his heart away. It was not a gift that could be returned.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #242732
#89. A great sadness welled up in Magnus at the sight of him. It was human to age and die, and Jem stood outside that humanity now, outside the light that burned so brightly and so briefly. It was cold outside that light and fire. No one had greater cause to know that cold than Magnus did.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #247858
#90. Are you Magnificent Bane?"
"Sure," said Magnus. "Let's go with that.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #248379
#91. Love did not overcome everything. Love did not always endure. All you had could be taken away, love could be the last thing you had, and then love could be taken too.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #257868
#92. Unfortunately I'm still not a fashion expert.

Magnus Carlsen

Magnus's Quotes #261062
#93. The best memorial for a mighty man is to gain honor ere death.

Decimius Magnus Ausonius

Magnus's Quotes #261647
#94. Only the passionate were immortal, it seemed. If you fought, screwed, screamed, laughed, or otherwise experienced life intensely, for better or worse, you left a record. Those who lived a quiet, well-behaved, well-tempered life? Gone without a trace.

Magnus Flyte

Magnus's Quotes #263292
#95. He who does not know how to be silent will not know how to speak.

Decimius Magnus Ausonius

Magnus's Quotes #289476
#96. There might simply be nothing going on that might activate it. Perhaps there isn't anything here that Alec is afraid of."
Magnus glanced at Alec and raised his eyebrows. "Boo."
Luke and Magnus, pg. 285

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #292675
#97. Prayer. That was what people did when there was nothing else left to do.

Magnus Flyte

Magnus's Quotes #294873
#98. I imagine that it will not be easy to persuade Mortmain into a bonnet," Magnus observed. "Though the color would be fetching on him."
Henry burst into laughter. "Very droll, Mr. Bane."
"Please, call me Magnus."
"I shall!

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #299933
#99. All of a sudden, if I can't go cycling, I have to do something else for five hours - I can't do anything for five hours! It just means sitting at home trying to work out something to do. It's just not me, it doesn't feel right.

Magnus Backstedt

Magnus's Quotes #305282
#100. Black hair and blue eyes are my favorite combination.

Cassandra Clare

Magnus's Quotes #306301

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