Top 67 Magical Book Quotes

#1. Somewhere in the world there is a magical book. What does this book do? It simply changes itself to become the book you most need at this point in your life.

Scarlett Thomas

Magical Book Quotes #1841713
#2. For me, even in my first book, the pleasures of writing anything magical is that it has to be physical. It has to be grounded and very much in this world. Then, I get to play with all the consequences of this new thing.

Aimee Bender

Magical Book Quotes #1494359
#3. I am undependable. You might get gritty contemporary with one book, science fiction, magical realism, or high fantasy with another.

Mary E. Pearson

Magical Book Quotes #1510633
#4. We invite you, in reading this book, to cast away your preconceptions and enter, with us, a magical world where all things are connected to you, and you are connected to all things.

Sun Bear

Magical Book Quotes #1473048
#5. The power of faith can be a strong force, but the power of knowing is even stronger.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1458019
#6. Rainbows are said to be beautiful!
Rainbows are said to be colourful!
Rainbows may possibly be magical!
But, I have never seen a rainbow appearing in the sky!


Magical Book Quotes #1454072
#7. Life is a chance at Evolution. Overcome yourself and Become.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1444293
#8. When fully united, without ego or weakness, we become the greatest invisible force this world has ever witnessed.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1427066
#9. In my book (and this is my book!) magical thinking is the alchemy that you can use to visualize and project yourself into the professional and personal life that you want.

Sophia Amoruso

Magical Book Quotes #1375724
#10. An Asetian never tries to talk louder than the crowd surrounding him. An Asetian becomes that crowd.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1363802
#11. The hidden mist of forgotten truth is not for the mundane eye to see ...

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1339699
#12. However, the real beauty is not in the words themselves, but in the listener that has the power to understand them.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1336545
#13. If my life was pulled into the pages of a book, there would be coffee stains and wrinkles along the lines of that narrative. Because all I can wish is that the book of my life would be well read and well loved. Living within words and the sound of writing.

F.K. Preston

Magical Book Quotes #1215361
#14. I don't think there is anything magical about the language of flowers in real life or in my book.

Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Magical Book Quotes #1143115
#15. Predator and prey move in silent gestures, on the seductive dance of death, in the shadows cast by the vultures of the night.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1126017
#16. Chocolate is a kitchen witch's secret weapon. It makes friends easily, soothes troubled spirits, and is conducive to romance. When nothing else works, go with chocolate.
- Sadie Trevalyn's Book of Kitchen Witchery

Alyssa Goodnight

Magical Book Quotes #1092723
#17. Light and Darkness. One cannot exist without the other. There is no true Master, without the power of balance.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1035117
#18. You don't find Truth, but Truth finds you.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1689858
#19. You may think you're not blind, but can you see in the dark?

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1863465
#20. At times all you need is a bottle of fine old wine, a mellifluous piece of music playing in the background and a good book to spend the entire night in a magical bliss!

Avijeet Das

Magical Book Quotes #1853864
#21. At one magical instant in your early childhood, the page of a book - that string of confused, alien ciphers - shivered into meaning. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader.

Alberto Manguel

Magical Book Quotes #1845546
#22. Knowledge is a sacred gem that must be conquered,wielded and empowered. To access such gnosis is not a right,but a privilege of the evolved.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1797914
#23. Poor are those who have eyes but cannot see ...

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1750087
#24. I know it doesn't seem like much now, but sometimes the biggest problems are solved in bits and spurts. Solutions from the universe aren't always detailed, or direct for that matter.

D.A. Henneman

Magical Book Quotes #1724903
#25. Words are more dangerous than swords and guns. They reach further and hurt deeper.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1706032
#26. To face a real daemon, you must first look inwards and conquer your own darkness.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1697794
#27. The deepest of powers are often the most subtle. Something that most fail to realize ...

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #919878
#28. We live in Secret. We live in Silence. And we live Forever ...

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1654516
#29. A book is a magical thing that lets you travel to far-away places without ever leaving your chair.

Katrina Mayer

Magical Book Quotes #1650425
#30. Upon moving to Cornwall in 1991, I became bewitched by its enchanting timeless beauty, which captured my heart and holds me still. Brooding and mysterious, the south-eastern edge of Bodmin Moor provided the wild backdrop against which the introduction to my magical training and love of nature began.

Carole Carlton

Magical Book Quotes #1628978
#31. He who does not cherish life, does not deserve to be among the living.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1600428
#32. I thought of all the summer evenings I'd spent sitting in the chairs under the trees beside the trailer, reading books that helped me escape Creek View, at least for a little while. Magical kingdoms, Russian love triangles, and the March sisters couldn't have been further away from the trailer park.

Heather Demetrios

Magical Book Quotes #1599688
#33. In darkness lies a mystery that has the power to shine brighter than true light.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1555907
#34. There is no greater power than the one others do not believe you possess.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #1554378
#35. Beautiful sunrise in the far away mountains, painting the wide horizon with vibrant warm colors, among the chill from the morning breeze.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #285171
#36. Did you ever face Death and let it stare back at you right in the Eyes?

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #549300
#37. A book is just as magical to write as it is to read, it takes you on a journey that changes you in the end.

Jen Golembiewski

Magical Book Quotes #487046
#38. No matter how hard you try, after the Day there will always be a Night ...

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #485500
#39. To become an Asetian is to die and be reborn. To forget all you have learned and learn all you have forgotten.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #475423
#40. [...] She knew it a book it was not just a book. Everything had a meaning. There was an invisible web that connected the words. It was like magic

Ben Oliveira

Magical Book Quotes #474197
#41. Words are sigils that can hide the coded language of your Soul.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #446788
#42. Something significant, magical, and
inspiring happens with each word you read in the pages of a book. You explore new lands, meet new people, feel new emotions, and are no longer the same person you were one word prior to reading it.

Martha Sweeney

Magical Book Quotes #372420
#43. What art can paint or gild any object in after life with the glow which nature gives to the first baubles of childhood? St. Peter's cannot have the magical power over us that the red and gold covers of our first picture-book possessed.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Magical Book Quotes #298099
#44. If you look closely, there is no book more visual than Three Trapped Tigers, in that it is filled with blank pages, dark pages, it has stars made of words, the famous magical cube made of numbers, and there is even a page which is a mirror.

Guillermo Cabrera Infante

Magical Book Quotes #568334
#45. I discover methods for myself and then read books that describe 'my' method. This leads me to believe that the creative well is shared in some magical way.

Gene Black

Magical Book Quotes #281185
#46. You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?

Dan Barker

Magical Book Quotes #230433
#47. ...books were portals into worlds she yearned to know, whether they be ponderous volumes crammed with accumulated knowledge or whimsical fantasies featuring magical creatures.

Kerry Alan Denney

Magical Book Quotes #179299
#48. An evolved and balanced Ego can be a valuable tool for the Self. But a blinding one is always among the first footsteps into Oblivion.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #165477
#49. Do not judge others, without first judging yourself. There is no strength without knowing thyself.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #82946
#50. Truth is not a right to be claimed, but a gift for those who are able to conquer it.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #27607
#51. The control of your mind is most important, and it will be worth your while. You must think deeply. Clear your mind of all bad, unwanted thoughts

William O'Brien

Magical Book Quotes #18606
#52. A civilization without retail bookstores is unimaginable. Like shrines and other sacred meeting places, bookstores are essential artifacts of human nature. The feel of a book taken from the shelf and held in the hand is a magical experience, linking writer to reader.

Jason Epstein

Magical Book Quotes #973946
#53. Sometimes the dim veil between sanity and insanity is perception.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #607956
#54. Her beauty was ethereal, knocking on the door of the part of his psyche that still believed in magic and miracles.

D.A. Henneman

Magical Book Quotes #615845
#55. I wanted to be a witch when I was a kid. I was obsessed with witchcraft. At school, me and my two friends had these spell books; I always wanted a more magical reality. I had a little shrine at home and I did a spell to try and make the boy in the other class fall in love with me.

Florence Welch

Magical Book Quotes #629429
#56. I think most writers will say that at the start of each book they think, 'I'm not sure I can do this.' But eventually, you reach a magical point where the story suddenly becomes real to you, and you become totally invested in it.

K.A. Applegate

Magical Book Quotes #640046
#57. Perhaps nothing is more magical then the book. Paper, glue and some words and you are taken away from where you sit, stand, dance, or lean.

Obert Skye

Magical Book Quotes #670591
#58. I have an antique console stand-up radio that I bought in a yard sale, that I've always half-believed has magical properties. It's in my office, and it has watched over each of the fifteen books I've written. It also helped me find my wife.

Ben Mezrich

Magical Book Quotes #716154
#59. It is safer to face a strong enemy in the field of battle, than to fight a war by the side of a weak friend.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #716842
#60. I mean real magic of course-- because in a few pages, you'll discover that this is a magical pencil box hat, which is pretty lucky really, because you don't find too many of those nowadays.

Dianne Bright

Magical Book Quotes #760713
#61. Knowing that books are something that is hidden, that almost has that alchemical quality to it. There is a secret society in here, and if you belong to it, you'll be able to transform your lead into gold. I have that rather magical sense about books - that they do, somehow, have special powers.

Jeanette Winterson

Magical Book Quotes #768234
#62. book: Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean. "Apparently, Professor Sprout told Professor Moody I'm really good at Herbology," Neville said. There was a faint note of pride in his voice that Harry had rarely heard there before. "He thought I'd like this.

J.K. Rowling

Magical Book Quotes #795016
#63. Humans are naturally scared and confused beings. They not only fear the unknown, as they live fearing themselves ...

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #804407
#64. I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.

J.K. Rowling

Magical Book Quotes #874276
#65. The night is Ours. Rejoicing in the ethereal realms where We are kings. Blessed souls of forgotten immortality. They fear Us in every grasp.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #883773
#66. Humans spend more time finding ways to fight and criticize who they consider a threat than actually learning how to overcome that threat.

Luis Marques

Magical Book Quotes #884654
#67. Every libromancer had a first book. Etched more sharply into my memory than my first kiss, this book had been my magical awakening.

Jim C. Hines

Magical Book Quotes #895956

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