Top 13 Lubitz Quotes

#1. Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls of the Germanwings flight ...

Michele Bachmann

Lubitz Quotes #1242267
#2. Your skin tastes like the Dead Sea," he whispered against my neck. I

Dannika Dark

Lubitz Quotes #111328
#3. Learning to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you is one of the keys to your happiness.

Tom Giaquinto

Lubitz Quotes #277976
#4. You want to go down in flames, I guess that's your call, but I'm not going to watch you burn.

Jay Crownover

Lubitz Quotes #299831
#5. I did not let people tell me what to do, and I never wanted to be a groupie.

Eve Jihan Jeffers

Lubitz Quotes #315377
#6. Ill health is also a blessing. The flesh and the ego are weakened and contemplation of God becomes easier.


Lubitz Quotes #392115
#7. It's nice when people love you ... for you.

Ellen DeGeneres

Lubitz Quotes #950912
#8. All those who try to go it sole alone, Too proud to be beholden for relief, Are absolutely sure to come to grief.

Robert Frost

Lubitz Quotes #1049797
#9. To the lost man, to the pioneer penetrating a new country, to the naturalist who wishes to see the wild land at its wildest, the advice is always the same - follow a river. The river is the original forest highway. It is nature's own Wilderness Road.

Edwin Way Teale

Lubitz Quotes #1052384
#10. I set out to try to help my fellow man and to do what little I could to make the world a better place.

L. Ron Hubbard

Lubitz Quotes #1298230
#11. Scientists believe that monkeys can be taught to think, lie and even play politics within their community. If we can just teach them to cheat on their wives we can save millions on congressional salaries.

Jay Leno

Lubitz Quotes #1354200
#12. We live in a world so utterly infused with digitality that it makes even the slightest action ripple across the collection of data bases we call the web.

DJ Spooky

Lubitz Quotes #1776516
#13. Three of her sisters became queens along the Silk Route, ruling over the grand Turkic nations of Onggud, Uighur, and Karluk.

Jack Weatherford

Lubitz Quotes #1805092

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