Top 19 Livius Quotes

#1. Pam. Listen.'
'The phone is pressed to my ear. Speak.'
'Appius Livius Ocella just dropped in.'
'Fuck a zombie!'
- Sookie & Pam, Dead in the Family, Charlaine Harris

Charlaine Harris

Livius Quotes #595880
#2. Fangtasia, where all your bloody dreams come true,' said a bored female voice.
'Pam. Listen.'
'The phone is pressed to my ear. Speak.'
'Appius Livius Ocella just dropped in.'
'Fuck a zombie!

Charlaine Harris

Livius Quotes #1463112
#3. I could recite you the whole of Thucydides, Xenophon, Plutarch, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Strada, Jornandes, Dante, Montaigne, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Machiavelli, and Bossuet. I name only the most important." "You

Alexandre Dumas

Livius Quotes #1656103
#4. Appius Livius Ocella made mistakes in his whole long existence. Perhaps changing Eric was his finest hour. He created the perfect vampire. Eric's only flaw is you.

Charlaine Harris

Livius Quotes #155665
#5. I'd rather take risks than make something that's cookie cutter.

Sandra Bullock

Livius Quotes #1827440
#6. Jack looked over to the foot of the bed to see Edgar watching them; head cocked to one side and tail wagging furiously. "You don't think he saw us, do you?

Mary J. Williams

Livius Quotes #1822308
#7. Language usage always has a political context.

Jackson Katz

Livius Quotes #1801654
#8. I skip through the programming to watch the commercials.

Mel Karmazin

Livius Quotes #1574103
#9. God intends to free us from more than our idolatry; He intends to free us from ourselves. He even wants to liberate us from our need to find a silver lining in suffering.

Tullian Tchividjian

Livius Quotes #1567116
#10. Honour, in her modern self-confidence, had grown up never having to face actual raw, passionate, drop-down-dead-hostility. She didn't really understand what was going to happen,

Ruth Ahmed

Livius Quotes #1441464
#11. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.

Elie Wiesel

Livius Quotes #1268193
#12. My work ... is to shatter the faith of men here, there, and everywhere, faith in affirmation, faith in negation, and faith in abstention from faith, and this for the sake of faith in faith itself.

Miguel De Unamuno

Livius Quotes #1266816
#13. Regrets are passions that aren't pursued.

Mel Walsh

Livius Quotes #1223931
#14. If you don't believe you don't belong.

Alan Kulwicki

Livius Quotes #1106738
#15. When you're friends with someone, you can't just go out to dinner and say 'O.K., now this is a date.' You've got to do something very different.

Dave Goldberg

Livius Quotes #793739
#16. No sinner is irreparable or irredeemable. No sin is so great that the blood of Jesus cannot cover it. His love is so deep and wide that he can, in one moment of our faith, forgive our past, present, and future sins. Sin is simply not a problem for God.

Judah Smith

Livius Quotes #356192
#17. History is a wave that moves through time slightly faster than we do.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Livius Quotes #197798
#18. Memory, bosom-spring of joy.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Livius Quotes #64249
#19. To do this job, you really have to love what you're doing.

Edward Kitsis

Livius Quotes #2362

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