Top 54 Live Inspired Quotes

#1. Don't ever let desperation take the seat of inspiration in you! Always live inspired no matter what! For though something might be wrong somewhere, something is always right somewhere! If you have life, be alive and smile!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Live Inspired Quotes #142013
#2. When you make a commitment to live a life of bliss, everyday is an opportunity to live the dream awake.

Tia Walker

Live Inspired Quotes #1243270
#3. The true key, if you want to live an unstoppable life, then you need to take 100% control of your life. Stop blaming others for your failures and faults and start accepting responsibility for your life.

Thomas Narofsky

Live Inspired Quotes #832456
#4. People always want to feel better and be inspired. Sometimes we need it. I think the conscious rapper will always be able to live and exist.


Live Inspired Quotes #875213
#5. Live free, dream loud, be inspired, find your power.

Ben Herr

Live Inspired Quotes #910738
#6. Live each day with great hope.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Live Inspired Quotes #938343
#7. I've got a new studio set up very much based around live mixing and also mixing analogue and digital systems. Inspired by the late King Tubby and Scientist.


Live Inspired Quotes #976627
#8. Nothing is so unpopular as positive change amongst friends. It seems when you change for the better, the people around you will be inspired to change ... But only after trying their hardest to make you stop. Live your truth and don't EVER let anyone dilute your power to change!

Steve Maraboli

Live Inspired Quotes #979190
#9. Vast sections of the world's population are inspired by the same desires and live for common interests that bind them together far more than they separate them.

Mikhail Sholokhov

Live Inspired Quotes #1021496
#10. I want people to be inspired! To remember how hard-fought the battle for the vote was, the debt we owe to women who paved the way for this more egalitarian society we live in, how critical it is to use our vote and to be counted.

Sarah Gavron

Live Inspired Quotes #1036381
#11. Flowers teach us the philosophy of life - we should live and die beautifully.

Anna Stepanova

Live Inspired Quotes #1048896
#12. I love writing about the military, as I live near an air force base and am inspired by the sacrifices our soldiers make for us. I like to give them a lot of challenges to beat, and show how they live with intrigue and danger.

Franny Armstrong

Live Inspired Quotes #1084095
#13. She had no experience of crushing on someone like that. She hadn't realized before how frightening it was to look a dream in the face. To realize how much it could change you live, and how much it could demand of you.

Jillian Hart

Live Inspired Quotes #1126614
#14. I think it's crucial to live, play and work passionately. I'm inspired by my husband, my son and the sense of possibility in the world.

Caroline Leavitt

Live Inspired Quotes #1162129
#15. This fair world, compounded of uncountable beauties and enchantments and graces, inspired in me only one abiding fear, which was that I might live in it too long.

Dean Koontz

Live Inspired Quotes #818489
#16. I do think that Live Aid (1985) (TV) was a great thing, it focused people, I think it showed young kids the way in many respects and I think a lot of people are still inspired by what happened in the mid-Eighties.

George Michael

Live Inspired Quotes #1255478
#17. The best way to teach is how you live your life.

Gina Greenlee

Live Inspired Quotes #1294156
#18. When I started out, I was a television writer, and we wrote a television show that was on live every week. And you didn't have the luxury of coming in and waiting to be inspired. You came in and you had to write. And you wrote, because it was going to be live on the air. So I can do that.

Woody Allen

Live Inspired Quotes #1296565
#19. People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. When you change for the better, the people around you will be inspired to change also ... but only after doing their best to make you stop. Live your truth and don't EVER stop.

Steve Maraboli

Live Inspired Quotes #1321925
#20. I write 'by the seat of my pants.' I love to do research. I am inspired by contemporary writers and contemporary events. I live in the real world.

Iris Johansen

Live Inspired Quotes #1365102
#21. Be inspired by possibilities and never be discouraged by obstacles

Joshua Okello

Live Inspired Quotes #1367956
#22. What's usual for us may not be the same for everyone. I'm inspired by lives and stories of all those amazing people who overcome extraordinary challenges each day to live what we see as an ordinary life.

Sharad Vivek Sagar

Live Inspired Quotes #1375079
#23. I've always wanted to live above my means because it inspired me to work harder.

Robert Kiyosaki

Live Inspired Quotes #1408467
#24. However, the Bible is called the Word of God because the whole transcript is an inspired, faithful, and infallible record of what God determined essential for us to know about Himself, the cosmos in which we live, our spiritual allies and adversaries, and our fellow man.

Walter Martin

Live Inspired Quotes #1434653
#25. Luke, some truly idiotic people have said some truly inspired things. Are we supposed to ignore their words because they couldn't live up to them?

Antony John

Live Inspired Quotes #1521390
#26. As an editorial cartoonist now, I live for those moments of inspiration, and it is exhilarating to be inspired by a topic, have an opinion on the topic, come up with a good cartoon on the topic, and to draw it and get it in the paper the next day. That is what I live for.

Steve Breen

Live Inspired Quotes #1676844
#27. LIFE is that existence that is given to man to live for a purpose, to live to his own satisfaction and pleasure, providing he forgets not the God who created him and who expects a spiritual obedience and observation of the moral laws that He has inspired.

Marcus Garvey

Live Inspired Quotes #1688555
#28. The Constitution under which we live and which has not only blessed us but has become a model for other constitutions, is our God-inspired national safeguard ensuring freedom and liberty, justice and equality before the law.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Live Inspired Quotes #1773026
#29. This is your life. Be bold with it. Live it with energy and purpose in the direction that excites you. Listen to your heart, look for your dreams: they are God-inspired.

Bear Grylls

Live Inspired Quotes #421052
#30. Women call me all the time and tell me, 'You inspired me to get out of a bad situation,' or 'You inspired me to take the reigns for myself and go and do this.' I try to tell people to live their best life, and do what you know you need to do for yourself and your family. You need to be supported.

Kimora Lee Simmons

Live Inspired Quotes #27244
#31. There is a fundamental question we all have to face. How are we to live our lives; by what principles and moral values will we be guided and inspired?

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Live Inspired Quotes #41553
#32. It was a gift. You were a gift. A gift that made my life worthwhile. A gift that made life fun. A gift that filled me with music. A gift that filled me with love. A gift that inspired me to live on the bright side.

Kim Holden

Live Inspired Quotes #82492
#33. The amazing thing is that we live our lives with the hope that things will go right, that things will happen. And all along the way, we're inspired by the unknown and the unnameable. The minute you can fully describe something it's gone.

Laurel Nakadate

Live Inspired Quotes #108020
#34. Make today a gift to your future self.


Live Inspired Quotes #140238
#35. The characters in my books all resemble each other. They live, with minor variations, the same moments, the same perils, and when I speak of them, my language, which is inspired by them, repeats the same poems in the same tone.

Jean Genet

Live Inspired Quotes #204832
#36. I always wanted to live in L.A. The other thing that always inspired me was movies; that's why I'm here. I always wanted to be a part of the movie business and make movies. That's why I went to AFI grad school for filmmaking.

Jeff Vespa

Live Inspired Quotes #209801
#37. The universe is a life giving force that is part of us. It flows in harmony through us guiding our every step. It maintain the harmony and flow of life. It gives us the passion and the knowledge we need to live and be inspired by. Yet in return, it is inspired by the human spirit

Sameh Elsayed

Live Inspired Quotes #215960
#38. Jodi Orgill Brown is inspired by people who live fulfilled lives in spite of their struggles. She loves spending time with her muses,

Jodi Orgill Brown

Live Inspired Quotes #218355
#39. I tried to bring in the live orchestra like Bjork does. I love the feeling that that music gives me when I just listen to it. I mean it would be awesome to do an entire record like that. But unfortunately that's not my style. So rather than do a record like that I just got inspired by it.

Willa Ford

Live Inspired Quotes #229450
#40. 'Live a Lie' is inspired by recent combinations found in dubstep.

Dhani Harrison

Live Inspired Quotes #266628
#41. Living on purpose and serving a higher purpose breathes life into you every day and gives you the desire to reach your goals. You need to live each day congruently by living within your beliefs and values. Unleashing your inspired life starts with living your life's purpose.

Thomas Narofsky

Live Inspired Quotes #294314
#42. Live the dream awake.

Tia Walker

Live Inspired Quotes #817892
#43. Though they live far from the coast, they retain a great fascination and passion for the ocean. The sound of crashing waves, the smell of salt air, it affects them deeply and has inspired many of their lovliest songs. There is one that tells of this love, if you want to hear it.

Christopher Paolini

Live Inspired Quotes #511031
#44. Never refuse any who ask you for help; if your pockets are empty, give them hope. Your every action must be born of kindness, your every word spoken with love. Live as God would have you live, and others will be inspired to do the same.

Immaculee Ilibagiza

Live Inspired Quotes #515169
#45. My off-the-field heroes, the people who gave me the values to live by and who inspired me with their hard work and unselfish dedication to their family, were my mom, Catherine, and my dad, William.

Allan Ray

Live Inspired Quotes #539552
#46. I have a few friends that have inspired me since I was a young kid. When I watch old films or modern movies - particularly 'Gladiator,' 'New Jack City' and 'The Skin I Live In' - I'll also get ideas.

Theophilus London

Live Inspired Quotes #541813
#47. There is no greater force for change than people inspired to live a better life.

Steve Maraboli

Live Inspired Quotes #643347
#48. When I'm around people who are incredibly passionate about what they're doing, people who live their lives in a more selfless way than most people. That's when I'm inspired. That's what I aspire to do and be.

John Rzeznik

Live Inspired Quotes #643676
#49. Today, live an inspired life.

Debasish Mridha

Live Inspired Quotes #658175
#50. Transformational entertainment is a story that both entertains and uplifts you, not simply because you are inspired, but because it reveals the mechanics that allow people to have more effective, loving lives, lives of more connection, community, and communion.

Eckhart Tolle

Live Inspired Quotes #706162
#51. A youth is susceptible to the influence of idealist notions. As a person ages, they notice a gap between their expectations and reality and they grow more pessimistic about the world and their ability to live up to the lofty notions that inspired a younger self.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Live Inspired Quotes #754109
#52. Making this a better world happens one person at a time. You cannot force your beliefs on anyone. Rather, be the example that others can emulate. Live your life so that others may be inspired by your words and deeds. That's how change happens.

Tom Giaquinto

Live Inspired Quotes #766588
#53. Sting I've seen a few times, and he really inspired me in the sense that he breaks the songs down a lot and will take a different approach. He'll take an acoustic approach to them; he'll rearrange them for the live stage.

Shania Twain

Live Inspired Quotes #782038
#54. For me I want to know everything that goes on with my business but at the end of the day I just want to live, experience, be inspired and create music.

Tristan Prettyman

Live Inspired Quotes #807734

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