Top 100 Little Space Quotes
#1. The hardest thing is to make this little space for yourself where you can think and not get inundated with other stuff coming in.
Catherine Yass
#2. Learning to stop sweating the small stuff involves deciding what things to engage in and what things to ignore. From a certain perspective, life can be described as a series of mistakes, one right after another with a little space in between.
Richard Carlson
#3. Yes, he wanted me to do Funny Games before, which I didn't want to do because the film was very theoretical - the way people experience violence on screen. There was very little space for fiction, it was more like a sacrifice for the actors than anything else.
Isabelle Huppert
#4. You ought to realize, you take up very little space in the world as a whole - your body, that is; in reason, however, you yield to no one, not even to the gods, because reason is not measured in size but sense. So why not care for that side of you, where you and the gods are equals?
#5. to squirm my little space in the cosmic dust whence I came,
Jack London
#6. Man and his affairs, church and state and school, trade and commerce, and manufactures and agriculture even politics, the most alarming of them all - I am pleased to see how little space they occupy in the landscape.
Henry David Thoreau
#7. Olive Wellwood had the feeling writers often have when told perfect tales for fictions, that there was too much fact, too little space for the necessary insertion of inventions, which would here appear to be lies.
A.S. Byatt
#8. We have our little space and our little time. We need to use it as best we can. We need to make memories, even if only for ourselves.
Neville Stocks
#9. I try to keep the idea that there's an audience in as little space in my mind as possible, but you can't erase it entirely, the idea that when you're sitting down to write a song, people are going to hear it.
Conor Oberst
#10. What young men will be, in all probability depends on what they are now, and they seem to forget this. Youth is the planting time of full age, the molding season in the little space of human life, the turning point in the history of man's mind.
J.C. Ryle
#11. Pass then through this little space of time conformably to nature, and end thy journey in content, just as an olive falls off when it is ripe, blessing nature who produced it, and thanking the tree on which it grew.
Marcus Aurelius
#12. The wisdom which is now conventional claims that light creates shadows. But the facts are otherwise. Darkness came first and is infinitely older and more enduring than light. Light borrows a little space; then it dies or moves on, and the dark exists again as if it had never been disturbed.
K.J. Bishop
#13. Sometimes goldfinches one by one will drop From low hung branches; little space they stop; But sip, and twitter, and their feathers sleek; Then off at once, as in a wanton freak: Or perhaps, to show their black, and golden wings Pausing upon their yellow flutterings.
John Keats
#14. The little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe.
The heavens and the earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightening and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not.
Swami Prabhavananda
#15. A few moments of silence may be all the meditation we need at times. Our homes could have a little space for withdrawal and quiet, and even a small garden could offer some distance from noise.
Thomas Moore
#16. There is so much more than that little space from 14 to 40. And if you cut that off and begin to believe that you are not good past a certain age, then you end up scared and insecure and afraid. That is definitely NOT beautiful.
Rene Russo
#17. In this snug, over-safe corner of the world ... we may realize that our comfortable routine is no eternal necessity of things, but merely a little space of calm in the midst of the tempestuous, untamed and streaming world.
George F. Will
#18. And we are put on this earth a little space that we might learn to bear the beams of love
William Blake
#19. We are creatures of the moment; we live from one little space to another, and only one interest at a time fills these.
William Dean Howells
#20. We had news this morning of another successful atomic bomb being dropped on Nagasaki. These two heavy blows have fallen in quick succession upon the Japanese and there will be quite a little space before we intend to drop another.
Henry L. Stimson
#21. I had just kissed somebody whose smile had faded, who was watching me now with tranquil eyes and making not the least effort to bridge the little space between our bodies.
Rosamund Hodge
#22. I guess something that you love to do, you gotta ease up off it and give it a little space, come back and be fresh to it.
Mos Def
#23. You know the difference between a 'boy friend' and a 'boyfriend'."
I roll my eyes with a smile. "Yeah, yeah."
"Just a little space," ...
Kasie West
#24. And we are put on earth a little space,
that we may learn to bear the beams of love;
And these black bodies and this sunburnt face
Is but a cloud, and like a shady grove.
William Blake
#25. Madonna can still produce a catchy pop song, but she hasn't expanded her artistic vocabulary since the 1990s. Her concerts are glitzy extravaganzas of special effects overkill. She leaves little space in them for emotional depth or unscripted rapport with the audience.
Camille Paglia
#26. I think it's important to learn instruments, whenever one has a little space. Be eager to learn and love your instrument.
#27. Let us clear a little space, And make Love a burial-place. He is dead, dear, as you see, And he wearies you and me.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
#28. And I wanted to be as I had been yesterday, a boy again, without the heaviness of doubt, this pressing fear, this new treachery that lifted to realms of singing gold, and in a little space, flung to pits of night.
Richard Llewellyn
#29. Every life needs a little space. It leaves room for good things to enter it.
Sarah Addison Allen
#30. To put it most simply, the evangelical ethos is activistic, populist, pragmatic, and utilitarian. It allows little space for broader or deeper intellectual effort because it is dominated by the urgencies of the moment.
Mark A. Noll
#31. I'd like to get shot into space. I'd like to potentially visit the moon. I don't know if I can do that in the next couple years, but I spent some time at the jet propulsion lab, looking out at the future of when a guy like me can do a little space travel.
Rob Dyrdek
#32. Music deals with time and timing. It's so magical, but when you get into it, every little sound and every little space between the sounds, it's critical, so critical. And if it's not there, it not only feels wrong, but it ruins things.
David Lynch
#33. The fractal structure nature has devised works so efficiently that, in most tissue, no cell is ever more than three or four cells away from a blood vessel. Yet the vessels and blood take up little space, no more than about five percent of the body.
James Gleick
#34. I am aware of how little space there is between us
six inches at most. That space feels charged with electricity. I feel like it should be smaller.
Veronica Roth
#35. Keep a little space in your heart for the improbable. You won't regret it.
Elizabeth Warren
#36. I finish a lot of lyrics while I'm in the water and it's always pretty constructive for me to get out in the water. I'm not actually writing the words down, but I have time to think about words, and doing a lot of surfing usually gives me a little space and peace of mind to finish things up.
Jack Johnson
#37. I am content to fill a little space if God be glorified.
Susanna Wesley
#38. The point is the 'me' that you see before you is not the 'me' in my private little space, shape-shifting into the writing role, nor is it the 'me' that works with the actors. Here, at the end of the film doing interviews, I feel like I'm in disguise.
Julia Leigh
#39. All you need is a little space and a little time - a place to work, and some time to do it; a little self-imposed solitude and temporary captivity.
Austin Kleon
#40. There was too little space for their own - and they guarded their own as all Chinese had done from the earliest dynasties.
Robert Ludlum
#41. I had to learn my faith and look after my family, and I had to make priorities. But now I've done it all and there's a little space for me to fill in the universe of music again.
Cat Stevens
#42. I am a theist. I live life between that "a" and the "t." It's a vast little space.
Kevin Sessums
#43. In the New Yorker library, I have long been shelved between Nadine Gordimer and Brendan Gill; an eerie little space nestled between high seriousness of purpose and legendary lightness of touch.
Adam Gopnik
#44. [Finishing schools] are nicely adapted machines for experimenting on the question, "Into how little space a human being can be crushed?" I have seen some souls so compressed that they would have fitted into a small thimble, and found room to move ...
Olive Schreiner
#45. It's funny how "a part" and "apart" are complete opposites, yet only differ by a little space.
Wade Rouse
#46. Give your main clause a little space. Prose is not like boxing; the skilled writer deliberately telegraphs his punch, knowing that the reader wants to take the message directly on the chin.
William Safire
#47. Sorry, sorry, don't mind me, coming through, oh why hello there - " This to a particularly handsome Kai look-alike droid, which had no more reaction than any of the others. "Or not," she muttered, brushing past him. "Pardon me, a little space, please?
Marissa Meyer
#48. Personally, I like to hang out in the kitchen. That's my safe space in a party environment. I feel like it's a little quieter so you can actually have conversations with people, and anybody else who's also in the kitchen is probably someone I can have a decent conversation with.
Hannah Hart
#49. Online magazines such as Salon, Slate, and Suck, had already made an elementary discovery: a reader staring into the equivalent of a thirty-watt bulb didn't want to confront thousands of words. The medium required a little extra white space, a sort of oasis for the optic nerve.
James Marcus
#50. I was feeling unfulfilled and, frankly, rather crappy about everything. I wasn't going anywhere and neither was the rest of the world. We were all just hanging around waiting to die and meanwhile doing little things to fill the space. Some of us weren't even doing little things.
Charles Bukowski
#51. Our ego occupies so much space, there is little room for anything else.
Nilesh Rathod
#52. Without even intending it, there is that little shiver of a moment in time preserved in the crystal cabinet of the mind. A little shiver of internal space. That's what I was looking for.
Allen Ginsberg
#53. The highest treason, the meanest treason, is to deny the holiness of this little blue planet on which we journey through the cold void of space. South
Edward Abbey
#54. It would leave a little rotten spot, right here." I push my fist into the soft space beneath my rib cage. "Something that would only get bigger and darker with time.
Amy Engel
#55. The sky above us is something we have very little control of, and the space beyond is something we don't completely understand.
Morena Baccarin
#56. I have a lot of objects in my space, little things, reminders, memories.
Marc Newson
#57. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements.
Ron Livingston
#58. She smiled and said with an ecstatic air: "It shines like a little diamond",
"What does?"
"This moment. It is round, it hangs in empty space like a little diamond; I am eternal.
Jean-Paul Sartre
#59. By remaining constrained in one's environment or country or family, one has little chance of being other than the original prescription. By leaving, one gains a perspective, a distance of both space and time, which is essential for writing about family or home, in any case.
Rabih Alameddine
#60. What we were seeing was a little bit like throwing the apple up in the air and seeing it blast off into space.
Saul Perlmutter
#61. Lofts are great. But with a home, there is a lot to be said for delineated space. To have the luxury of a little separate work space is huge - and to have the dream-sequence master bath.
Mike D
#62. How can we hope, after all, to see a tree or rock or clear north sky if we do not adopt a little of their mode of life, a little of their time? if the time it takes to cross space is a way by which we define it, then to arrive at a view of space "in no time" is to have denied its reality
Robert Adams
#63. That night we push our cots just a little closer together, and look into each other's eyes in the moments before we fall asleep. When he finally drifts off, our fingers are twisted together in the space between the beds.
I smile a little, and let myself go.
Veronica Roth
#64. Beneath that arch of unmoved and eternal lights: some, so remote from this little earth that the learned tell us it is doubtful whether their rays have been yet discovered it, as a point in space where anything is suffered or done: the shadows of the night were broad and black.
Charles Dickens
#65. In Italy there's perhaps a little less space than in Spain, but there's certainly as much sunshine.
Carlo Rubbia
#66. Ah little recks the laborer,
How near his work is holding him to God,
The loving Laborer through space and time
Walt Whitman
#67. I don't have any stigma attached to my body. When I'm in my own private space, I have very little on.
Padma Lakshmi
#68. It takes a fierce devotion to defend your artistic space, and eternal vigilance over it, because the needs of others will grow like vines in your little plot and claim it back for the jungle.
Judith Ortiz Cofer
#69. The little and the great are joined in one By God's great force. The wondrous golden sun Is linked unto the glow-worm's tiny spark; The eagle soars to heaven in his flight; And in those realms of space, all bathed in light, Soar none except the eagle and the lark.
Emma Lazarus
#70. Ah, the Gods of little men which make them smaller still.
L.G. Space
#71. I had little contact with people outside academia and had formed my assumptions about the rest of the world primarily from watching films and televisions as a child. I recognised that the characters in 'Lost in Space' and 'Star Trek' were probably not representative of humans in general.
Graeme Simsion
#72. We launch when we're kind of in the same orbit that they are in terms of being matched up in inclination in space, and we're just in a little different altitude.
Linda M. Godwin
#73. I'm a long-flight pilot. Pushing a little bubble of air-filled metal across an ocean of nothing is what I was born to do.
James S.A. Corey
#74. Indeed, what more could you want? A little garden to amble about in, and infinite space to dream in. At his feet, whatever could be grown and gathered; over his head, whatever could be studied and meditated upon; a few flowers on the ground and all the stars in the sky.
Victor Hugo
#75. Life can be less mysterious than we make it out to be when we try to think about how it would be on other planets. And if we remove the mystery of life, then I think it is a little bit easier for us to think about how we live, and how perhaps we're not as special as we always think we are.
Chris Adami
#76. He tried to give his wife pleasure in little ways, because he had come to realize, after nearly two decades together, how often he disappointed her in the big things. It was never intentional. They simply had very different notions of what ought to take up most space in life.
J.K. Rowling
#77. I gave it a shot, Lex. I gave you your space. I let you be happy. That's what you said you wanted." He gripped her hand a little harder. "How did that work? Are you happy? Are you happy without me?
K.A. Linde
#78. Destruction is creation. Become as a little child. Language as space, a kind of mathematical notation, geometric locations in the lab of memory. Reading. Maps. Codes, substitutions, the secret names of things. The glorious inrush of a word. The joy of chatter. Every color's wavelength, by number.
Kim Stanley Robinson
#79. Harshness vanished. A sudden softness has replaced the meadows' wintry grey. Little rivulets of water changed their singing accents. Tendernesses, hesitantly, reach toward the earth from space, and country lanes are showing these unexpected subtle risings that find expression in the empty trees.
Rainer Maria Rilke
#80. In a really great way, you simultaneously try to take up as little and as much space as possible.
St. Vincent
#81. I'm happy to scrap with you, Macey darling, but we might do a little too much damage in this small space.
Colleen Gleason
#82. After all is said and done, it is the commitment of love that transcends time and space. So often, we seek answers in places where there is little light. It is when we choose to go within that we find all that we need.
Susan Barbara Apollon
#83. I had a book that was given to me as a kid that was called 'Faeries.' It was this dark, sinister book with pictures that used to scare me because they were these creepy little creatures. But, I was always really drawn to that fantasy world, more than a sci-fi world, in terms of outer space stuff.
Anna Silk
#84. Sacred history is like a hallowed tree whose roots dig deep into primordial time and whose branches weave in and out of genuine history with little concern for the boundaries of space and time. Indeed, it is precisely at those moments when sacred and genuine history collide that religions are born.
Reza Aslan
#85. So it's really hard for a horn player to comp. But I'm totally into trying to switch those paradigms around and find a little magic space where that works, and try to mine that.
Charlie Hunter
#86. We should read history as little critically as we consider the landscape, and be more interested by the atmospheric tints and various lights and shades which the intervening spaces create than by its groundwork and composition.
Henry David Thoreau
#87. I have walked many times around the world and each time it's different from the last one. It feels a little bit like I am a theatrical director, creating a theatre in space. It's really a theater in the sky. But of course the World Trade Center is certainly the most well-known of my productions.
Philippe Petit
#88. I never thought a little time and space would turn into miles and worlds apart
#89. As far as I see it you just can't give Messi space in the dangerous areas - we have to close him down, get tight and give him as little room as we can because if you don't, he can destroy you.
Frank Lampard
#90. I imagine that she's looking at the stars and thinking about how small and insignificant we are down here. We're little ants on a pebble, hurtling through space.
Albert Borris
#91. Into the space of one little hour sins enough may be conjured up by evil tongues to blast the fame of a whole life of virtue.
Washington Irving
#92. It seems a little paradoxical to construct a configuration space with the coordinates of points which do not exist.
Louis De Broglie
#93. I wasn't going anywhere and neither was the rest of the world. We were all just hanging around waiting to die and meanwhile doing little things to fill the space. Some of use weren't even doing little things. We were vegetables.
Charles Bukowski
#94. All those years I'd kept an outline of my father in my head, like a chalk line enclosing a father-shaped space. When I was little, I'd coloured it in often enough. But those colours had been too bright and the outline had been too large ...
Margaret Atwood
#95. Jess leaned a little closer, then in the space of a nanosecond, ten years of friendship changed forever.
S.D. Hendrickson
#96. If you're not living on the edge then you're taking up a little too much space.
Morgan Freeman
#97. Dengar guffaws. "You little scrap-muncher. I was putting away bounties while you were still in your space diapers." "What's it say about you that you're still in your space diapers?
Chuck Wendig
#98. But the bond - the bond of romantic love is something else. It has so little to do with propinquity or habit or space or time or life itself. It leaps across all of them, like a rainbow - or a glance.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
#99. find the experience of diving into a new world the most exhilarating of sensations," he said. "I agree. Each book is like a little world. You can carry it in your hand, and, yet, the space it creates in your mind is infinite." He
Santa Montefiore
#100. You can't do opera when already from the 10th row you can only see little dolls on the stage. In such an enormous space you can't put much faith in the personal presence of the individual singer, which is reflected in facial expressions, among other things.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
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