Top 11 Leunig Places Quotes

#1. I'd never seen that look on another face before, had never identified it in another person. I'd only met with it in fiction. But everyone falls in love with Holden Caulfield when they're sixteen. They read Catcher in the Rye and don't feel so alone.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

Leunig Places Quotes #26105
#2. Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

Bruce Lee

Leunig Places Quotes #156062
#3. Suffering is getting what you do not want while wanting what you do not get.

J.I. Packer

Leunig Places Quotes #564439
#4. A world where falling in love requires marrying is a world where novels require reading from beginning to end.

Soseki Natsume

Leunig Places Quotes #626637
#5. Physical strength (hard work), mental strength (perseverance) and spiritual strength (love & acceptance) are the keys to continuous growth.

Rickson Gracie

Leunig Places Quotes #771352
#6. The true roll in determing to embrace or reject anything is not whether it have any evil in it but whether it have more of evil than of good. There are few things wholly evil or wholly good.

Seth Grahame-Smith

Leunig Places Quotes #810829
#7. Innate is a segment of the All-Wise; Educated is an offspring of innate, a servant for its lifetime only. Educated continues with and lasts as long as life exists; Innate is eternal, always was and always will be.

Daniel D. Palmer

Leunig Places Quotes #904958
#8. Every time I dream, you are present in them and every time I open my eyes and see you next to me it seems like I am still dreaming.

Auliq Ice

Leunig Places Quotes #969035
#9. I can't imagine a decent maze that would be caught dead without a minotaur. It's not done! You don't go out of your house without any clothes on, and a minotaur doesn't go into the world without a labyrinth to keep him warm.

Catherynne M Valente

Leunig Places Quotes #1218141
#10. You got me stranded on the bungee tower of love.

Al Yankovic

Leunig Places Quotes #1460644
#11. Square wheels are hard to sell

Jack Whyte

Leunig Places Quotes #1490205

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