Top 40 Let Them Fool You Quotes

#1. Don't Let them fool you or even try to school you

Bob Marley

Let Them Fool You Quotes #408173
#2. Don't let them fool you and tell you goals has to be unified before any partnership agreement. Be carefully concerned about unifying your values and principles, after that all will run smoothly.

Sameh Elsayed

Let Them Fool You Quotes #1373213
#3. He who discovers the light, discovers life.
He who discovers the dark, discovers death,
Neither are wrong and neither are right; your perception is what will guide your path. Our minds are our tools, our hearts our truth and our instinct our guidance, don't let them fool you.

Nikki Rowe

Let Them Fool You Quotes #1435671
#4. Don't let them fool you with dope and cocaine, can't do you know harm to feel your own pain.

John Lennon

Let Them Fool You Quotes #351740
#5. You know how in football, guys throw defenses, and the defense throws you a look, but the look is not really what it is - it's only made to fool you. It's the same thing with drugs. The drug is only an illusion to draw you in.

Rick Ross

Let Them Fool You Quotes #8145
#6. Don't let them fool ya, or even try to school ya! Oh, no! We've got a mind of our own, so go to hell if what you're thinking is not right!

Bob Marley

Let Them Fool You Quotes #1605844
#7. A dictator must fool all the people all the time and there's only one way to do that, he must also fool himself.

W. Somerset Maugham

Let Them Fool You Quotes #8225
#8. A thing cannot be delivered enough times:
this is the rule of dogs for whom there are no fool's errands.
To loop out and come back is good all alone.
It's gravy to carry a ball or a bone.

Kay Ryan

Let Them Fool You Quotes #8464
#9. Bill Gates says, 'Wait till you can see what your computer can become.' But it's you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work-not the damn fool computer.

Kurt Vonnegut

Let Them Fool You Quotes #10074
#10. Maybe I'm weak for music men. Maybe I'm weak, period. But I couldn't deny I was charmed by his arrogant, fool-ish guise.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

Let Them Fool You Quotes #10091
#11. Why did God make so many dumb fools and Democrats?

William Powell

Let Them Fool You Quotes #10569
#12. So I guess I'm a fool, I'm a fool in love. But I'm willing to stay here, and bask in the glory of his heart.


Let Them Fool You Quotes #10843
#13. Only a fool wants war, but once a war starts then it cannot be fought half-heartedly. It cannot even be fought with regret, but must be waged with a savage joy in defeating the enemy, and it is that savage joy that inspires our bards to write their greatest songs about love and war.

Bernard Cornwell

Let Them Fool You Quotes #10988
#14. [I]f I suffered only one fool gladly, I assure you it would be you.

Iain M. Banks

Let Them Fool You Quotes #11888
#15. There are, while human miseries abound, A thousand ways to waste superfluous wealth, Without one fool or flatterer at your board, Without one hour of sickness or disgust.

John Armstrong

Let Them Fool You Quotes #12416
#16. A fellow's a fool when he marries who don't go to work deliberately to study and understand his wife. Women are awfully understandable if you only go at it right.

Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

Let Them Fool You Quotes #12874
#17. Fools you are who say you like to learn from your mistakes. I prefer to learn from the mistakes of others, and avoid the cost of my own.

Otto Von Bismarck

Let Them Fool You Quotes #13643
#18. A lie may fool someone else, but it tells you the truth: you're weak.

Tom Wolfe

Let Them Fool You Quotes #13731
#19. Fools call wise men fools. A wise man never calls any man a fool.

Thomas A. Edison

Let Them Fool You Quotes #14135
#20. I'm not a cuckoo, either. I'm a fool is what.

Daniel Handler

Let Them Fool You Quotes #14183
#21. A rich man without charity is a rogue; and perhaps it would be no difficult matter to prove that he is also a fool.

Henry Fielding

Let Them Fool You Quotes #14395
#22. Consider me no fool because my tongue is mad. I salt a truth with jest that it sound not dull and heavy. There is more than jig and cadence in my words. I am of stronger fiber than you think. If there comes a time for proof I shall not fail.

Charles S. Brooks

Let Them Fool You Quotes #14516
#23. Let fools the studious despise,
There's nothing lost by being wise.

Jean De La Fontaine

Let Them Fool You Quotes #2856
#24. Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself.

Richard P. Feynman

Let Them Fool You Quotes #319
#25. What made medicine fool people for so long was that its successes were prominently displayed and its mistakes (literally) buried.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Let Them Fool You Quotes #676
#26. A living fool is worth less than a dead hero.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Let Them Fool You Quotes #842
#27. Could not decide whether he was the divinest genius or the greatest fool in the world. It

Virginia Woolf

Let Them Fool You Quotes #929
#28. Anyone who has a choice and doesn't choose to write is a fool. The work is hard, the perks are few, the pay is terrible, and the product, when it's finally finished, is pure joy.

Mary Lee Settle

Let Them Fool You Quotes #1323
#29. A man who makes a one-dollar profit on his expense account is dishonest. A man who loses five cents on one is a damned fool.

Gene Fowler

Let Them Fool You Quotes #2249
#30. Listen to others' advice and deliberate yourself. Only fools acts thoughtlessly, without consideration!

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Antonov

Let Them Fool You Quotes #2598
#31. At their first appearance innovators have always been derided as fools and mad men.

Aldous Huxley

Let Them Fool You Quotes #2738
#32. A fool puts her hand into a hollow tree without finding out what's inside first.

Robert Jordan

Let Them Fool You Quotes #7477
#33. He who hesitates is a damned fool.

Mae West

Let Them Fool You Quotes #3063
#34. A fool and his words are soon parted

William Shakespeare

Let Them Fool You Quotes #4131
#35. You're never too old to make a fool of yourself

Michael Perkins

Let Them Fool You Quotes #4261
#36. If I put a value on my music, and no one's prepared to pay that, then more fool me, but the idea that the value is created by the consumer is an idiot plan; it can't work.

Robert Smith

Let Them Fool You Quotes #4621
#37. To a fool time brings only age not wisdom.

Louis L'Amour

Let Them Fool You Quotes #4939
#38. If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, it would be rhubarb fool, which I make with ginger and a hint of elderflower cordial.

Sebastian Faulks

Let Them Fool You Quotes #5253
#39. Only fools make permanent decisions without knowledge.

Mike Murdock

Let Them Fool You Quotes #6780
#40. There are so many ready to write (poor fools!) for the honor and glory of the thing, and there are so many ready to take advantage of this fact, and withhold from needy talent the moral right to a deserved remuneration.

Fanny Fern

Let Them Fool You Quotes #7284

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