Top 8 Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes

#1. Did you read the book or did you just read the words in order?

Gail Giles

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #51478
#2. The average man does not get pleasure out of an idea because he thinks it is true; he thinks it is true because he gets pleasure out of it.

H.L. Mencken

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #326043
#3. The emphasis in tantra is not what you find yourself doing, it's on meditation.

Frederick Lenz

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #630630
#4. I think, though, the biggest heroes in my life would have been both my mother and father. My father because he was very brave and a kid from the Depression. And my mother, a child from the Depression too, who always remained so lovely her whole life.

Susan Stroman

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #849798
#5. People say 'It's as plain as the noise on your face.' But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone hold a mirror up to you?

Isaac Asimov

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #1119187
#6. No matter how miserable your life is, accept it with love, every thing will change.

Debasish Mridha

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #1328452
#7. Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don't. I don't. People are much more complicated than that. It's true of everybody.

Neil Gaiman

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #1506050
#8. I would like to do a period piece. I think that would be fun.

Beau Mirchoff

Lemsips Wikipedia Quotes #1758246

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