Top 69 Leadership Experience Quotes

#1. Mindsets, skills and leadership, experience and access, and critical consciousness - we need all four of these things for our students to be the leaders, people and citizens we want them to be.

Wendy Kopp

Leadership Experience Quotes #852410
#2. We need someone with proven conservative leadership experience, not entitlement, to be able to represent us and lead us.

Randy Hultgren

Leadership Experience Quotes #798588
#3. Leaders are made through discipline, training, experience, failure, and the desire to continually improve.

Bradford Winters

Leadership Experience Quotes #1419063
#4. Never reject the opportunity to take the first step. The first step is the key to obtaining the experience you have longed for.

Israelmore Ayivor

Leadership Experience Quotes #972659
#5. To make a decision, all you need is authority. To make a good decision, you also need knowledge, experience, and insight.

Denise Moreland

Leadership Experience Quotes #1295923
#6. I once said coaching a first-year team was a religious experience. You do a lot of praying - but most of the time the answer is NO.

Bill Fitch

Leadership Experience Quotes #1266874
#7. Books are no substitute for experience working with people, so now that you've read this book on leadership, go out and interact with people before you read any more.

Gerald M. Weinberg

Leadership Experience Quotes #1249483
#8. Leadership is an active, living process. It is rooted in character, forged by experience, and communicated by example.

John Baldoni

Leadership Experience Quotes #1211190
#9. I think we've bounced back and really been resilient. Even after a bad period, we take over and we seem like we're on a mission. That comes with leadership and experience and a lot of things. A lot of it is mental toughness and resiliency in the situation you're at, just trusting in your teammates.

Mike Fisher

Leadership Experience Quotes #1196674
#10. Learning to let go, to put the team's will first, is an empowering experience that leads to the most wonderful of all experiences: being a member of a high-performing, gungho, high-five team. Remember, leadership is not all about you.

Kenneth H. Blanchard

Leadership Experience Quotes #1190540
#11. If you facilitate your subordinates' steady progress in meaningful work, make that progress salient to them, and treat them well, they will experience the emotions, motivations, and perceptions necessary for great performance.

Teresa Amabile

Leadership Experience Quotes #1186241
#12. A leader's purpose is to provide knowledge and generate trust through kindness. This will provide a foundation that allows others to make choices, right or wrong, and grow in a positive manner from the experience.

Farshad Asl

Leadership Experience Quotes #1171085
#13. As the demands of the positions differed, and as I grew in age and experience, I found that I had changed as a leader. I learned to ask myself two questions: First, what must the organization I command do and be? And second, how can I best command to achieve that?

Stanley McChrystal

Leadership Experience Quotes #1130380
#14. His level of experience is nearly transcendent.

Davis Miller

Leadership Experience Quotes #1114820
#15. I am not in favour of quotas. Just put the best person into the job. It is not about gender; it is about experience, leadership and vision.

Angela Ahrendts

Leadership Experience Quotes #1110459
#16. I had the closest thing I have ever had to an out-of-body experience lying in bed one morning. I turned on the 'Today' programme and item four on the news was: 'The shadow chancellor has ruled himself out of the leadership.' I lay there thinking that's interesting, then I realised it was me.

George Osborne

Leadership Experience Quotes #1079279
#17. The experience of the expert is an advantage to them only for as long as it enables them to learn faster than the novice

Agona Apell

Leadership Experience Quotes #1069396
#18. Each year I host a leadership summit in my district, and my biggest advice to young people is get experience. Get your foot in the door.

Aaron Schock

Leadership Experience Quotes #1041930
#19. Effective leaders are made, not born. They learn from trial and error, and from experience.

Colin Powell

Leadership Experience Quotes #1877548
#20. There is something discordant about a team of speechwriters and political operatives hammering away to create an image of the 'real, inner' candidate. And, to be blunt, there is no necessary connection between a moving life experience and the skills necessary for leadership.

Jeff Greenfield

Leadership Experience Quotes #1502030
#21. Persuasive guessing has been at the core of leadership for so long, for all of human experience so far, that it is wholly unsurprising that most of the leaders of this planet, in spite of all the information that is suddenly ours, want the guessing to go on.

Kurt Vonnegut

Leadership Experience Quotes #1511736
#22. You must love those you lead before you can be an effective leader, you can certainly command without that sense of commitment, but you cannot lead without it. And without leadership, command is a hollow experience, a vacuum often filled with mistrust and arrogance.

Eric Shinseki

Leadership Experience Quotes #1600097
#23. In the long run, we need to build a leadership force of people. We have a whole strategy around not only providing folks with the foundational experience during their two years with us, but also then accelerating their leadership in ways that is strategic for the broader education reform movement.

Wendy Kopp

Leadership Experience Quotes #1609654
#24. Women feel a need for a certain level of prior training and experience that men do not necessarily demand in order to jump into a new role. There's a need for women to trust themselves more...

Selena Rezvani

Leadership Experience Quotes #1625415
#25. Only when we face the impossible, and experience the unbearable, do we find out who we truly are.

Vironika Tugaleva

Leadership Experience Quotes #1632818
#26. To be fully in service to something one has experienced as real is the essence of leadership in a nonhierarchical age. A leader is the holder of a story, someone whose experience of its reality is deep enough so that she can hold the belief on behalf of others.

Charles Eisenstein

Leadership Experience Quotes #1653973
#27. If the only thing that you are good at is convincing others that you are good, then being in biz with you is bad experience.

Orrin Woodward

Leadership Experience Quotes #1690740
#28. You have to experience grace to be one who knows how to give it.

Johnny Hunt

Leadership Experience Quotes #1716626
#29. Leaders will not experience long-term success unless a lot of people want them to.

John C. Maxwell

Leadership Experience Quotes #1730659
#30. The leader is one who can organize the experience of the group ... and thus get the full power of the group. The leader makes the team. This is pre-eminently the leadership quality - the ability to organize all the forces there are in an enterprise and make them serve a common purpose.

Mary Parker Follett

Leadership Experience Quotes #1735697
#31. Leadership needs continuous learning from experience. Every time you learn something new, you re-wire your brain.

Amit Ray

Leadership Experience Quotes #1764525
#32. The purpose of leadership is to take others to the top. And when you take others who might not make it to the top otherwise, there's no other feeling like it in the world. To those who have never had the experience, you can't explain it. To those who have, you don't need to.

John C. Maxwell

Leadership Experience Quotes #1774885
#33. Life is an extraordinary gift some people appear not to appreciate. In every breath and scent, every touch and sight we are gifted by new experience and the chance to feel the richness of experience. Every sound we hear, from the song of a bird to the harshness of an angry voice, is a miracle.

Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Leadership Experience Quotes #1827356
#34. The end point of leadership is not just the position of power we reach, but the continual change and deepening we experience that makes a difference in our lives, our work, our world. Our leadership journeys are only at midpoint when we have achieved a position of power.

Janet Hagberg

Leadership Experience Quotes #1840581
#35. I am determined to learn something from everything..No experience has to go waste! Why should I experience if I don't learn anything..

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Leadership Experience Quotes #1873449
#36. If you want to be an entrepreneur, fail as fast as you can. The longer you go without that experience, the more afraid you will be of it, and then you will never do it!

Jeffry A Timmons

Leadership Experience Quotes #293043
#37. Having a person of Dr. Berthiaume's calibre leading Library and Archives Canada will be a solid asset to the organization. His extensive experience in the management of large cultural organizations and his strong leadership are important qualifications for this position.

Shelly Glover

Leadership Experience Quotes #551925
#38. He is able to put aside personal feelings and see the broad strokes. Experience counts in these things.

Geraldine Brooks

Leadership Experience Quotes #550623
#39. The Democratic Leadership Council has named Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to design a plan to help define an agenda to the Democratic party. Although Bill said today, in his experience, whenever Hillary enters the picture that's when the party ends

Jay Leno

Leadership Experience Quotes #514324
#40. Leadership is not about experience, education or talent. It's about choosing to lead.

Michael Hyatt

Leadership Experience Quotes #486638
#41. The economy is very different in the world that we're living in. And I think Americans are looking for executive leadership that actually has some experience of creating jobs.

Rick Perry

Leadership Experience Quotes #398306
#42. The personal values managers reported being the most under pressure to compromise to do their jobs successfully: 1. Family 2. Integrity.

Stan Slap

Leadership Experience Quotes #382923
#43. Statesmanship is developed in the hard knocks of general experience, private and public.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Leadership Experience Quotes #336078
#44. To the degree you experience a love deficit you will also manifest a leadership deficit.

Glenn C. Stewart

Leadership Experience Quotes #301814
#45. Authentic leadership is a whole body experience. Our bodies have a lot more to teach us about ourselves than our thoughts.

Henna Inam

Leadership Experience Quotes #590834
#46. Rethink Your Success Mindset: With the right mindset, everything that you experience, along your journey towards success, is a blessing.

Tony Dovale

Leadership Experience Quotes #288349
#47. If the experience of leadership is like being at the edge of an unfamiliar chasm, the act of leadership is building a bridge across that chasm.

Kevin Cashman

Leadership Experience Quotes #244989
#48. Words are catch-basins of experience, fingerprints and footprints of the past that the literary detective may scrutinize in order to sleuth out the history of human consciousness.

Philip Zaleski

Leadership Experience Quotes #241590
#49. Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.

Deepak Chopra

Leadership Experience Quotes #76267
#50. Bury My Heart is a life-altering approach to turning managers into unconditionally committed leaders.

Stan Slap

Leadership Experience Quotes #74235
#51. In my experience, followers always ask leaders 3 questions: 1) Do you care 4 me? 2) Can you help me? 3) Can I trust you?

John C. Maxwell

Leadership Experience Quotes #66870
#52. Man is born to dream, to be enlightened, to connect and to be fulfilled. Managers are too.

Stan Slap

Leadership Experience Quotes #20142
#53. No experience of the failure of his policy could shake his belief in its essential excellence.

Babara Tuchman

Leadership Experience Quotes #766983
#54. What I had been taught all my life was not true: experience is not the best teacher! Some people learn and grow as a result of their experience; some people don't. Everybody has some kind of experience. It's what you do with that experience that matters.

John C. Maxwell

Leadership Experience Quotes #944595
#55. Cooperation with others. Perception, experience, tenacity. Know when to lead and when to follow.

Ming-Dao Deng

Leadership Experience Quotes #933512
#56. Personal leadership is not a singular experience. It doesn't begin and end with the writing of a personal mission statement. It is, rather, the ongoing process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with those most important things.

Stephen R. Covey

Leadership Experience Quotes #856377
#57. When leadership rises to genius it has the power of transforming, of transforming experience into power. And that is what experience is for, to be made into power. The great leader creates as well as directs power.

Mary Parker Follett

Leadership Experience Quotes #840290
#58. Leadership of a world-economy is an experience of power which may blind the victor to the march of history.

Fernand Braudel

Leadership Experience Quotes #826755
#59. EXPERIENCE empowers or disempowers..
All 'experience' however, is SUBJECTIVE!

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Leadership Experience Quotes #796781
#60. Thoughts as a 'library' or thoughts as a 'baggage'! Experience as a 'library' or experience as a 'baggage'??? Experience as an 'experience' ......

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Leadership Experience Quotes #795786
#61. I believe no amount of business school training or work experience can teach what is ultimately a matter of personal character. Businesses are not dishonest or greedy, people are. Thus, a business, successful or not, is merely a reflection of the character of its leadership.

S. Truett Cathy

Leadership Experience Quotes #785841
#62. If there were only success in your life, you would not learn anything. Leadership is experience and you are still young. You still have much to learn about our people and war; it should not come easy to you. If it did, you would be robbed of life's most valuable teacher.

Rachel Higginson

Leadership Experience Quotes #963235
#63. I think more to the point, these pivotal times means something other than a politician. I understand the economy. I understand the world. I have a lot of foreign policy experience. I understand bureaucracies. I understand technology, and I understand leadership.

Carly Fiorina

Leadership Experience Quotes #730910
#64. The question is not how to get managers' emotional commitment but why manager's don't give it even if they like their company.

Stan Slap

Leadership Experience Quotes #675613
#65. You will experience 100 transformative moments every year.

Bill Jensen

Leadership Experience Quotes #635027
#66. I look for lessons in every experience. It adds to my leadership abilities.

Omarosa Manigault

Leadership Experience Quotes #626387
#67. Teddy Roosevelt "had relished "every hour" of every day as president. Indeed, (he was) fearing the "dull thud" he would experience upon returning to private life.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Leadership Experience Quotes #616978
#68. In my experience, the skill of success breaks down into three things. The skill of marketing. The skill of sales. And the skill of leadership.

Michael Ellsberg

Leadership Experience Quotes #613928
#69. If you find a community with less production and less inspiring inventions, then know it is a sign of lack of Business Leaders and full of General Managers do not know what they can manage or what they are managing.

Sameh Elsayed

Leadership Experience Quotes #600517

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