Top 15 Kovtun George Quotes

#1. People don't remember each tree in a park but all of us benefit from the trees. And in a way, artists are like trees in a park.

Yoko Ono

Kovtun George Quotes #62372
#2. It is better to live in a world of poetic meaning rather than hardcore reality.

Mark Gonzales

Kovtun George Quotes #96582
#3. Being suicidal is really tiring. A lot of suicides are so lacking in affect and so lethargic that they aren't able to kill themselves until their mood improves - spring, for that reason, has the highest rate of what people in the business call "completed" suicides.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Kovtun George Quotes #153911
#4. When playing big festivals, I tend to play big, over the top techno tracks, like hands in the air songs that make sense being played in front of 30,000 people. I steer away from subtlety in the interests of big bombastic dance music.


Kovtun George Quotes #194132
#5. Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

Benjamin Franklin

Kovtun George Quotes #436031
#6. I think I am aggressive, I think I am critical when it's necessary.

Jane Harman

Kovtun George Quotes #489400
#7. ... the natural course from nullity to grandeur is to forget that you are a gramme and to feel that you are a millionth part of a ton.

Yevgeny Zamyatin

Kovtun George Quotes #720766
#8. Words cannot express quite a lot of feelings, whereas a noise or tone or drone or sound, an accordion falling down a staircase, can somehow capture an emotion much better.

John Lydon

Kovtun George Quotes #745619
#9. We have a tax code that allows groups to use their political operations within the tax code, under the guise of a charity, to use undisclosed millions of dollars to do political campaigns.

Xavier Becerra

Kovtun George Quotes #1316814
#10. The question of woman's work in its economic aspect is really one not so much now of woman's rights as of woman's mights. Pretty much anything she wants to do, a resolute girl may now do.

R. Heber Newton

Kovtun George Quotes #1378912
#11. Diamonds talk, and I can stand listenin' to 'em often.

Mae West

Kovtun George Quotes #1572171
#12. Everyone desires relationships and community. Most people want to belong to a cohesive, like-minded group. It staves off loneliness. It promotes identity. These are natural and very human instincts.

Joshua Ferris

Kovtun George Quotes #1670451
#13. Most of our trainers said it was up to our discretion, and that we never had to use sex unless we felt it was necessary. Wink, wink. They also said that we should do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Charlie Evans

Kovtun George Quotes #1676039
#14. Laurel had gotten plenty of head in her time, but never like this. Flynn fucked her with his mouth ...

Cara McKenna

Kovtun George Quotes #1801374
#15. I think it's beautiful to practice. I love to practice.

Claudio Arrau

Kovtun George Quotes #1807882

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