Top 7 Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes

#1. Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.

Dalai Lama XIV

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #105439
#2. But of course we don't notice the descent until we're rocketing along at high velocity.

Dean Koontz

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #692679
#3. People pay more to be entertained that educated

Johnny Carson

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #723375
#4. The beauty of cinema is that it can do some things that novels just can't.

Kaui Hart Hemmings

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #745167
#5. We can't afford another Deirdre issue.

Jake Bible

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #1513343
#6. Whenever I am not traveling during the winter, I am pushing hard in the gym. Even when I am traveling, I try to fit a workout in at the hotel. And if the hotel doesn't have a gym? You can get a good workout in your room with an exercise band and some imagination.

Charlie Kimball

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #1623193
#7. Days grow hotter and life grows shorter.
Time is somehow running out.
She flips her pillow
so she won't have to sleep on her tears.

Toby Barlow

Kleinhenz Jewelers Quotes #1672964

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