Top 5 Keningau Poskod Quotes

#1. Can I ask what you're reading?" ... She turned the book so the cover faced me. Wuthering Heights. "Have you read it?" She said. I nodded. I could feel the pulsating beat of my heart behind my eyes. "It's a sad story." "Sad stories make good books," She said. "They do.

Khaled Hosseini

Keningau Poskod Quotes #2072
#2. You've lost faith in yourself? Isn't that rich? A god who's become a self-atheist!

Orson Scott Card

Keningau Poskod Quotes #141856
#3. Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.

Woody Allen

Keningau Poskod Quotes #367937
#4. I am in musical theatre, but it isn't necessarily what I listen to in my leisure time, do you know what I mean?

Patti LuPone

Keningau Poskod Quotes #386663
#5. Thus meditating you will no longer strive to build yourself up in your prejudices, but, forgetting self, you will remember only that you are seeking the Truth.

James Allen

Keningau Poskod Quotes #1695055

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