Top 6 Jungfrau Crossword Quotes

#1. He was a glass half full kind of person and she was ... what? The glass is going to break before you can even pour kind of person. Yikes.

Erin McCarthy

Jungfrau Crossword Quotes #46932
#2. Countries, therefore, when lawmaking falls exclusively to the lot of the poor cannot hope for much economy in public expenditure; expenses will always be considerable, either because taxes cannot touch those who vote for them or because they are assessed in a way to prevent that.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Jungfrau Crossword Quotes #1384423
#3. It is the thing that keeps me up at night - the notion that you have individuals in the United States who are looking at computer screens and who are becoming radicalized.

Eric Holder

Jungfrau Crossword Quotes #1524401
#4. The problem with human beings is we think we can wear too many hats at once. It's not possible. It's an outright fashion disaster.

Joan Bauer

Jungfrau Crossword Quotes #1721457
#5. Jeanine claims you're all dangerous Insurgents.

Evelyn Eaton

Jungfrau Crossword Quotes #1797783
#6. I always thought I'd be the one to go first. The world might be mourning an Everly Brother, but I'm mourning my brother Phil.

Don Everly

Jungfrau Crossword Quotes #1846215

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