Top 29 Jump In The Water Quotes

#1. I love to swim. When I jump in the water, I feel like I'm 12 years old again. It's really funny how it does that to me.

Summer Sanders

Jump In The Water Quotes #710837
#2. I have a ridiculous fear of sharks but I'd jump in the water in a second for an amazing role.

Kate Mara

Jump In The Water Quotes #1693881
#3. One of my good friends said, in a reggae riddim, don't jump in the water if you can't swim ...

Bob Marley

Jump In The Water Quotes #336857
#4. When in doubt, take baby steps, taste the water and be cautious all the way. When assured, hit the road, jump in the sea and swim away from the shore to connect with your dreams

Sameh Elsayed

Jump In The Water Quotes #1691112
#5. I love the water. Everything about it. Smelling the humidity in the air, seeing the mist rise in the morning, feeling the dew-wet grass on my bare feet. I love watching the fish jump and the geese land. We even have an eagle here that circles every so often.

Lori Foster

Jump In The Water Quotes #1596464
#6. After hitting two balls into the water- By God, I've got a good mind to jump in and make it four.

Simon Hobday

Jump In The Water Quotes #1477312
#7. I quickly realised that it is difficult to get started when writing a novel. You have this dream of what you want to create, but it is like walking around a swimming pool and hesitating to jump in because the water is too cold.

Patrick Modiano

Jump In The Water Quotes #1462402
#8. Don't be a fish; be a frog. Swim in the water and jump when you hit ground.

Kim Young-ha

Jump In The Water Quotes #1452069
#9. I was taught that if you see a person drowning, you must jump into the water to save them, whether you can swim or not.

Irena Sendler

Jump In The Water Quotes #1396218
#10. imagined how great it would feel to jump into the water to cool off. Sure, she could just go inside the main cabin and freeze in the air conditioning. But

Kaira Rouda

Jump In The Water Quotes #1394164
#11. Ever since I was a child I've felt connected to water: lakes, rivers, streams
I love to jump in and swim around. But it's the ocean where I go for rejuvenation, revelation, and solace.

Susan Cohn Rockefeller

Jump In The Water Quotes #1381433
#12. Greatness exists like an ocean within you. Why do you want to act like a fish out of water, wriggling on the sand under the scorching sun? Look! The water is just one millimeter away! Jump in!

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Jump In The Water Quotes #1376128
#13. You have to jump into the pool before you know whether there's water in it.

Andrew Loog Oldham

Jump In The Water Quotes #1329904
#14. If a frog is placed into a pot of boiling water it will immediately try to jump out; but if it's placed into a pot of cool water that's gradually heated until boiling, it will stay put and never try to jump out.

Richard Beckham II

Jump In The Water Quotes #1305451
#15. There is no way that you can know the taste of water unless you drink it or unless it has rained on you or unless you jump in the river.

Charles Manson

Jump In The Water Quotes #1291018
#16. If you put a frog in boiling water, it'll jump straight out. If you put it in cold water and gradually bring it to the boil, it'll sit right there until it dies. Scotland has been sitting in England's gradually boiling water for so long that many people are used to it.

John Niven

Jump In The Water Quotes #1051306
#17. She throws her jeans at me and dives into the pellucid lake, slicing through the water almost without a splash. A church bell rings out in the distance, echoing in the quiet aftermath of Everly's quick jump into the unexpected.

Rebecca Paula

Jump In The Water Quotes #967529
#18. How many women have the courage to start properly with a cold, cold bath early in the morning? I jump in, throw the water, cold as ice, and after the first plunge I am happy.

Anna Held

Jump In The Water Quotes #953278
#19. I wanted it in the way you sometimes want to jump into very cold water, even though you know it won't feel good. I wanted to go numb. To see what it felt like to be someone else.

Brenna Yovanoff

Jump In The Water Quotes #774050
#20. Do you want to understand how to swim, or do you want to jump in and start swimming? Only people who are afraid of the water want to understand it. Other people jump in and get wet.

Michael Crichton

Jump In The Water Quotes #726216
#21. Wasn't there some belief about how if you drop a frog into boiling water, it will jump right out? But if you put it in cold water and turn up the heat gradually, it will allow itself to slowly cook to death?

Lisa Unger

Jump In The Water Quotes #658399
#22. We are doubly willing to jump into the water after some one who has fallen in, if there are people present who have not the courage to do so.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Jump In The Water Quotes #593525
#23. I actually start my day with a cup of warm lemon water with cayenne pepper. It jump-starts your detoxifying system in your body, jump-starts your liver, helps you eliminate the food that you ate the day before, and also just gets your body in an alkaline state ready to ward off disease.

Vani Hari

Jump In The Water Quotes #502975
#24. A man in love will jump to pick up a glove or a bouquet for a silly girl of sixteen, whilst at home he will permit his aged mother to carry pails of water and armfuls of wood, or his wife to lug a twenty-pound baby, hour after hour, without ever offe

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Jump In The Water Quotes #439586
#25. When you give in to aversion and anger, it's as though, having decided to kill someone by throwing him into a river, you wrap your arms around his neck, jump into the water with him, and you both drown. In destroying your enemy, you destroy yourself as well.

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

Jump In The Water Quotes #273181
#26. It's important to not be afraid of failure and to push yourself to try things and jump in the cold water. There are incredible, beautiful opportunities out there.

Jurgen Teller

Jump In The Water Quotes #252524
#27. On the way home I remembered a bit of old folklore about how to boil a frog. You put it in cold water, then start turning up the heat. If you do it gradually, the frog is too stupid to jump out. I don't know if it's true or not, but I decided it was an excellent metaphor for growing old.

Stephen King

Jump In The Water Quotes #246666
#28. When I'm approaching a water jump, with dozens of photographers waiting for me to fall in, and hundreds of spectators wondering what's going to happen next, the horse is just about the only one who doesn't know I am Royal!

Anne, Princess Royal

Jump In The Water Quotes #234664
#29. Shirley Jackson said that a confused reader is an antagonistic reader, and I live by that. It's okay to start anywhere, and to let yourself write a big sloppy overly-detailed first draft. You just jump in, knowing that the water will be cold at first, but no one is making you swim.

Anne Lamott

Jump In The Water Quotes #153046

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