Top 12 Jifs Quotes

#1. We all know gifs are pronounced "jifs," right? Their creator says so, damn it!

Bill Walsh

Jifs Quotes #991938
#2. We are constantly being surprised that people did things well before we were born.

Robert Benchley

Jifs Quotes #110362
#3. The idea that you can ask one question and it makes the point - well, that wasn't how psychology was done at the time.

Daniel Kahneman

Jifs Quotes #120659
#4. I've never really been too scared to do anything ...

Ryan Follese

Jifs Quotes #247940
#5. Stories untold are too often stories lost.

Bruce Henderson

Jifs Quotes #584189
#6. For some reason, we called it "umbrella sex"; if you fancied someone your own sex, you were "an umbrella.

Kazuo Ishiguro

Jifs Quotes #637744
#7. Most of the time, I listened and she cried. Never having gone through that kind of loss before, I didn't know what to say to her. Since I didn't have the answers to any of her questions, such as why this was happening to her, I thought it was best to just be there for her.

Sarah Price

Jifs Quotes #708200
#8. You know, life would be so much simpler if it weren't for all the people. ... People are overrated. I'm sure I would be able to deal with things much better if it weren't for them.

Katarina Bivald

Jifs Quotes #804144
#9. The sexual embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer.

Havelock Ellis

Jifs Quotes #828052
#10. When problems come, remain calm in two cases. One when you know you can solve them so smile; second when you know you can't so be silent.


Jifs Quotes #1117736
#11. I don't understand water and gravity.


Jifs Quotes #1619978
#12. The fans are always at the hotel waiting, they like to get pictures and autographs. I enjoy it all, the displays of love and support at the hotel and the shows.

Flo Rida

Jifs Quotes #1843374

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