Top 44 Jesus Plus Quotes

#1. Jesus plus nothing equals everything - and everything minus Jesus equals nothing.

Tullian Tchividjian

Jesus Plus Quotes #636040
#2. When it comes to my salvation, all I need is Jesus; after my salvation, everything is Jesus plus the church ... When people preach that all you need is Jesus, they cut you and I off from one of the greatest sources of healing, which is the body of Christ. Don't go it alone - you won't make it.

Josh McDowell

Jesus Plus Quotes #1651085
#3. For me, it's Jesus plus nothing-...

Bob Goff

Jesus Plus Quotes #95972
#4. God's will for you is to make you more like Jesus. Christlikeness is your target, your goal, your vision, and the reason you were created. You are set apart to be like Jesus. That goal will take the rest of your life to accomplish." (Life Hacks, p.61)

Jon Morrison

Jesus Plus Quotes #3199
#5. Jesus honored the dignity of people, whether he agreed with them or not. He would not found his kingdom on the basis of race or class or other such divisions.

Philip Yancey

Jesus Plus Quotes #1879550
#6. Jesus called disciples so He could send them out as apostles. They were called together to learn so they could be sent out to teach and serve.

Brian D. McLaren

Jesus Plus Quotes #3575
#7. Herein lies the great difference between divine weakness and human weakness, the wounds of Christ and the wounds of man. Two human weaknesses only intensify each other. But human weakness plus Christ's weakness equals a supernatural strength.

Christian Wiman

Jesus Plus Quotes #3741
#8. The goal of our lives should be nothing less that becoming so familiar with the "mind of Christ" that we could write Jesus' speeches.

Clare De Graaf

Jesus Plus Quotes #4054
#9. Whether Jesus calms the storm or calms us in the storm, His love is the same, and His grace is enough.

Sheila Walsh

Jesus Plus Quotes #4323
#10. Despite the slowness, the infidelity, the errors and sins it committed and might still commit against its members, the Church, trust me, has no other meaning and goal but to live and witness Jesus.

Pope Francis

Jesus Plus Quotes #4627
#11. A scar is a wound that has healed. We need to bring our wounds to Jesus, let Him heal them, and use our scars for Jesus. Our scars may be our greatest ministry.

Adrian Rogers

Jesus Plus Quotes #4831
#12. The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross.

Thomas Aquinas

Jesus Plus Quotes #5143
#13. Spirit-led Jesus followers recognize that they are imperfect Christians working with other imperfect Christians to serve a perfect Christ. When we love and give to one another, then we grow as individuals and as the family of God.136

Mark Driscoll

Jesus Plus Quotes #5442
#14. We need to know that our limits do not define our limitations. And an empty tomb does exactly that.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jesus Plus Quotes #6250
#15. I confess to you guys, I confess to the church, I know I have backed away from certain things because of my arrogance. I thought I could attract more people to Jesus by hiding certain things about him.

Francis Chan

Jesus Plus Quotes #6348
#16. Begin to break limitation in your home, business, career and spiritual life, in Jesus' name!

T. B. Joshua

Jesus Plus Quotes #6805
#17. The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ.

Dwight L. Moody

Jesus Plus Quotes #6832
#18. He that willeth to do shall know what he ought to do. He that doeth the thing he does know will know more. And that more done will open the door yet wider into all the fragrance of a strongly obedient life, and into a clear and clearing understanding of the Lord Jesus Himself.

S.D. Gordon

Jesus Plus Quotes #6946
#19. Ye [Anabaptists] be proud contemners of the free grace of God offered to man in Christ Jesus. For with the Pelagians and Papists ye are become teachers of free will, and defenders of your own righteousness

John Knox

Jesus Plus Quotes #6950
#20. Anything outside or that is not Jesus it's a lie.

Evans Biya

Jesus Plus Quotes #7048
#21. I do not live in a world where people can walk on water, or still a storm, or take five loaves of bread and feed 5000 men plus women and children. If that is a requirement of my commitment to Jesus, I find it difficult to stretch my mind outside the capacities of my world view.

John Shelby Spong

Jesus Plus Quotes #606016
#22. Jesus is busy with his own stuff, and is not going to get involved in your little tug-of-war. Plus, don't forget, he has his own mother to deal with. She's all he can handle, as far as mothers go.

Anne Lamott

Jesus Plus Quotes #789844
#23. Guilt is not Jesus' medium. He is battling for global redemption right now; His objective hardly includes huddling in the corner with us, rehashing our shame again. He finished that discussion on the cross. Plus, there's no time for that.

Jen Hatmaker

Jesus Plus Quotes #1316357
#24. AIDS is the leprosy of the 21st Century. Where did Jesus hang out? With lepers. Jesus would love on people with AIDS.

Rick Warren

Jesus Plus Quotes #1253
#25. Jesus Christ knew the only way He would stop Satan is by becoming one in nature with him ... He became one with the nature of Satan, so all those who had the nature of Satan can partake of the nature of God.

Benny Hinn

Jesus Plus Quotes #10
#26. Jesus never spoke to two people the same way, and neither should we. Every single person is unique and individual and deserves an approach that respects that uniqueness.

Os Guinness

Jesus Plus Quotes #45
#27. With love that knew no fear, the Singer caught his torment, wrapped it all in song and gave it back to him as peace.

Calvin Miller

Jesus Plus Quotes #386
#28. If you're a painter, paint. But you don't have to put Jesus in every picture. Paint well, and if you paint well enough, they might ask you why you do that.

Isaac Slade

Jesus Plus Quotes #398
#29. Every day and every night, I dance with Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad & all personal Gods: Krishna, Shiva & Buddha. You are welcome too !

Santosh Kalwar

Jesus Plus Quotes #554
#30. I'd rather argue with you, angel, than laugh with anyone else."
Jesus. It took me a minute to be able to swallow the last bite in my mouth.
"You know ... I love you madly."
He smiled. "Yes, I know.

Sylvia Day

Jesus Plus Quotes #602
#31. No man can die unless Jesus opens the mystic door of death.

J.C. Ryle

Jesus Plus Quotes #733
#32. OUT OF AN INFINITE LOVE, you, O Lord, have made me an heir of your kingdom and joint heir with Christ. O Good Jesus, to whom else shall I go? You have the words of eternal life. I hope, and I believe in you. Lord keep me from despair. Amen. O

Derek A. Olsen

Jesus Plus Quotes #916
#33. All the way to heaven is heaven, because Jesus said, I am the way.

Catherine Of Siena

Jesus Plus Quotes #973
#34. Wearing your feelings on your sleeve will end up being a chip on your shoulder.

John Paul Warren

Jesus Plus Quotes #1210
#35. I believe that hospitality is central to the heart and ministry of Jesus and that to the extent we fail to extend this hospitality to gay people, the church will fail to walk in the way of Jesus.

Wendy Vanderwal-Gritter

Jesus Plus Quotes #3110
#36. I think the most challenging thing for me in my life and in the Bible is that we worship Jesus as the Prince of Peace.

Jimmy Carter

Jesus Plus Quotes #1405
#37. Each time that we respond unmercifully, our malevolence reveals our lack of faith. If we believe that Jesus will set all things right in the end from his great white throne of judgment then we can be merciful and respond with mercy.

Jason Farley

Jesus Plus Quotes #1689
#38. Turn around and believe that the good news that we are loved is better than we ever dared hope, and that to believe in that good news, to live out of it and toward it, to be in love with that good news, is of all glad things in this world the gladdest thing of all. Amen, and come Lord Jesus.

Frederick Buechner

Jesus Plus Quotes #1728
#39. The only possible way to have full understanding of the teachings of Jesus is through the light of the Spirit of God shining inside us.

Oswald Chambers

Jesus Plus Quotes #1761
#40. I promise you in [Jesus] name that if you pray with a sincere desire to hear your Heavenly Father's voice in the messages of this conference, you will discover that He has spoken to you to help you, to strengthen you, and to lead you home into His presence.

Robert D. Hales

Jesus Plus Quotes #2034
#41. Grace is not a doctrine or a religion. It is a person, Jesus Christ.

John Paul Warren

Jesus Plus Quotes #2186
#42. As Christians, we should be the best collaborators in the world. We should be quick to find unlikely allies and subversive friends, like Jesus did.

Shane Claiborne

Jesus Plus Quotes #2214
#43. because then they don't have to struggle with the need to die to the ego-driven self and become a humble servant of all people, which is what Jesus requires. It's much

Chuck Queen

Jesus Plus Quotes #2457
#44. I'm a sample of Jesus. I'm a super being.

Benny Hinn

Jesus Plus Quotes #2845

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