Top 25 Jansma Quotes

#1. It was spring when it happened and the schoolroom windows were open all day long, and every afternoon after Billy left we had milk from little waxy cartons and Mrs. Jansma would read us chapters from a wonderful book about some children in England that had a bed that took them places at night.

Ellen Gilchrist

Jansma Quotes #540874
#2. She's just this character to you. Both of us are! And we always have been. You don't know what goes on in our heads. You don't know where we come from or who we are . . . Can you even tell the difference anymore between what you've written about her and who she really, truly is?

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #811930
#3. If there is a moral to this part of the story, and I distrust morals in the same way that I distrust beginnings, it is simply this: know that with which you deal.

Neil Gaiman

Jansma Quotes #1758464
#4. It's all about realizing what you're doing to hold yourself back, like through hatred or fear or nihilism or eating gluten. You identify the things you want, and you finally allow yourself to take them-'

William lost the end of her diatribe as a garbage truck rolled by outside

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1534739
#5. Everything I write is for her; none of it is ever good enough.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1395239
#6. Each time it goes around a little bit, a second goes away."
"Where?" I asked, as the pendulum swung again. And again.
He winked at me. "It escapes. That's why they call it that. Escapement.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1355055
#7. It was like exactly what it was. It was like a set of claws tearing through my flesh.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1349198
#8. These stories are all true, but only somewhere else.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1261047
#9. It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch. A fearful thing to love, hope, dream: to be - to be, And oh! to lose. A thing for fools, this, and a holy thing, a holy thing to love.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1140580
#10. Does it sting like this because I've been robbed or because it was never mine to steal? ... Maybe an idea, like love, cannot ever be stolen away, just as it cannot ever have belonged to me and only me.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1139585
#11. He extends a hand, larger than a dinner plate, and I have no choice but to shake it. I think I can feel my metacarpals shattering. Julian jumps to summon our waitress again, mostly to avoid shaking hands with this Goliath. "And a pitcher of mimosas, as soon as humanly possible.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #1134642
#12. Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse.

Groucho Marx

Jansma Quotes #1029709
#13. If I have the chance to time travel, might as well go all out.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jansma Quotes #862967
#14. Makes you want to fold stories inside of stories inside of stories.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #830842
#15. We'd been bankrupt since we'd left home; we'd secure our own society. Retirement was an afterlife we didn't believe in and that we expected yesterday.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #730540
#16. The truth is only slightly less interesting than the story.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #701998
#17. If the gods actually know our fates and still try to meddle and wage their wars in us, then there must be some purpose in our choosing one of the many paths to that end. Man must have free will, or else why would the gods themselves bother?

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #617225
#18. The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility.

Paulo Coelho

Jansma Quotes #614237
#19. The idea of it's great," I explain. "But then there's the actual thing of it.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #500803
#20. The best thing to do - usually - was to let him play these things out. Who was I to tell a genius it was time to put his clothes back on?

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #462977
#21. We who live forever can know no courage, nor do we love enough to give our lives.

Katherine Arden

Jansma Quotes #256643
#22. After I charge their brains with my own brand of skeptical electricity, I unleash them - the New Cynics - upon a world that is slowly and happily critiquing itself to death.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #216087
#23. Because no one was special, and no one was immune to tragedy.

Kristopher Jansma

Jansma Quotes #144862
#24. I don't really have a style icon but I really admire the way people dress like Gaga, Rihanna and Gwen Stefani. It's good to be inspired by singers who write music and dress incredibly - rather than models and people in the fashion industry who dress immaculately anyway because it's their style.

Ellie Goulding

Jansma Quotes #77461
#25. Wherever there is a number, there is beauty.


Jansma Quotes #59781

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