Top 100 Jack O'lantern Quotes

#1. I'm heading for a clean-named place
like Wisconsin, and mad as a jack-o'-lantern, will get there
without help and nosy proclivities.

John Ashbery

Jack O'lantern Quotes #755877
#2. The famous jack-o-lantern mushroom, which glows at night with a greenish phosphorescent ligh called foxfire.

Bill Bryson

Jack O'lantern Quotes #159608
#3. Before she closed the door, she hit me with this one: "I feel like it's November first," she said, "and I'm that discarded jack-o'-lantern whose heart and guts are splattered all over the boulevard of broken promises."
"And a good night to you, too," I said.

Rick Detorie

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1710866
#4. The jack-o-lantern follows me with tapered, glowing eyes.
His yellow teeth grin evily. His cackle I despise.
But I shall have the final laugh when Halloween is through.
This pumpkin king I'll split in half to make a pie for two.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1706209
#5. It's like kissing a Jack 'o' Lantern. What's with the grin?

Alice Clayton

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1481283
#6. He'd felt like a jack-o-lantern for the past few days, as if his guts had been yanked out with a fork and dumped in a heap while a grinning smile stayed plastered on his face.

Cassandra Clare

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1336185
#7. Her eyes flashed orange for a half-second and that gruesome and horrifying sight reminded me of the candles being lit on a grinning jack-o-lantern, if said jack-o-lantern was salivating.

Sharon Stevenson

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1215926
#8. Everyone has gone trick or treating, everyone carves a jack o lantern with their parents. If you really look at the stories they sort of focus on what Halloween is like at different stages of your life.

Michael Dougherty

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1011173
#9. And after, when we went outside to look at her finished lantern from the road, I said I liked the way her light shone through the face that flickered in the dark. - "Jack O'Lantern," Katrina Vandenberg from Atlas

John Green

Jack O'lantern Quotes #822151
#10. My nickname in high school was jack-o-lantern because I'm missing 9 teeth

Thom Yorke

Jack O'lantern Quotes #808282
#11. Every available inch of his face busts into a smile - whoa. Has he blown into our school on a gust of wind from another world? The guy looks unabashedly jack-o'-lantern happy, which couldn't be more foreign to the sullen demeanor most of us strove to perfect.

Jandy Nelson

Jack O'lantern Quotes #801508
#12. Hypnosis. You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark like a chicken, cluck like a dog stuff.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1267229
#13. That would be locking the horse after the stable door is gone, a very foolish thing to do.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #833161
#14. I'm not a director who feels I should be in your face all the time. I really want you to watch the actors and listen to the play.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1243037
#15. I am Chun the Unavoidable. Tonight, O Lith, tonight it is two long bright threads for you.

Jack Vance

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1237842
#16. I want to create a body of work that is entertaining and speaks to people for a long time. Longer than my life span.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1227083
#17. Touch and away, Jack?' asked Stephen. 'Touch and away? Do you not recall that I have important business there? Enquiries of the very first interest?'

To do with our enterprise? To do with this voyage?'

Perhaps not quite directly.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1216754
#18. The way America appreciates cinema is different from anywhere in the world. It's celebrated and supported. I don't just mean by the individuals, but financially as well people are throwing money at certain projects.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1157811
#19. I have a company attitude about my work. I don't like to do just one thing; I like to do a lot of things.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1142007
#20. The sea has receded!' cried Stephen. 'I am amazed.' 'They tell me it does so twice a day in these parts,' said Jack. 'It is technically known as the tide.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1139432
#21. People are so familiar with the show that I think they're perfectly happy to let it go by without asking any questions. There's a passivity to how we experience 'The Sound of Music.'

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1137371
#22. Three most important things in life, surf, surf and surf.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1087610
#23. Every game has its Jacks,' she said, the sadness of it pulling down the elation of sudden understanding. 'The thing that acts as a wild card. It can't be counted on or predicted. A weapon, even. But he's in other places, too, isn't he? And do you know what else a Jack is, Puck? ... I do.

Ruth Frances Long

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1067016
#24. I don't think I should be telling you every 10 minutes what to think. I like to leave the audience alone with the magic. I tend to trust the material, or I don't do it.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1028404
#25. I can't sing and I can't dance, but I can lick any S.O.B. in the house.

Jack Dempsey

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1004895
#26. I did an 'Our Town' in San Diego in the seventies with amateurs that I can tear up just thinking about.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #996142
#27. For very strangely his officers looked upon Jack Aubrey as a moral figure, in spite of all proofs of the contrary ...

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #962471
#28. Jack and Stephen were neither of them human until the first pot of coffee was down, hot and strong.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #939251
#29. Jack, you've debauched my sloth.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #933343
#30. Does it say 'Colonel' anywhere on my uniform?

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #919428
#31. I wanted to join the Army when football failed. That was my only realistic form of making an honest living.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #866477
#32. I say these damned things,' Jack went on, musing as they drank their bottle, 'and don't quite understand at the time, though I see people looking black as hell, and frowning, and my friends going "Pst, pst", and then I say to myself, "You're brought by the lee again, Jack.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #845705
#33. People aren't buying records like they used to, so it's nice to try to figure out a way to make them do it. I would enjoy the same thing to own an old movie house, to try to trick people to come in - like having 3-D or Smell-o-Vision or Vibra-Vision or something. Mcguffins to get people interested.

Jack White

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1805241
#34. If I'm among my boys or people I've grown up with, I can be immature.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1559599
#35. Out of nowhere, I became a fairly well-known director with a penchant for opera, which I did for 10 years. Then I realized I was taking myself out the theater channel, and so I re-focused on theater.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1756191
#36. Six years ago, I completed the premier episode of Hawaii Five-O, and Jack Lord and I immediately realized that we had a good series, that this was a success such as we'd never hoped for!

James MacArthur

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1740364
#37. Certain jobs [films] are for the business really, because they get an audience, they get a global audience. Certain jobs are as an artist. If I can keep moving forward and strike some form of balance between them two, then I'm going to feel content.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1729705
#38. May Jack-o-lanterns burning bright, Of soft and golden hue, Pierce through the future's veil and show, What fate now holds for you?

Jerry Smith

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1727449
#39. How many times have I told you, don't get caught by the bad guys!

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1721017
#40. I weave the company into what we laughingly call 'Jack's novel.' I write this novel for them about who they are and what's going on in their world. When I had 90 people in 'Porgy and Bess,' each had a story, history and family relationship.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1689716
#41. I've done two 'Hamlets,' two 'Lears,' three 'Midsummer Night's Dreams' - I've done most of these plays more than once, and every time I direct them, I learn things.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1652909
#42. It's an old story, really: seduced and corrupted, in the end, by an obsessive love for the text.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1640562
#43. I was a youngster looking up to dudes like Vicky McClure, Joe Dempsie and Michael Socha - in fact, he was a big influence on how I was able to detach drama from the all-singing, all-dancing stigma.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1602095
#44. Reading scripts is actually quite a relaxing part of the job. Strangely relaxing. This is a whole different ball game.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1569090
#45. I was at a wake the other night and every man jack was drunk - even the corpse.

Flann O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1311250
#46. I'd like to apologize in advance for anything I may say or do that could be construed as offensive as I slowly go nuts!

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1557070
#47. Everybody saying "O how wonderful life is, how miraculous, God made this and God made that", how do you know he doesnt hate what He did: He might even be drunk and not noticing what he went and done

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1555585
#48. Our minds, with their store of madness, had diverged. O gruesome life, ========== On the Road (Kerouac, Jack)


Jack O'lantern Quotes #1538916
#49. Shakespeare pulls on us and demands the best of us. You never successfully wrestle one of his plays to the ground and say, 'See? That's It!'

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1536376
#50. O sweetheart and okay
Here's hopin we'll all be away
It was great fun
But it was just one a
those tings

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1521772
#51. I feel like I've grown up on screen quite a lot.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1481640
#52. How she moves. That's just like Jell-O on springs. She must have some sort of built-in motors. I tell you, it's a whole different sex! Joe: What are you afraid of? Nobody's asking you to have a baby.

Jack Lemmon

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1420647
#53. Since I started acting, I've always been aware of the sort of 'beastly entity' that is America and Hollywood, and semi-consciously, I devised a kind of route in - I'd seen a lot of people try and fail.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1391073
#54. I am not master of words to tell you, Jack, the value of an exceedingly remote island to a naturalist, an uninhabited fertile volcanic island covered with a luxuriant vegetation, with no vile rats, dogs, cats, goats, swine, introduced by fools to destroy an Eden, an island untouched ...

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1385883
#55. I wish I could say I didn't owe anything to anyone. But the truth is, I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for the courage and support of each and every one of you. I hope I can be as good a leader as we've had in the past and as good as you deserve.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #1324737
#56. You never get the Shakespeares right. It's not possible.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #182056
#57. Better than a shove in the eye with a dry stick. [- Jack]

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #392241
#58. And I realize the unbearable anguish of insanity: how uninformed people can be thinking insane people are "happy," O God, in fact it was Irwin Garden once warned me not to think the madhouses are full of "happy nuts." (p. 200)

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #369649
#59. What's interesting about Twitter and the influencers that someone follows - like, say, Shaquille O'Neal - is that they see someone who is using the exact same tools that they have access to, and I think that inspires this hope to be able to really engage with someone like him.

Jack Dorsey

Jack O'lantern Quotes #318091
#60. O how wonderful life is, how miraculous, God made this and God made that", "how do you know he doesn't hate what He did: He might even be drunk and not noticing what he went and done tho of course that's not true

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #295629
#61. I like the ideology of there being no such thing as perfection. But I'm of the opinion that I have witnessed perfection at various times, especially in art.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #294021
#62. I remembered something. There's a man. He is bald and wears a short sleeve shirt. And somehow, he is important to me ... I think his name is ... Homer.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #288626
#63. 2009 was crazy enough! I can't believe I worked with Jeremy Irons, Joan Allen, Marsha Mason, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury, Jack O'Brien and Trevor Nunn in the same 12 months.

Aaron Lazar

Jack O'lantern Quotes #276804
#64. Jack Abramoff is the world's best lobbyist - for the Federal Penitentiary System.

P. J. O'Rourke

Jack O'lantern Quotes #214680
#65. When sorrow comes, they come not single spies, but in battalions. I've allies in heaven, Jack, i've commrades in hell ... say hello for me ...

James O'Barr

Jack O'lantern Quotes #205252
#66. O love, fled me - or do telepathies cross sympathetically in the night?

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #202913
#67. I worked on a farm for a little bit.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #194111
#68. Meeting Mike Nichols was a sort of lifetime occupation.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #397351
#69. For a production that suggests a mysterious dreamscape, I have a particular affection for the Vivian Beaumont Theater. It is the largest dramatic space available in New York City in terms of plays, although musicals have been done there very successfully as well.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #179754
#70. O Rosey,
why don't you stay just home
and eat chocolate bars
and read Boswell
all this society-izing will bring you nothing but lines of anxiety on your face
and a sociable smile ain't nothing but teeth

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #130502
#71. I quite like to sing, actually - just belting out numbers with my guitar. I find that it's a form of tranquility.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #128508
#72. I'm actually a hippy in real life. I had three dreadlocks on the back of my head once. They were spawning.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #111101
#73. What's wrong with (Captain) Jack Aubrey?"
"Everything, since he has a command and I have not.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #109544
#74. The Pentagon's lost entire countries.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #96778
#75. Go and see whether the Doctor is about,' said Jack, 'and if he is, ask him to look in, when he has a moment.'
Which he is in the fish-market, turning over some old-fashioned lobsters. No. I tell a lie. That is him, falling down the companion-way and cursing in foreign.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #94601
#76. I couldn't be more proud to introduce Anne-Marie Duff, a phenomenal actress who is bursting on the world stage, to Broadway audiences as Lady Macbeth.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #68141
#77. Second guessing a decision is a waste of time.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #19505
#78. It just so happens that my oldest and best friend is Bob James, the Grammy-winning great jazz pianist!

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #2200
#79. You do not mean there is danger of peace?, cried Jack.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #548659
#80. Skip your fancy talk, Captain Lord Blackthorn. If I do your bidding, and I'm still discussing that with the Almighty, it will only be to save my arse." Katie O'Reilly to Captain Lord Jack Blackthorn in "Titanic Rhapsody

Jina Bacarr

Jack O'lantern Quotes #810947
#81. I'd be lying if I said I never think about my female fans in certain shots and certain scenes. Like, when I'm topless, I might think: 'This one is for the ladies.'

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #809876
#82. Treats and tricks.
Witch broomsticks.
Lick their lips.

Crows and cats.
Vampire bats.
Capes and fangs
And pointed hats.

Werewolves howl.
Phantoms prowl.
Upon us now.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Jack O'lantern Quotes #699305
#83. Never in the history of boredom has anyone been more bored than I am right now.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #683157
#84. I find the education I got from living in Derby and being streetwise and knowing the people that I know, the lessons that I had to learn growing up, have set me in good stead for this kind of working life.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #663540
#85. Why there you are, Stephen,' cried Jack. 'You are come home, I find.'
That is true,' said Stephen with an affectionate look: he prized statements of this kind in Jack.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #657067
#86. My first experience on a feature film was with Shane Meadows on 'This Is England.'

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #652473
#87. When I looked at the skeleton of 'Damn Yankees,' I saw an indestructible story, absolutely original characters, one of the freshest, sassiest American scores of the century, and some outmoded equipment.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #619974
#88. I've had the good fortune of studying the 17th-century art of Amsterdam in preparation for a film.

Jack O'Connell

Jack O'lantern Quotes #608165
#89. Jack had never been a hypocrite until he became a father, and even now it did not come easy.

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #552163
#90. Let my lips avoid vain repetition as I lift my voice in praise, O Lord. Distract me from my distractions, awaken me from the dullness of mind, and transform habit and routine into vibrant times of worship.

Jack W. Hayford

Jack O'lantern Quotes #811945
#91. I'm just a surfer who wanted to build something that would allow me to surf longer.

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #545056
#92. Did you ever stand on a street corner in American at five o'clock in the morning?
I did.

Jack Kerouac

Jack O'lantern Quotes #532458
#93. O Nobly Born, now there is born in you exceeding compassion for all those living creatures who have forgotten their true nature. - Mahamudra text of Tibetan yogi Longchenpa

Jack Kornfield

Jack O'lantern Quotes #526531
#94. For a moment Jack felt the strongest inclination to snatch up his little gilt chair and beat the white-faced man down with it ...

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #513322
#95. All writers are manipulative liars.
Jack O. Savage, The Poet

Hunter S. Jones

Jack O'lantern Quotes #482617
#96. The single most important thing that I feel responsible for is that the company cherishes the work.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #473383
#97. What kind of archaeologist carries a weapon?

Jack O'Neill

Jack O'lantern Quotes #456896
#98. Flames moved towards him
and dropped within
singed and marred
his tender skin ...
(the frightful plight tale)


Jack O'lantern Quotes #449551
#99. Looking angrily at the wombat: and a moment later, 'Come now, Stephen, this is coming it pretty high: your brute is eating my hat.'
'So he is, too,' said Dr. Maturin. 'But do not be perturbed, Jack; it will do him no harm, at all. His digestive processes

Patrick O'Brian

Jack O'lantern Quotes #404530
#100. I was in love when I was in college; we all were. I remember how beautiful everybody was. Even the plain people looked beautiful.

Jack O'Brien

Jack O'lantern Quotes #397959

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