Top 18 Irish Clan Sayings

#1. Three Scotsmen of the clan McKay were looking for a fourth member to fight four members of the Irish clan Magee ... 'I'm not one of you,' my father pointed out. 'You see, I'm one of the clan M-c-C-A-Y.' And that is how I got both my name and my sense of humor.

Winsor McCay

Irish Clan Sayings #928168
#2. More die in flight than in battle.

Selma Lagerlof

Irish Clan Sayings #1140120
#3. We have taken the holistic message preached in the Old Testament and New Testaments and reduced our message to the entry point into the Kingdom.

Landa Cope

Irish Clan Sayings #1793356
#4. It is important to think ahead but don't forget where you are.

Malibongwe Xaba

Irish Clan Sayings #1647594
#5. The Tao of the sage is work without effort.


Irish Clan Sayings #1625539
#6. Everyone is doing forensics.

Patricia Cornwell

Irish Clan Sayings #1499847
#7. A week passes without contact, and then a month, and soon too much time has passed and calling her would just feel random and weird. So I don't.

Marie Lu

Irish Clan Sayings #1399489
#8. Russia doesn't negotiate with terrorists. It destroys them.

Vladimir Putin

Irish Clan Sayings #1346704
#9. I do not believe there is a long-term future for the privately rented sector in its present form.

Anthony Crosland

Irish Clan Sayings #1296589
#10. To recognize great talent, we must encourage dreamers.

Benjamin West

Irish Clan Sayings #1277853
#11. He pushed back his hood so she might see him as clearly as he saw her. "Wife of my soul," he said softly. She closed her eyes and sagged in his arms. "Oh gods, Ballard. I don't want to go.

Grace Draven

Irish Clan Sayings #1102209
#12. I think politicians do great things in the world, but I don't think they're the only ones who can. I don't like all the rhetoric and the finger pointing.

Lauren Bush

Irish Clan Sayings #853259
#13. Dad used to make Mom's eyes shine; now he makes her grind her teeth. I don't know why.

Jandy Nelson

Irish Clan Sayings #643881
#14. One of the many sad results of the Industrial Revolution was that we came to depend more than ever on the intellect, and to ignore the intuition with its symbolic thinking.

Madeleine L'Engle

Irish Clan Sayings #640536
#15. Being Irish means you belong to the clan. It's what you feel. They feel Irish.

Martin Naughton

Irish Clan Sayings #347643
#16. What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

Oscar Wilde

Irish Clan Sayings #343502
#17. The Sisters of Fate celebrated their success as a scandalous affair was born.

Neetha Joseph

Irish Clan Sayings #156054
#18. He was only the second or third in his sprawling family (their religion, Skip once said, was Irish Alcoholic) to ever go to college. Clan

Stephen King

Irish Clan Sayings #113380

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