Top 36 Intellectual Capacity Quotes
#1. What man or woman of common sense now doubts the intellectual capacity of colored people? Who does not know, that with all our efforts as a nation to crush and annihilate the mind of this portion of our race, we have never yet been able to do it.
Angelina Grimke
#2. My dog has the intellectual capacity of a lime wedge, yet even he possesses an elaborate set of assumptions, based on his ability to control my behavior through a combination of slavish devotion and incessant howling.
Martha Beck
#3. Learning continuously is the best way to build one's intellectual capacity.
Eraldo Banovac
#4. The next presumption is always valid: one's knowledge corresponds to
one's intellectual capacity.
Eraldo Banovac
#5. My uncle said physically disciplining children fell into the same category as hitting an animal, neither has the emotional or intellectual capacity to understand the action on any level other than pain and fear. He said discipline is a concept that can only be understood by adults.
Fabian Black
#6. The only way people can really be excellent is with truth, so you have to have a CFO who will have the intellectual capacity and conviction to tell you you're wrong and try to support that with data.
Anthony Noto
#7. Every mind has a horizon in respect to its present intellectual capacity but not in respect to its future intellectual capacity.
Gottfried Leibniz
#8. He had the intellectual capacity of a louse, but shone in cooking up new ways to be cruel.
Isabel Allende
#9. By their very nature, idiots do not have the intellectual capacity to identify genius. All that idiots are mentally equipped to recognize are other idiots.
Dermot Davis
#10. The measure of our intellectual capacity is the capacity to feel less and less satisfied with our answers to better and better problems.
C. West Churchman
#11. An animal has no intellectual capacity to justify or to find reasons to exist. An animal just exists because it's the natural thing to do.
Steven Spielberg
#12. There is nothing more alone in the universe than man. He is alone because he has the intellectual capacity to know that he is separated by a vast gulf of social memory and experiment from the lives of his animal associates.
Loren Eiseley
#13. Research suggests that exposure to the natural world - including nearby nature in cities - helps improve human health, well-being, and intellectual capacity in ways that science is only recently beginning to understand.
Richard Louv
#14. ...August 6, 1945, the first day of the countdown to what may be the inglorious end of this strange species, which attained the intelligence to discover the effective means to destroy itself, but - so the evidence suggests - not the moral and intellectual capacity to control its worst instincts
Noam Chomsky
#15. It's amazing to me that we humans have the intellectual capacity to ask deep questions and to devise methods for learning how the universe works and how its contents evolve with time.
Alex Filippenko
#16. Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong.
Carl Sagan
#17. The truth is: Everyone will judge you. But this depends upon your intellectual capacity whether you are able to distinguish constructive criticism between an insult coming from other people's opinions about you.
#18. Intellectual capacity is the key to solving any complex problem.
Eraldo Banovac
#19. Intellectual capacity is related to the ability of solving problems in the
right manner.
Eraldo Banovac
#20. Perfect understanding of the infinite requires limitless intellectual capacity; our undivided attention is better suited for humbler aspirations.
Wayne Gerard Trotman
#21. Intellectual capacity is a precondition for becoming a man of knowledge.
Eraldo Banovac
#22. My dear Miss Glory, Robots are not people. They are mechanically more perfect than we are, they have an astounding intellectual capacity, but they have no soul.
Karel Capek
#23. He was a member of the Diogenes Club, to which he had been nominated by one of his more peculiar acquaintances, a Government man whose intellectual capacity was matched only by his physical corpulence.
K.J. Charles
#24. These stories about my intellectual capacity really get under my skin. You know, for a while I even thought my staff believed it. There on my schedule first thing every morning it said, 'Intelligence Briefing.'
George W. Bush
#25. In their capacity as a tool, computers will be but a ripple on the surface of our culture. In their capacity as intellectual challenge, they are without precedent in the cultural history of mankind.
Edsger Dijkstra
#26. In a knowledge economy, natural selection favors organizations that can most effectively harness and coordinate collective intellectual energy and creative capacity.
Justin Rosenstein
#27. Salvation brings into the life a new capacity and with it a new ability to think right, to love God, to purpose to do the will of God, to have a changed heart. The heart of the Christian (and this means his intellectual, emotional, volitional, and spiritual life) can now be true and pure (Heb.
Charles C. Ryrie
#28. God's greatest gift to mankind is our intellect. Even for those of you who are not of the faithful, the sheer logic alone cannot be denied. Education lifts a people to greater ability and achievement.
Aleksandra Layland
#29. Politics is an act of faith; you have to show some kind of confidence in the intellectual and moral capacity of the public.
George McGovern
#30. In politics continental Europe was infantile - horrifying. What America lacked, for all its political stability, was the capacity to enjoy intellectual pleasures as though they were sensual pleasures. This is what Europe offered, or was said to offer.
Saul Bellow
#31. Every time we make jokes about how jologs someone's school is, we are not insulting the poor student's intellectual abilities but their parents' financial capacity.
Lourd Ernest H. De Veyra
#32. The audience is a very curious animal. It is shrewd rather than intelligent. Its mental capacity is less than that of its most intellectual members.
W. Somerset Maugham
#33. I have a lot of trouble understanding all the detail of finance and administration - but if you combine intellectual and professional capacity with a social conscience, you can change things: countries, structures, economic models, colonial states.
Evo Morales
#34. Collective Intelligence (CI) is the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate, and invent.
Pierre Levy
#35. The scientist, by the very nature of his commitment, creates more and more questions, never fewer. Indeed the measure of our intellectual maturity, one philosopher suggests, is our capacity to feel less and less satisfied with our answers to better problems.
Gordon Allport
#36. In spite of his capacity for concealing his emotions, I could easily see that Holmes was in a state of suppressed excitement, while I was myself tingling with that half-sporting, half-intellectual pleasure which I invariably experienced when I associated myself with him in his investigations.
Arthur Conan Doyle
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