Top 30 Inner Calling Quotes

#1. True initiation is a response to an inner calling; it requires that you face personal challenges heroically and experience a genuine rebirth into a new way of being.

Alberto Villoldo

Inner Calling Quotes #1767575
#2. Do not see others as your example, as that can hold you back. First, find your own inner calling and follow that.

Helena Kalivoda

Inner Calling Quotes #1520164
#3. Here's a big lesson: The secret of passion is purpose. Once you find your calling - that compelling cause that you can give your life over to - your heart will begin to sing, and you'll have more passion, power, and inner peace than you ever could have imagined. Discovering

Robin S. Sharma

Inner Calling Quotes #1855188
#4. If we have faith, then we can see the beauty around us. If we don't then we are just blind followers, not knowing why we are on the path.

Fennel Hudson

Inner Calling Quotes #1850072
#5. Your greatest challenge is to not be distracted by that which happens in front of you, or is pulling on you or calling to you, but instead to find your center and magnetize to yourself all those things that are in alignment with your inner being

Sanaya Roman

Inner Calling Quotes #1778545
#6. Your spirit knows your purpose, your calling, and your highest potential. It may come as that inner voice that nudges you, saying There's something bigger out there for you. You have a larger purpose. LISTEN.

Lynn A. Robinson

Inner Calling Quotes #1774122
#7. Success comes from developing a strong inner character

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #1701767
#8. If you are not living according to the will of God but independent of Him, you will never be happy and experience inner rest

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #1677323
#9. My call to the ministry was not a miraculous or supernatural something. On the contrary it was an inner urge calling me to serve humanity.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Inner Calling Quotes #1633456
#10. When you follow your heart's calling, you wind up becoming your most powerful self. You don't need to take power from others if you can tap into your own inner power.

Karen Salmansohn

Inner Calling Quotes #1585158
#11. Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Centre, a speaking voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto itself.

Thomas Raymond Kelly

Inner Calling Quotes #1383112
#12. Who you are, how you act and present yourself to others and your deep inner-truths are calling fortune or misfortune into your life right now.

Bryant McGill

Inner Calling Quotes #1336416
#13. You hold within you a system of values and beliefs

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #1223462
#14. You need to understand what there is inside you

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #1189772
#15. After you have found inner peace you have endless energy - the more you give, the more you receive. After you have found your calling, you work easily and joyously. You never get tired.

Peace Pilgrim

Inner Calling Quotes #1153243
#16. Your inner knowledge of yourself is what matters

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #1090732
#17. It is important to build inner core, form beliefs and life values

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #1072683
#18. Growing old can mean more than slowing down; it can be a time of truly growing down and incarnating further. Because the inner genius that tries to incarnate through us will keep calling for us to awaken further until we come to the end of our life adventure.

Michael Meade

Inner Calling Quotes #821389
#19. The further we travel down the path of enlightenment, the more humble we become. We shouldn't seek to impress others - or allow ourselves to be taken - with mere outer trappings. If we do our inner work, our spirit will be our calling card. Nice to meet you.

Philip Toshio Sudo

Inner Calling Quotes #740042
#20. People try to build their identity around external things such as appearance and the clothes at the expense of neglecting the inner values of who they really are

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #728396
#21. Calling on you to give up control of the outer world and gladly accept control of your inner relationship with God, devotion is essential for fully realizing your soul's calling.

Debbie Ford

Inner Calling Quotes #679421
#22. You need to maximize your Gods given potential through the power of your spirit, your inner core, your values and principles on which your life is based

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #566645
#23. I made my name". What does this mean? It means that a man has successfully graduated through the process of inner self-development

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #501244
#24. The Singing of Swans is a remarkable narrative calling
even compelling
us to connect with our own ancestral roots, to seek our own inner wisdom, and to reclaim our own inner voices!

Margaret Starbird

Inner Calling Quotes #374646
#25. Soul is found where life deepens us, where meaning calls to us, where trouble deters us, wherever and however we slow down in the midst of the rushing and racing at the surface level of life.

Michael Meade

Inner Calling Quotes #373208
#26. What is inside of you is where your wealth is and where your treasures comes from

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #308715
#27. Man's inner content is the worth of his life

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #156786
#28. Some might ask whether the path is before us or within us. The answer is: Yes. We are both driven from within by our resident spirit and something outside calls forth the genius within us.

Michael Meade

Inner Calling Quotes #117694
#29. Ormus liked to compose his own songs up on the flat roof of the apartment block, and spent eternities up there, lost within himself, searching for the points at which his inner life intersected the life of the greater world outside, and calling those points of intersection songs.

Salman Rushdie

Inner Calling Quotes #38195
#30. Forming good values and beliefs comes by determining what they should be and then building them inside of you

Sunday Adelaja

Inner Calling Quotes #30859

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