Top 11 Incurables 2 Quotes

#1. The wall of silence that had instantaneously sprung between us was strong, deafening. I could not concentrate, having a sudden surge of emotions about all relationships being mawkish and pointless.

Kavipriya Moorthy

Incurables 2 Quotes #54387
#2. Every actor I think has got their own number of takes that they like, you know. Some actors like to go all day, you know on the one scene and some actors want to take two takes. I personally like four.

Robert Carlyle

Incurables 2 Quotes #612314
#3. This trend of reporting process over substance is unfortunate, if omnipresent. Even worse is the media's inability - or unwillingness - to fact-check Republicans who are angry about the Democrats trying to debate and vote on Iraq policy.

Eric Alterman

Incurables 2 Quotes #686774
#4. What, Lucius, ho!
I cannot, by the progress of the stars,
Give guess how near to day. Lucius, I say!
I would it were my fault to sleep so soundly.
When, Lucius, when? awake, I say! what, Lucius!

William Shakespeare

Incurables 2 Quotes #743157
#5. The adivasi people have a long and courageous history of resistance that predates the birth of Maoism. To look upon them as brainless puppets being manipulated by a few middle-class Maoist ideologues is to do them something of a disservice.

Arundhati Roy

Incurables 2 Quotes #904363
#6. She's only got eight fingers but she's got them stuck in all kinds of pies, and she keeps her thumbs bare for testing new ones.

Catherine Cookson

Incurables 2 Quotes #1152718
#7. What's the use of dying in a ward surrounded by a lot of groaning and croaking incurables? Wouldn't it be much better to throw a party with that twenty-seven thousand and take poison and depart for the other world to the sound of violins, surrounded by lovely drunken girls and happy friends?

Mikhail Bulgakov

Incurables 2 Quotes #1174425
#8. i don't have any

Bob Marley

Incurables 2 Quotes #1280958
#9. Standing in the ring of fire, the eye of the storm, the vortex of pain and pressure is simultaneously the most vulnerable and most powerful place to be. Here we embody paradox. We stand our ground and surrender completely. Here we know the full power of the Feminine.

Lucy H. Pearce

Incurables 2 Quotes #1435716
#10. The cost of caring for the "incurables" was prohibitive. They must "give their lives" for the greater cause just as everyone else, and just as the parents of soldiers must "make the ultimate sacrifice" of

Eric Metaxas

Incurables 2 Quotes #1460295
#11. Society is a hospital of incurables.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Incurables 2 Quotes #1558621

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