Top 25 Incarnates Quotes

#1. Like the tail fins on fifties American cars or the parabolic shapes of Populuxe furniture, 'West Side Story' incarnates the dream of momentum in the golden age of the twentieth century.

John Lahr

Incarnates Quotes #159021
#2. The spirit for me is the eternal self. And when one incarnates, an aspect comes with that incarnation, that's called the soul. And together the mind, the emotional body, and the soul form the energy field that lives within this thing called the human body.

Caroline Myss

Incarnates Quotes #1798232
#3. Sometimes beings come forth from that realmless realm. Light incarnates and wanders around through the samsara, kind of looking at itself in various countless forms. We call beings that come from that realm "enlightened".

Frederick Lenz

Incarnates Quotes #1560285
#4. Pornography incarnates male supremacy. It is the DNA of male dominance. Every rule of sexual abuse, every nuance of sexual sadism, every highway and byway of sexual exploitation, is encoded in it.

Andrea Dworkin

Incarnates Quotes #1547941
#5. The mission of Everyman is to fulfill the lies he incarnates, to succeed in being no more than an exhaust illusion.

Emil M. Cioran

Incarnates Quotes #1356423
#6. Abstract truth has no value unless it incarnates in human beings who represent it, by proving their readiness to die for it.

Mahatma Gandhi

Incarnates Quotes #1332476
#7. The # Divine incarnates only in the individual -He or It overshadows the group. The supreme responsibility always lies with the individual. At the exact moment, in the most definite manner Destiny acts and speaks though the individual.

Dane Rudhyar

Incarnates Quotes #1216054
#8. Jesus doesn't dominate the other, avoid the other, colonize the other, intimidate the other, demonize the other, or marginalize the other. He incarnates into the other, joins the other in solidarity, protects the other, listens to the other, serves the other, even lays down his life for the other.

Brian D. McLaren

Incarnates Quotes #1073890
#9. Through endless time God's greatest gift is continuously given in silence. But whenmankind becomes completely deaf to the thunder of His Silence God incarnates as Man.

Meher Baba

Incarnates Quotes #1043698
#10. Literature incarnates its meanings as concretely as possible. The knowledge that literature gives of a subject is the kind of knowledge that is obtained by (vicariously) living through an experience.

Leland Ryken

Incarnates Quotes #916810
#11. The critic is genius at one remove; he is not unlike an actor on the stage, and incarnates in his mind, as the actor embodies in his person, another's work; only thus does he understand art, realize it, know it; and having arrived at this, his task is done.

George Edward Woodberry

Incarnates Quotes #711393
#12. An infinite soul incarnates in order to catalyze massive spiritual change in a civilization, generally during a shift from one average soul age to another. An incarnation of a transcendental soul usually precedes it in order to catalyze massive social change.

Shepherd Hoodwin

Incarnates Quotes #667050
#13. Somehow the church has forgotten what it knew for so long: story goes beyond simply illustrating some spiritual point or other; it gives form to content; it incarnates meaning.

Sarah Arthur

Incarnates Quotes #357538
#14. The ideal that marriage aims at is that of spiritual union through the physical. The human love that it incarnates is intended to serve as a stepping stone to diving or universal love.

Mahatma Gandhi

Incarnates Quotes #5739
#15. Buddha indicated that the self, that part of you that incarnates from lifetime to lifetime was causal.

Frederick Lenz

Incarnates Quotes #1060164
#16. My greatest good fortune in a life of brilliant experiences has been to find you, and to lead my life with you. I don't feel far away from you out here at all. I feel very near in my heart; and also I feel that the nearer I get to honour, the nearer I am to you.

Winston Churchill

Incarnates Quotes #1798826
#17. I remember when my aunt died, the thing that pissed me off the most was going to get groceries the next day and seeing all those people who didn't care ... didn't understand why I was so upset when I saw her brand of cigarettes behind the counter.

Robert Kirkman

Incarnates Quotes #1490666
#18. I think being able to be malleable is a great weapon and I'm a very, very good strategist. I create the most amazing strategies in my head and I have created the most extraordinary strategies in my head for my career ...

Salma Hayek

Incarnates Quotes #1265711
#19. Commending myself to your kind memories, I wish you pleasant holidays.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Incarnates Quotes #1195361
#20. We live in a kissy society.

Michael Bergin

Incarnates Quotes #1125844
#21. I'm an exercise and yoga junkie and I feel good.

Lainie Kazan

Incarnates Quotes #930536
#22. The point is, there is no feasible excuse for what are, for what we have made of ourselves. We have chosen to put profits before people, money before morality, dividends before decency, fanaticism before fairness, and our own trivial comforts before the unspeakable agonies of others

Iain Banks

Incarnates Quotes #870403
#23. I wouldn't say Bond is an ideal figure, no. The character has been performed in so many different ways that people go, "Oh, that's an interesting take on Bond."

Henry Cavill

Incarnates Quotes #482485
#24. I try to stay on an even keel. I get really fired up on occasion, but staying relaxed and under control bodes better for my game than getting out of control.

Troy Glaus

Incarnates Quotes #296105
#25. Sex is usually cleaner than a blood sacrifice.

Thomm Quackenbush

Incarnates Quotes #110854

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