Top 15 Ikkyu Poetry Quotes

#1. And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. - KAHLIL GIBRAN The Prophet

Jodi Picoult

Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #323937
#2. I did not have one bad spell during writing - an unprecedented record.

Zane Grey

Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #754137
#3. We're lost where the mind can't find us
utterly lost


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #781843
#4. You gave me back the paradise
That I thought I lost for good
You helped me find the reasons why
It took me by surprise that you understood
You knew all along
What I never wanted to say
Until I learned to love myself
I was never ever lovin' anybody else.


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #822695
#5. That stone Buddha deserves all the
birdshit it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall
flower in the wind


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #839474
#6. Spread yourself upon his bosom publicly, whose heart you would eat in private.

Ben Jonson

Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #871417
#7. I'd love to give you something
but what would help?


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #882000
#8. Biographer diagnoses reaction to restriction as a tell of true character. Some use even prison as a time of reflection and planning. Others, like Churchill, quickly chafe at missing interaction and opportunity.

William Manchester

Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #971531
#9. Clouds very high look
not one word helped them get up there


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #996555
#10. It isn't that we're alone or not alone
whose voice do you want mine? yours?


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #1006833
#11. It took a woman to actually do something about the lack of women in creative departments.

Cindy Gallop

Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #1138060
#12. Born born everything is always born
thinking about it try not to


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #1268474
#13. Simon had to save the world, and the rest of us get in because we have the right surname?" George asked lightly. He winked at Simon. "Hard luck on you, mate.

Cassandra Clare

Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #1463102
#14. Hearing a crow with no mouth
Cry in the deep
Darkness of the night,
I feel a longing for
My father before he was born.


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #1634018
#15. Don't wait for the man standing in the
to cut off his arm help him now


Ikkyu Poetry Quotes #1852373

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