Top 88 I Love Trees Quotes

#1. I love flowers for being flowers, directly.
And I love trees for being trees without my thought.

Alberto Caeiro

I Love Trees Quotes #1645418
#2. I love trees I have this thing for trees and the colors & changing of leaves. I love it I respect these kinds of things.

Michael Jackson

I Love Trees Quotes #1341682
#3. I send out thoughts of love and peace and healing to the whole universe: to all trees and plants and growing things, to all beasts and birds and fishes, and to every man, woman and child on earth, without any distinction.

Emmet Fox

I Love Trees Quotes #1442055
#4. I gave up practically the whole world for you," I tell him, walking through the front door of my own love story. "The sun, stars, ocean, trees, everything, I gave it all up for you.

Jandy Nelson

I Love Trees Quotes #937602
#5. I love the start of autumn when the trees in my garden change the colour of their leaves in one last dazzling display.

Michael Caine

I Love Trees Quotes #1440006
#6. I met someone.' And the leaves fell from the trees, landing to float in the calm black waters.

Leslye Walton

I Love Trees Quotes #1416888
#7. Then, at the last moment, I am forced to admit to myself that I was right after all,
and that it was really impossible to go down into the burrow without exposing the
thing I love best, for a little while at least, to all my enemies, on the ground, in the
trees, in the air.

Franz Kafka

I Love Trees Quotes #1399207
#8. I'm an adrenaline junkie. I love climbing crazy trees or cliffs, which doesn't make my mom very happy.

Stephen Colletti

I Love Trees Quotes #1273128
#9. I am one whose faith is, that love and friendship, with ardent natures, are like those trees of the torrid zone which yield fruit but once, and then die.

Edward John Trelawny

I Love Trees Quotes #1215559
#10. She collapsed. I stepped forward and caught her. I thought of two trees nearly unrooted and leaning against each other.

Peter Heller

I Love Trees Quotes #1214905
#11. I've fallen out of favour
And I've fallen from grace
Fallen out of trees
And I've fallen on my face
Fallen out of taxis
Out of windows too
Fell in your opinion
When I fell in love with you

Florence Welch

I Love Trees Quotes #1184836
#12. I grew up in an era of thinking of travel as escape. The idea that you could conceivably have a new life, go somewhere, fall in love, have little children under the palm trees.

Paul Theroux

I Love Trees Quotes #1153315
#13. I love cities, I spend most of my life talking about cities. And the design of cities does have an effect on your life. You're lucky if you can see trees out of your window and you have a square nearby, or a bar, a cornershop, a surgery. Then you're living well.

Richard Rogers

I Love Trees Quotes #1140419
#14. I talk to trees and animals. We have interesting conversations about food, weather, and love. They sometimes can predict the future.

Shan Sa

I Love Trees Quotes #1118792
#15. She left, never to return. I planted a tree and a seed each time I thought of her. I grew a small forest and a large garden and had no one to give the orchids to.

Darnell Lamont Walker

I Love Trees Quotes #1098708
#16. I love to think that animals and humans and plants and fishes and trees and stars and the moon are all connected.

Gloria Vanderbilt

I Love Trees Quotes #1097508
#17. I've always loved magnolia trees and their blooms - there's something so beautiful about a magnolia blossom. It demands attention, and you can't help but love those big, creamy petals and that fragrant smell.

Joanna Gaines

I Love Trees Quotes #1068485
#18. Seeing family is what brings me peace. If I'm not traveling home on my day off, I love going to Central Park to be around trees and throw a Frisbee with my boyfriend.

Kara Lindsay

I Love Trees Quotes #1064786
#19. Driving through much of the southern part of the U.S. reminds me of where I grew up in Canada. The trees, homes, sense of community ... I love the South.

Laurie Holden

I Love Trees Quotes #1064588
#20. I love you like a river that creates the right conditions for trees and bushes and flowers to flourish along its banks. I love you like a river that gives water to the thirsty and takes people where they want to go.

Paulo Coelho

I Love Trees Quotes #1032576
#21. Truthfully, I love being in the jungle. I love it when the make-up artists come to set, they come equipped with dirt and sweat. I spend my days climbing trees and I can crawl out of bed and walk on set and that's exactly all I have to look like.

Evangeline Lilly

I Love Trees Quotes #1031097
#22. And if, in some distant place in the future, we see each other in our new lives, I will smile at you with joy, and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.

Nicholas Sparks

I Love Trees Quotes #1011532
#23. But i would love to write something, maybe a book. I want to travel to a small town someday - one with fir trees and snowcapped mountains. Than I would spend an entire winter writing to my heart's content.

Lang Leav

I Love Trees Quotes #941348
#24. If trees had love, instead of leaves, I'd gladly rake you into a pile on my lawn and fall into you.

Jarod Kintz

I Love Trees Quotes #1862627
#25. Want loud and messy and crazy. I want crayons on the wall and bicycles in the driveway and playing ball in the backyard. I want to teach my kids to read and climb trees and drive a standard. I want noise and laughter and yelling and the kind of love that can't ever be broken.

Shannon Stacey

I Love Trees Quotes #1571555
#26. I heard the breeze whisper your name to the trees. And the flowers giggled smiling at the leaves. I and my loneliness keep talking about you.

Avijeet Das

I Love Trees Quotes #1814402
#27. I love touring in the United States. It's dramatically different wherever you go. North to south, you're going from snow to palm trees.

Greg Lake

I Love Trees Quotes #1791804
#28. someday i will walk
under the soul-blossom tree
with my hand eternally woven in yours.

Sanober Khan

I Love Trees Quotes #1770532
#29. Give me a land of boughs in leaf
A land of trees that stand;
Where trees are fallen there is grief;
I love no leafless land.

A.E. Housman

I Love Trees Quotes #1737901
#30. If a man cannot enjoy the return of spring, why should he be happy in a labour-saving Utopia? ... I think that by retaining one's childhood love of such things as trees, fishes, butterflies and ... toads, one makes a peaceful and decent future a little more probable.

George Orwell

I Love Trees Quotes #1713845
#31. You have put your two hands upon me, and your mouth,
You have said my name as a prayer.
Here where trees are planted by water
I have watched your eyes, cleansed from regret,
And your lips, closed over all that love cannot say.

Louise Bogan

I Love Trees Quotes #1707399
#32. Some people like to paint trees. I like to paint love. I find it more meaningful than painting trees.

Robert Indiana

I Love Trees Quotes #1664020
#33. Do you say that tree isn't pretty cause it doesn't look like that tree? We're all trees. You're a tree. I'm a tree. You've got to love your body, Eve. You've got to love your tree. Love your tree. (Leah)

Eve Ensler

I Love Trees Quotes #1647494
#34. I love autumn despite the drench weather. I think it symbolises the end of misery and the beginning of glee. It gives hopes that sooner or later, flowers will bloom again, green buds will sprout from trees, and that which is dead will come back alive.

Aishah Madadiy

I Love Trees Quotes #1616878
#35. I thought of all the summer evenings I'd spent sitting in the chairs under the trees beside the trailer, reading books that helped me escape Creek View, at least for a little while. Magical kingdoms, Russian love triangles, and the March sisters couldn't have been further away from the trailer park.

Heather Demetrios

I Love Trees Quotes #1599688
#36. Our mouths and bodies speak for us in a new language as the trees shake loose a rain of petals that stick to our slickness like skins we will wear forever. And just like that, I am changed.

Libba Bray

I Love Trees Quotes #1458941
#37. I don't want to only ever meet you in the woods, even though I love this. I ... I gotta feel like there's something real beyond these trees. I want to be able to take you on a date. Just ... once.

Linda Kage

I Love Trees Quotes #1542672
#38. I love the ocean, wide-open space and trees, but I'm not a gardener or anything like that. I think I may be, eventually. I was raised in the city, so I don't have that skill set, but my heart is more with the dirt than the concrete. It's an unrequited love with nature - a one-way love affair.

David Duchovny

I Love Trees Quotes #1540554
#39. I love The Inn at Palmetto Bluff, an Auberge Property in Bluffton, South Carolina. It's a spectacular corner of the world, with massive old trees lined with Spanish moss, and alligators swimming in the river.

Gail Simmons

I Love Trees Quotes #1537359
#40. I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees.

Pablo Neruda

I Love Trees Quotes #1534585
#41. I love bright words, words up and singing early;
Words that are luminous in the dark, and sing;
Warm lazy words, white cattle under trees;
I love words opalescent, cool, and pearly,
Like midsummer moths, and honied words like bees, Gilded and sticky, with a little sting.

Elinor Wylie

I Love Trees Quotes #1526790
#42. I love New Orleans physically. I love the trees and the balmy air and the beautiful days. I have a beautiful house here.

Anne Rice

I Love Trees Quotes #1519303
#43. Do you know how many acres of beautiful forests and moors have been destroyed by your company? How many animals have lost their homes and how many trees have been murdered? I am sick of being bothered by you people.

Emily Arden

I Love Trees Quotes #1512252
#44. Even as I see all of the leaves fall from the trees up above

My heart falls in more love with your soul

It's your whisper in my ear that I hear every time that I lose the strength to continuing walking alone without you next to me

Austin V. Songer

I Love Trees Quotes #1494818
#45. that I thought of you - of the air that slipped
between the strands of your hair, and blue stones
in my hand, before the autumn damasks

bloom their last, before these blue stones are lain
forgotten as the blossoms of plum trees
I could not render in my artless hands

John Daniel Thieme

I Love Trees Quotes #1466746
#46. Hmm, What did I love? I think all the scents. Mama's lilac trees, and the wild iris in the fields, and rain on the breeze on a hot day. Apple and pear blossoms. The hay just cut. The mix of odors in the barn when the sunlight was shafting through the cracks in the boards, heating everything up.

Jane Smiley

I Love Trees Quotes #220612
#47. I will be gone from here and sing my songs/ In the forest wilderness where the wild beasts are,/ And carve in letters on the little trees/ The story of my love, and as the trees/ Will grow letters too will grow, to cry/ In a louder voice the story of my love.


I Love Trees Quotes #427809
#48. Hummingbirds laze around him. Fruit falls out of trees right into his open palms ... I've never felt this relaxed in my life. I keep forgetting my body and then have to go back and get it.

Jandy Nelson

I Love Trees Quotes #419774
#49. I love all the arts - so museums, theatre, music, walks near trees or by the ocean, time with people, psychological readings.

Aimee Bender

I Love Trees Quotes #351452
#50. But if God is the flowers and the trees
And the hills and the sun and the moonlight,
Then I believe in him,
Then I believe in him all the time,
And my whole life is an oration and a mass,
And a communion with my eyes and through my ears.

Alberto Caeiro

I Love Trees Quotes #331671
#51. The sound of dogs howling from the next homestead over. But the space between our houses grows while I sleep. The forest around me deepens. The trees fall in love and multiply. The snow an intoxicant. I pray the pines don't get bolder, that they don't grow organs and hands.

Stuart Dybek

I Love Trees Quotes #307893
#52. When I make a film I'm always in reality among the trees, and among the people like yourselves. There's no symbolic or conventional filter between me and reality as there is in literature. The cinema is an explosion of my love for reality.

Pier Paolo Pasolini

I Love Trees Quotes #300510
#53. I love Tennessee, but they don't have the pine trees and the sandy soil and the black water that I grew up around.

Josh Turner

I Love Trees Quotes #270024
#54. My brothers and I love playing outside and climbing trees. We really love sports, too - I think football's probably my favorite.

Madeline Carroll

I Love Trees Quotes #225727
#55. I love all trees, but I am in love with pines.

Aldo Leopold

I Love Trees Quotes #223901
#56. Look through that clump of trees. There's a hawk sitting on the weathervane at the Red Rooster Inn. I've heard that if someone you love very much passes away, they can come back in the form of a hawk, to look after you and give you comfort.

Caroline Fyffe

I Love Trees Quotes #223781
#57. The other houses in the neighborhood had Christmas lights up and trees visible in their windows, but not Shae's. She and I were the only ones who didn't care anymore, and I liked that about her.

Teresa Lo

I Love Trees Quotes #435708
#58. For you, it's all about money, money, money. But what about the forests I say? Some of those trees have been there for hundreds of years. What right have you to destroy that?

Emily Arden

I Love Trees Quotes #196701
#59. I'm an introvert ... I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky.

Audrey Hepburn

I Love Trees Quotes #182542
#60. How quiet the woods are today... not a murmur except that soft wind putting in the treetops! It sounds like surf on a faraway shore. How dear the woods are! You beautiful trees! I love every one of you as a friend!

L.M. Montgomery

I Love Trees Quotes #164419
#61. I close my eyes, knowing that afterward we will fall asleep together on our small mattress, as we do every night, listening to the wind in the palm trees outside our window, believing in our thick dreams that we are capable of nothing cruel.

Andrew Porter

I Love Trees Quotes #144774
#62. If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love a human.

Maggie Stiefvater

I Love Trees Quotes #138406
#63. I think I know the trees
Will never love me and we're here as accidentally

Bernadette Mayer

I Love Trees Quotes #108866
#64. I wish I was as true an artist as you so that I could find a way to tell you what you've become to me. America, my love, you are sunlight falling through trees. You are laughter that breaks through sadness. You are the breeze on a too-warm day. You are clarity in the midst of confusion

Kiera Cass

I Love Trees Quotes #99995
#65. And if i
if i ever let love go
because the hatred and the whisperings
become a phantom dictate i o-
bey in lieu of impulse and realities
(the blossoming flamingos of my
wild mimosa trees)
then let love freeze me
(from i must become a menace to my enemies)

June Jordan

I Love Trees Quotes #99126
#66. I love green. Green is the color of nature, trees. I'm a tree freak. I spend a lot of my time planting trees, nurturing them, and studying them. It's one of the colors I couldn't live without.

John Boorman

I Love Trees Quotes #70353
#67. I am (obviously) much in love with plants and above all trees, and always have been; and I find human maltreatment of them as hard to bear as some find ill-treatment of animals.

J.R.R. Tolkien

I Love Trees Quotes #24665
#68. I want to be born and reborn as a cherry tree so that I may beautify this world with my blossoms, feed everyone with my nectar of love fruits, and purify the air with my calmly dancing leaves.

Debasish Mridha

I Love Trees Quotes #754561
#69. I love being outside with trees and water, lying down somewhere or walking. I do transcendental meditation, which keeps me calm and steady.

Naomi Watts

I Love Trees Quotes #918543
#70. So he earns your undying love by reading a book under a tree?" Cole said dryly. "Why didn't I ever try that approach? I like books and trees.

Brodi Ashton

I Love Trees Quotes #903072
#71. I put quite a few trees in last autumn. A lot of silver birch and a couple of native trees - just generally doing gardening, putting plants in and hedges in. It takes quite a lot of time and I love it.

Sean Bean

I Love Trees Quotes #873306
#72. Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above. Don't fence me in. Let me ride through the wide open country that I love Don't fence me in Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me off forever but I ask you please Don't fence me in

Cole Porter

I Love Trees Quotes #868043
#73. I am wild, I will sing to the trees,
I will sing to the stars in the sky,
I love, I am loved, he is mine,
Now at last I can die!
I am sandaled with wind and with flame,
I have heart-fire and singing to give,
I can tread on the grass or the stars,
Now at last I can live!

Sara Teasdale

I Love Trees Quotes #842735
#74. I'd love to see a new form of social security ... everyone taught how to grow their own; fruit and nut trees planted along every street, parks planted out to edibles, every high rise with a roof garden, every school with at least one fruit tree for every kid enrolled.

Jackie French

I Love Trees Quotes #827845
#75. I wish we could go back in time and climb trees together again. I love you, Vera. I always will.

A.S. King

I Love Trees Quotes #810895
#76. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees - my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight, but necessary.

Emily Bronte

I Love Trees Quotes #788659
#77. I wonder if every girl yearns for her father's love,
almost like waiting to catch the moon hiding in the trees - beautiful, yet so eternally elusive.

Amita Trasi

I Love Trees Quotes #785211
#78. I love the sound of the wind in the trees and the song of the birds and the shuffle in the leaves of my many woodland friends.

Jason Mraz

I Love Trees Quotes #765516
#79. I love you as big as the ocean and all its fishes. As big as the sky and all its birds. As big as the earth and all her trees.

Susan Abulhawa

I Love Trees Quotes #930935
#80. The mountain trees that grew between the pines were a brilliant blaze of fall colors, like fire against the emerald green of the pines, firs and pruces. And it was, as I'd told myself long ago, the year's last passionate love affair before it grew old and died from the frosty bite of winter.

V.C. Andrews

I Love Trees Quotes #711908
#81. It was love, of course, though I didn't know it then and Finn was both its subject and object. He accepted love instinctively, without responsibility or conditions, like a wild thing glimpsed through trees.

Meg Rosoff

I Love Trees Quotes #693373
#82. I would love to do orange and lemon trees silhouetted against the blue sea, but I cannot find them the way I want them.

Claude Monet

I Love Trees Quotes #685855
#83. I fell in love with the land and with the very old fashioned idea of leaving a physical legacy for my children. A stunning place, with a magnificent forest of trees, and a magnificent river.

Val Kilmer

I Love Trees Quotes #600844
#84. What I love most about nature is how indifferent it is to us humans and human suffering. While we are here with our little or big tragedies - the wind is blowing, the leaves are rustling in the trees, the flowers bloom, and die - there's a great comfort in that indifference,

Valzhyna Mort

I Love Trees Quotes #586451
#85. If I had one golf course, from a design standpoint, one that I really love, it would probably be Pinehurst. There's a totally tree-lined golf course where trees are not a part of the strategy.

Jack Nicklaus

I Love Trees Quotes #574870
#86. God Almighty, I love life. Even this vile place, where the trees are shattered stubs and where nothing grows but craters, even the sights, scents, sounds, and stirrings of this place are preferable to the unchanging nothingness of the Great Darkness.

Dan Simmons

I Love Trees Quotes #496307
#87. But I keep thinking love should be like a tree. You look at trees and they've got bumps and scars from tumors, infestations, what have you, but they're still growing. Despite the bumps and bruises, they're--straight.

Lorrie Moore

I Love Trees Quotes #473474
#88. As she slid into her fifties, with grace I might add, she learned the art of hatred, pulling on the pain from a broken heart. She kept this pain alive, growing on the outskirts of her soul, like a copse of trees that constantly needed pruning.

Lawren Leo

I Love Trees Quotes #440516

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