Top 32 I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes

#1. I have too many flaws to be perfect. But i have too many blessings to be ungrateful.

Zig Ziglar

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #1843211
#2. What I am is how I came out. No one's perfect and you just have to accept your flaws and learn to love yourself.

Kelly Brook

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #815458
#3. There are books like Darkness at Noon, which from the prose standpoint I don't think is a perfect book. It has flaws. But for its time, it was very politically courageous.

David Bezmozgis

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #595551
#4. A perfect character might be attended with the inconvenience of being envied and hated; and that a benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance.

Benjamin Franklin

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #609394
#5. Don't ever look down, be comfortable with who you are, our flaws are what makes us perfect.

Machine Gun Kelly

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #680366
#6. My dream is to find a guy who'll love me despite my flaws and won't turn away from me when a perfect girl walks by. Maybe a boy like that doesn't even exist.

Simone Elkeles

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #691960
#7. The misfortune is that many people, men and women, think that the perfect face has no flaws, no pores in the skin; and that gives unrealistic levels of esteem. Somebody feels they're not right because they haven't got that type of refinement.

Douglas Kirkland

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #694669
#8. With my physicality and my face, I don't think I could pull off a completely righteous guy. There's something devious about my eyes. I like characters with flaws and to see how they overcome those flaws. I want to play real people, and they're flawed, not perfect.

Emraan Hashmi

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #739455
#9. There are flaws in romance but love is perfect.


I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #749141
#10. Here was a boy who liked flaws, who saw them not as failings but as strengths. Who knew such a person could exist, or what would have happened if we'd found each other under different circumstances? Maybe in a perfect world. But not in this one.

Sarah Dessen

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #584974
#11. Old Korean adage, "Even jade has flaws." Or, in other words: Nothing in life is ever perfect.

Alan Brennert

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #829812
#12. I've never met a woman who thinks they've got a good enough figure - however perfect they look - which is sad, because no one else can see these perceived flaws; they're entirely internal.

L'Wren Scott

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #851026
#13. It's okay not to be perfect. Your imperfections are what make you YOU. And at the end of the day, people like real people, flaws and all. At least I do.

Camila Cabello

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #863241
#14. Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect. But it's there for us, trying the best it can; that's what makes it so damn beautiful.

Hiromu Arakawa

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #868499
#15. He makes me weak and vulnerable and absolutely perfect in all of my flaws. Like a human.

Sarah Noffke

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #886820
#16. Even Bertrand Russell, who fancied he saw flaws in Christ's character, confessed nonetheless that 'What the world needs is love, Christian love, or compassion.' But this belies a belief in what most others acknowledge, namely, that Christ was the perfect manifestation of the virtue of love.

Norman Geisler

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #897822
#17. One flaw throws the loveliness of [everything else] into focus. I remember reading that Shakers deliberately introduced a mistake into the things they made, to show that man shouldn't aspire to the perfection of God. Flawed can be more perfect than perfection.

Gretchen Rubin

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #1836179
#18. Look at
how deeply flawed
we are

and yet
capable of loving
so perfectly.

Sanober Khan

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #584411
#19. I think what is interesting in life is all the cracks and all the flaws and all the moments that are not perfect.

Clemence Poesy

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #577851
#20. I hate that our world makes it look like everyone is perfect but you. Each and every one of us is human. Why are all the flaw that we all have hidden like they're not real?

Audrey Regan

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #559725
#21. I could say his body was perfect and every part of it beautiful, because it was. Not because he had no flaws, but because I wanted him so desperately I couldn't see any.

Megan Hart

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #520317
#22. But stories are like people, Atticus. Loving them doesn't make them perfect. You try to cherish their virtues and overlook their flaws. The flaws are still there, though. But you don't get mad.

Matt Ruff

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #510547
#23. Perfection isn't everything," she said as she turned and walked away. "I think the flaws are what make it perfect.

Trisha Leaver

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #427192
#24. Heroes became heroes flaws and all. You don't have to be perfect to fulfill your dream.

Peter McWilliams

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #417384
#25. We all have flaws, no matter how hard we try to tame sometimes still eludes us. If you give me your flaw, I'll handle it flawlessly, and I mine, you'd do the same. That's when two is better than one, else, we'll have two aggravated untamed flaws.

Ufuoma Apoki

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #403627
#26. Our lives,our brokenness,our flaws and failures are precisely what God designed to reflect a perfect love.

Peter Adejimi

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #386973
#27. Because they don't want to be perfect, because only God is perfect, Indian people sew flaws into their powwow regalia. My family always sewed one yellow bead somewhere on our regalia. But we always hid it so that you had to search really hard to find it.

Sherman Alexie

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #371545
#28. He was too perfect, despite being one of the most imperfect people I knew.

Richelle Mead

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #300239
#29. You are perfect, Avery. Just like you are, flaws and everything.

Shana Norris

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #293267
#30. In my own life as a reader I experience real moments of alienation when a writer feels too perfect, or like even the flaws they are admitting are somehow noble, or dysfunctional in an overly edgy, aesthetically pleasing way.

Leslie Jamison

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #218779
#31. You are beautiful and magical and perfect, especially because of your flaws. Those cracks are what let the light in, baby.

Dawn Gluskin

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #121703
#32. I think Baltimore suffers from nostalgia and it keeps us from being honest in talking about what really happened here. A place doesn't have to be perfect to be beloved, and I love this city and I love it better for seeing its flaws.

Laura Lippman

I Have Too Many Flaws To Be Perfect Quotes #40833

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