Top 50 I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes

#1. I have nothing left to lose. Which is why I drive my shoulder into her rib cage, hoist her off the floor, and bulldoze us both through the glass wall, into the storm outside.

Anna Banks

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #119645
#2. I have a whole life to tell; I have nothing left to lose and few to offend.

Lisa See

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #747472
#3. I'm going to be a star, you know why? Because I have nothing left to lose.

Lady Gaga

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #1679845
#4. Don't worry, Ashton, he can't hurt me anymore, no one can. I have nothing left to lose, I said honestly.

Kirsty Moseley

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #77806
#5. And this is my most selfish thought, that if I lose the people I love what is left of my own life will consist only of grief.

Abigail Thomas

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #332439
#6. I know where nowhere is, I know where nowhere leads, it's the place you go when you have nothing left to lose but you.

Jenim Dibie

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #1681702
#7. If you are not yourself, if you surrender your personality, you have nothing left to give the world. You have no pleasure, no use, nothing which will attract and charm me, for by the suppression of your individuality, you lose your distinctive character.

Edward Wilmot Blyden

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #343480
#8. I lose things all the time. I once left my mother's ashes at a bus stop!

Katy Manning

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #351412
#9. Yomi awoke filled with the reckless energy of someone with little left to lose

Labake Akinyosoye

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #372506
#10. I had nothing left to give.
I not only had nothing left to give, I just had nothing.
And I was going to keep it that way.
If you had nothing, you couldn't feel more pain because you had nothing left to lose.

Kristen Ashley

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #391518
#11. If the girl could only have spoken to the other boys and girls, the ones that had followed the golden-eyed boy before her, she would have known that there is always something left to lose.


I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #392452
#12. What we spend, we lose. What we keep will be left for others. What we give away will be ours forever.

David McGee

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #400997
#13. You shouldn't dare a person who doesn't have anything left to lose.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #451621
#14. Did I say that the world had never had better color? I left something out of account, a limping, crippled consideration which seems to lose ground as you reach beauty and Orizaba flowers, but soon you find it has preceded you.

Saul Bellow

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #455183
#15. I want you to let go. i want you to submit. I want to make you lose your mind. I want you to be so far gone that the only word left in your vocabulary is my name.

R.K. Lilley

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #456038
#16. Give your best, not your all.
If you give your best and you lost, you still have something left in you.
But if you give your all, you will lose everything and be left with pain and regret.


I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #462333
#17. Until I lose my soul and lie
Blind to the beauty of the earth,
Deaf though shouting wind goes by,
Dumb in a storm of mirth;
Until my heart is quenched at length
And I have left the land of men,
Oh, let me love with all my strength
Careless if I am loved again.

Sara Teasdale

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #469400
#18. The record company really pissed me off when they told me to lose weight. I couldn't be bothered with looking a certain way. So I left the business. I don't regret it.

Kim Wilde

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #473859
#19. And then, a strangely comforting thought trickled through me - I had nothing, so I could do anything now. Anything I wanted. I had nothing left to lose.

Rachel Ward

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #483773
#20. There is such a thing as too much loss. Too much has been taken from you both - taken and taken and taken, until there's nothing left but hope, and you've given that up because it hurts too much. Until you would rather die, or kill, or avoid attachments altogether, than lose one more thing.

N.K. Jemisin

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #524522
#21. Anything was possible. Everything was uncertain. But I knew one thing for sure: I'd bounced back before, and I would do it again and again and again. Because that's the only choice there is. And as many things as I still had to lose, I had just as many more left to find.

Katherine Center

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #525159
#22. What if I lose what little control I have left? I may live in a prison now, but at least I know my way around it.

Nicole Deese

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #534598
#23. If we lose our wilderness , we have nothing left, in my opinion, worth fighting for; or to be more exact, a completely industrialized United States is of no consequence to me.

Aldo Leopold

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #536982
#24. He's lost everything once, and now, he wasn't sure if he had anything left to lose.

Carrie Ann Ryan

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #543078
#25. Still, I wouldn't have turned back if given the choice. At twenty-one, I felt I had gone to the bottom and floated up; I had the lightness of feeling there was nothing left to lose...

Joyce Johnson

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #597315
#26. When you have nothing left to lose. When there's nothing left to gain. You find yourself at the edge of the world, wishing nothing would have changed," I read and instantly got a twisted feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"All you can do is jump.

Monica Alexander

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #1069503
#27. What if I have nothing left to fight for? I say, my voice shaking.

"Then you fight until you find something to fight for. But the moment you stop fighting the current, the moment you surrender to it, that's when you are truly lost.

Sherry D. Ficklin

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #1402511
#28. I learned for the first time that when we lose the people closest to us, we tend to become more like them - as if to fill immediately the unbearable lack they have left behind.

Liz Rosenberg

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #165340
#29. My grandmother died from Alzheimer's, and it was a big shock. For the families left behind, it is not an easy closure. It's not a gradual fading. The person is losing so much of their humanity as they're dying. Losing your memories, you lose so much of who you are as a person.

Rosecrans Baldwin

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #25548
#30. I've got nothing left to lose at this point. The work I've done is out there.

Jessica Lange

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #44994
#31. When you lose everything, you have nothing left to live for," said Hunter.
"If you have nothing left to live for, why are you still fighting?

Isabella Modra

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #49310
#32. Someday I will have nothing left to lose. I can't wait.

Frank Warren

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #50222
#33. I know you think I should be home taking care of my family. That maybe I'd be distracted or I wouldn't be as committed as the rest of you, but who's more committed: the person with something to lose, or the people who've got nothing left?

Bill Blais

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #63153
#34. Don't lose faith in what you are trying to do, even though you will get pummeled emotionally left and right. There are a lot of NOs to any YES. And that's OK.

Jennifer Lee

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #78819
#35. It's true there are moments - foolish moments, ecstasy on a tree stump - when I'm all but gone, scattered I like to think like seed, for I'm the sort now in the fool's position of having love left over which I'd like to lose; what good is it now to me, candy ungiven after Halloween?

William H Gass

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #100033
#36. For we lose not only by death, but also by leaving and being left, by changing and letting go and moving on.

Judith Viorst

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #116906
#37. We have this time to meet and do something, or just be together, and then we lose it and move to another kind of time, another kind of being, I guess. Those left behind must mourn, remember, and live on as we know.

Mimi Kennedy

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #132757
#38. I think it's bad for fellas when they lose their mothers. Mine was such a character. Oh it was sad, really sad. And, with her gone, the family home was gone, so what was left of any roots I had were completely dug up.

Paul O'Grady

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #150924
#39. Like Hansel and Gretel whose trail of breadcrumbs got eaten~ your customer may lose their way once they have left your website and they may never come back.
An email marketing list helps you remind your customers of who you and your business are.

Nina Montgomery

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #164130
#40. It's like a novelist writing far out things. If it makes a point and makes sense, then people like to read that. But if it's off in left field and goes over the edge, you lose it. The same with musical talent, I think.

Johnny Cash

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #303078
#41. What cracks had he left in their hearts? Did they love less now and settle for less in return, as they held onto parts of themselves they did not want to give and lose again? Or - and he wished this - did they love more fully because they had survived pain, so no longer feared it?

Andre Dubus

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #167863
#42. pit - those with nothing left to lose will dare anything. And why not? They have everything to gain.

Bodie Parkhurst

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #171024
#43. When your heart breaks and you lose absolutely everything you have left in life. The only thing you can do is cry.

Jay McLean

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #179872
#44. Because when we lose someone we've allowed to be our whole life, we find that we have very little left to sustain us. Not only have we distanced ourselves from God, but we've lost something of ourselves in the process.

Lawana Blackwell

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #222942
#45. When there is limited time left, there is little to lose by being totally honest.

Bronnie Ware

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #252038
#46. July 4. Statistics show that we lose more fools on this day than in all the other days of the year put together. This proves, by the number left in stock, that one fourth of July per year is now inadequate, the country has grown so

Mark Twain

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #253483
#47. You can't lose this war, because your Father has already won. This isn't a battle of skin and bones, flesh and blood. This is about your faith, about your identity. When you discover who you truly are, you discover there is no war left to fight at all.

Rachelle Dekker

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #264597
#48. For if our bodies aren't our own,
And justice isn't ours,
And our love is just a sin,
And voices by the people
Are no longer for the people,
What have we left to lose?

Phar West Nagle

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #273448
#49. When you have nothing left to lose, it's easy to dive deep into those deep, dark hidden places and write your truth. I'm there.

Lori Lesko

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #280996
#50. If you want to know how rich you really are, find out what would be left of you tomorrow if you should lose every dollar you own tonight.

William J.H. Boetcker

I Have Nothing Left To Lose Quotes #288393

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