Top 48 I Am One With The Universe Quotes
#1. I've never been able to understand 'faith' myself, nor to see how a just God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion out of an infinitude of false ones - by faith alone. It strikes me as a sloppy way to run an organization, whether universe or a smaller one.
Robert A. Heinlein
#2. Truth, Goodness, Beauty - those celestial thrins,Continually are born; e'en now the Universe,With thousand throats, and eke with greener smiles,Its joy confesses at their recent birth.
Henry David Thoreau
#3. Each being in the universe yearns for the free energy necessary for survival and development. Each existence resists extinction. The consequent history of violence in the universe is as inevitable as the gravitational pull between the Earth and the Sun.
Brian Swimme
#4. Time is relative, Einstein tells us. It's an artificial construct that we have created to remind us that we are finite, mortal. The universe doesn't wear a wristwatch. And thankfully, I decided to stop wearing one the day I found out I had terminal cancer." --My Own Personal Singularity
Glen Robinson
#5. Not that pain is the worst thing in the universe. Interesting things happen when you adapt pain for your own. This thing you were prepared to spend your life flinching from is suddenly just another piece of information.
Shelley Jackson
#6. The universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the universe that ignores consciousness.
Andrei Linde
#7. Maybe I had picked a hole in the sky and the universe was all about to fall in on me.
Kami Garcia
#8. I dislike math, yet I respect and appreciate the fact that math is the language of the universe.
Lucas Grabeel
#9. Brahma emerged from the right side of Mahesa, Vishnu from the left and Nilarudra from his heart. In the beginning, intoning AUM, Sadasiva created the universe. Siva is Pranava and Pranava is Siva.
Ramesh Menon
#10. From Love Under a Dark Sky:
In the universe vast
We share a simple feast
Among creatures equally earthbound.
Let us raise our hearts in gratitude,
Our eyes in expectation
Of a greater supper yet
In heavenly realms.
Shellie Foltz
#11. The man who reacts to the universe with a cry of impotent anguish is acceptable as an artist only if he can persuade us that he has sanely considered the other possible reactions and found them inadequate.
Kenneth Tynan
#12. It's one of our greatest human flaws: Arrogance. We look up and dare to assume we know, when the universe is unknowable.
Romina Russell
#13. This universe can very well be expressed in words and syllables which are not those of one's mother tongue.
Tahar Ben Jelloun
#14. Paradox as it may seem, we likewise find life meaningful only when we have seen that it is without purpose, and know the "mystery of the universe" only when we are convinced that we know nothing about it at all.
Alan W. Watts
#15. The big message of gospel is that you don't have to keep fighting the universe; you can stop, and the universe is quite good to you. There is a loss of ego.
Brian Eno
#16. I am not the first Buddha who came upon Earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world - a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals.
#17. I am one with the Force," he said to himself and to the universe at once.
Greg Rucka
#18. Why fear? The stuff of my being is matter, ever changing, ever moving, but never lost; so what need of denominations and creeds to deny myself the comfort of all my fellow men? The wide belt of the universe has no need for finger-rings. I am one with the infinite and need no other assurance.
Zora Neale Hurston
#19. Whether I feel it or not, I am one with all the love in the universe.
Thaddeus Golas
#20. My best relationship is the one I have with myself. I know I am always connected to a Universe that loves me. I draw loving people and loving experiences to me.
Louise Hay
#21. I am the life-force power of the universe. I am the life-force power of the 50 trillion beautiful molecular geniuses that make up my form, at one with all that is.
Jill Bolte Taylor
#22. I am one with the power and wisdom of the Universe. I have all that I need.
Louise Hay
#23. Edwards says elsewhere: "I am bold to say that the work of God in the conversion of one soul, considered together with the source foundation, and purchase of it, and also the benefit, end, and eternal issue of it, is a more glorious work of God than the creation of the whole material universe.
William James
#24. True power comes from true love. Only destruction and torment can come from hatred. I release the pain within through constructive and artistic formats. Never will I endure the feeling of hatred and let it out upon the world again. For within true consciousness I am whole and one with the universe.
Kenneth G. Ortiz
#25. Oh my God. For most of eternity, I won't exist. That leaves two options: live forever or destroy the universe. Hm... I may have to quit my day job for this.
Zach Weinersmith
#26. The universe will never force a mindset on you. You have complete free agency to choose fear and suffer unnecessarily if you want to.
Kimberly Giles
#27. It's as if the universe has a sense of humor, since at a deep level it's impossible not to lead a spiritual life ...
the universe is living through you at this moment. with or without belief in god, the chain of events leading from silent awareness to physical reality remains intact.
Deepak Chopra
#28. It was mild monsters like these that made Jack the Ripper go after young women, she decided: who could tolerate yielding the world to someone who behaved as if she had given birth to the very world herself?
Gregory Maguire
#29. Fairy tales had been her first experience of the magical universe, and more than once she had wondered why people ended up distancing themselves from that world, knowing the immense joy that childhood had brought to their lives.
Paulo Coelho
#30. The tribal community lived in the totality of circular time; the farmers of God's universe understood before and after; workers of the clockwork universe lived by the tick; and we creatures of the digital era must relate to the pulse.
Douglas Rushkoff
#31. The soul is the mirror of an indestructible universe. The Monadology.
Gottfried Leibniz
#32. It's amazing to me that we humans have the intellectual capacity to ask deep questions and to devise methods for learning how the universe works and how its contents evolve with time.
Alex Filippenko
#33. Creation, in all its splendor and misery, in all the beauty and ugliness of its myriad forms, is how God manifests His presence in time. Creation is God in time.
Marcelo Gleiser
#34. Philosopher and author Dr. Wayne Dyer calls the ego "edge god out." It is the process of disconnecting with the creative, true force of the universe. It is the process of making you separate from it, others, nature, and the universe.
Emily Maroutian
#35. One of the problems with being a witch is when you ask the universe a question, it generally give you an answer.
Christiana Miller
#36. When we are forced to stop the noise around us and in us, we begin to hear everything that is not us, and this is the beginning of humility and the renewal of our soul's energy; as only by listening to all that is larger than us can we discover and feel our place in the Universe.
Mark Nepo
#37. I saw within Its depth how It conceives
All things in a single volume bound by Love
of which the universe is the scattered leaves.
Dante Alighieri
#38. It's more like every electron in every atom in the universe paused, breathed in deeply, assessed the situation, and then reversed its course, spinning backward, or the other way, which was the right way all along. And afterward, the universe was exactly the same, but infinitely more right.
Lydia Netzer
#39. The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.
Deepak Chopra
#40. Every advance [in Science] will most likely tell us as much about ourselves as it will about the universe we inhabit. We are all collections of chemicals made in the cataclysmic explosions of stars; we are stardust, or nuclear waste, depending on your perspective.
Michael Brooks
#41. Nothing is so much to be regretted as the universe.
Stephen Crane
#42. So keeping the box closed just keeps you in the dark, not the universe.
John Green
#44. God is able to create particles of matter of several sizes and figures and perhaps of different densities and forces, and thereby to vary the laws of nature, and make worlds of several sorts in several parts of the Universe.
Isaac Newton
#45. May all beings everywhere with whom we are inseparably connected, be fulfilled, awakened, liberated and free. May there be peace in this world and throughout the entire universe, and may we all together complete the spiritual journey.
Surya Das
#46. Words are things, but things which mean. We cannot do away with meaning without doing away with signs, that is, with language itself. Moreover, we would have to do away with the universe. All the things man touches are impregnated with meaning.
Octavio Paz
#47. For a while, it felt like I was on top of the universe. I didn't realize that I was about to fall.
Carlyle Labuschagne
#48. There must be a positive and negative in everything in the universe in order to complete a circuit or circle, without which there would be no activity, no motion.
John McDonald
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