Top 15 Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes

#1. Logic is the last scientific ingredient of Philosophy; its extraction leaves behind only a confusion of non-scientific, pseudo problems.

Rudolf Carnap

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #41789
#2. Everything beautiful is golden and strewn with pearls. Even golden people live here. But misfortune is a dark power, a monstrous, cannibalistic giant, who is, however, vanquished, because a good woman, who happily knows how to avert disaster, stands ready to help.

Jack D. Zipes

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #290160
#3. When you have ADHD your home reflects our thought. disorganized and in disoray. And like with a disorganized house. you can only appologize for your disorganized brian so many time before it becomes exhausting.

Sarah Young

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #516927
#4. If all I hired were cake decorators, our cakes would just look like cakes that people decorate. We do astounding work at Charm City Cakes and to do that you need people who think in astounding ways. Artists just think in different ways.

Duff Goldman

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #697753
#5. It is what a man thinks of himself that really determines his fate.

Henry David Thoreau

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #777537
#6. On NBC, MSNBC and Hulu, you can size and cut clips to whatever length you want. Do online clips affect the TV market? I'm guessing not really.

Rachel Sklar

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #860645
#7. Until I met you, I never needed anything and now I can't live without you.

Mercy Celeste

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #882689
#8. Baby, I would go anywhere for you. I would drop everything and come running.

Cambria Hebert

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #922334
#9. Usually my ideas for work have revolved around my interest in people, especially people that live on the edges of society.

Mary Ellen Mark

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #978125
#10. ...every time a unicorn laughs, an angel has tender sexual intercourse on her wedding night. And nine months later, a rainbow is born!

Frank Lesser

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #1143427
#11. If you believe that every life has equal value, it's revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not. We said to ourselves: "This can't be true. But if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving."

Bill Gates

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #1289088
#12. I've been on tour since I was 16, and I always do meet-and-greets before and after shows, so you kind of build these friendships with people. I have girls come up to me and tell me exactly what's going on in their love lives.

Taylor Swift

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #1330219
#13. You are loved deeper than any ocean. Let your mind swim through it's depth because I will never let you drown.

Shannon L. Alder

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #1349666
#14. As the oldest I was a daddy's girl and loved him with all my heart. My daddy had holes in his shoes so that he could pay for my photography classes, you know what I mean.

Sherri Shepherd

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #1774032
#15. Never stop fighting till the fight is done.

Eliot Ness

Humayun Ahmed Favourite Quotes #1837484

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