Top 55 How Lucky You Are Quotes

#1. You're only a first year!" Tina cried. "And you're already getting death threats! Do you have any idea how lucky you are?

Stuart Gibbs

How Lucky You Are Quotes #276528
#2. Becoming successful is a relentless pursuit. It's good that it's that way: When it does come, you learn to know how to appreciate it, and know how lucky you are to be doing something that you love so much.

Frankie Valli

How Lucky You Are Quotes #153597
#3. Don't forget, as you enjoy your mild spring days and peaceful summer evenings, how lucky you are to live in the temperate region of the Solar System, where the air never freezes and the rocks never melt ... Earthlight by Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1833777
#4. Turn your scars into stars by realising how lucky you are that things aren't worse.

Robert H. Schuller

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1776777
#5. This is for writers yet to be published who think the uphill climb will never end. Keep believing. This is also for published writers grown jaded by the process. Remember how lucky you are.

Terry Brooks

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1729137
#6. You don't know how lucky you are, my dear. Don't waste it with regrets of the places and people you have lost. You have a lifetime to fill, so many good times and good years and great people ahead of you. You must rush to meet it.

Danielle Steel

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1641414
#7. How lucky you are, Noah. Everyone wants to enjoy you, even from a distance.

Pierce Smith

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1539488
#8. Do you know how lucky you are to have a daughter who loves you so much?

Ingrid Ricks

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1517598
#9. If you're afraid of death, I would say, either fight for your life or come to grips with the fact you may not make it. And in doing that there shouldn't be bitterness. There should be a celebration. There should be an understanding of how lucky you are. That's how I feel.

Robby Benson

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1401246
#10. Sometimes you have to stop to think, regroup and regather yourself and realize how lucky you are to still be living and to still be breathing and still be able to even have a chance.


How Lucky You Are Quotes #1262026
#11. It was very necessary I think 'cause you know, when the band's over, or at least in our heads, for a year it makes you really realize how lucky you are to be doing this and why piss in the well?

Jess Margera

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1198321
#12. Do you know how lucky you are?" She smiled rather wryly. "Not most of the time.

Madeleine L'Engle

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1141821
#13. My main goal is to stay healthy because when you're injured you realise how lucky you are to have your health.

Maria Sharapova

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1154756
#14. Note to self: Always remember how lucky you are to wake up next to someone who thinks you're the shit.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

How Lucky You Are Quotes #350193
#15. You won't know how lucky you are to be able to spend your life with the other half of your soul until you have to spend your life without them.

Anna Todd

How Lucky You Are Quotes #446302
#16. We all get so caught up in our day-to-day lives and have so many gripes. But when you see the way others live and how they make the best of it, you'll realize how lucky you are.

Kristin Davis

How Lucky You Are Quotes #528113
#17. 'SNL' is one of those jobs where you are constantly reminded of how lucky you are and that you get to meet some of these people whose work you enjoy. Then you get to meet them, and they are just wonderful people. It turns out wonderfully, and you have a great conversation.

Bobby Moynihan

How Lucky You Are Quotes #578599
#18. Beauty is nothing, beauty won't stay. You don't know how lucky you are to be ugly, because if people like you, you know it's for something else.

Charles Bukowski

How Lucky You Are Quotes #620560
#19. Your time is a good time, and though I have to leave, you can stay. How lucky you are to be in the city just before it opens its eyes upon a golden age.

Mark Helprin

How Lucky You Are Quotes #668486
#20. At spare moments in the day, make it a point to contemplate the loss of whatever you value in life. It can make you realize, if only for a time, how lucky you are - how much you have to be thankful for, almost regardless of your circumstances ...

William Braxton Irvine

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1019951
#21. Life is short, no matter how many days you are granted. People are precious, each and everyone, no matter how many your are lucky enough to have in you life. Love... Love is worth dying for

J.R. Ward

How Lucky You Are Quotes #838546
#22. Be grateful you're not in the forest in France
Where the average young person just hasn't a chance
To escape from the perilous pants eating plants
But your pants are safe, you're a fortunate guy
You ought to be shouting how lucky am I

Dr. Seuss

How Lucky You Are Quotes #857917
#23. I can't blame her. but
wonder why she's here with
me? where are the other
guys? how can you be
lucky? having someone the
others have abandoned?

Charles Bukowski

How Lucky You Are Quotes #903944
#24. This is who you are, I thought, and my eyes were wet with love for myself and my lovers and for the world. How wonderful and strange it is to be alive! How uneven we are, and how lucky, in our delirious specificity and holy broken forms.

Justin Taylor

How Lucky You Are Quotes #976422
#25. Every time you come in yelling that God damn "Rise and Shine!" "Rise and Shine!" I say to myself, "How lucky dead people are!

Tennessee Williams

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1038133
#26. Do not settle for people who do not appreciate you, who do not know how lucky they are. Remember it is a privilege to be loved by you or even just to be touched by you. And the warmth of another body does not define your worth.

Sade Andria Zabala

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1095418
#27. Michelle, I love you so much. The other night, I think the entire country saw just how lucky I am. Malia and Sasha, we are so proud of you - and yes you do have to go to school in the morning. And Joe Biden, thank you for being the best Vice President I could ever hope for.

Barack Obama

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1168807
#28. You have never let me down. You are always there for me. You are the best part of me, who I want to be, and every time I look at you I can hardly believe how lucky I am to be with you and I hope you know that.

Dawn Metcalf

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1227570
#29. How lucky are you that you are alive today? Don't forget to live. Choose to live beautifully; it will define your destiny.

Debasish Mridha

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1313862
#30. I'm a very private person, and you have a lot of people looking into your personal life, away from football. That's the one thing that I don't like, but I always remember how lucky we are that we're playing football.

Frank Lampard

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1331876
#31. I've been really, lucky and sometimes you think, 'Why? How did this happen to me - what did I do to deserve this?' And you realize how much it's just luck. And then you see that there's a lot of people who are not as lucky as you are, and I want to like share that luck, you know?

Natalie Portman

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1550067
#32. How does anyone ever know whether love is enough? It's an idiotic question. Like, if you fall in love, if you're that lucky, who are you to even ask whether it's enough to make you happy?

Rainbow Rowell

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1569279
#33. How lucky am I to be blessed with such a loving family? You and Lindsay are my greatest life's work and I am proud artist.

Jacquelyn Ayres

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1569511
#34. Maybe none of us can choose who we love, Cas. None of the lucky ones, anyway. The only choice we have is how we serve that love. And Ethan's made his choice. What about you? Are you going to reject it, or make the best of what you've been given?

Vicki Keire

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1571883
#35. Because if you're lucky enough to have people in your life that make you happy, that inspire you, that move you, you need to devour each moment you have together because you never know how many of those moments you have left. These people are sacred.

Katie Kacvinsky

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1605279
#36. You do need to get lucky, no matter how talented you are.

Viggo Mortensen

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1614696
#37. I consider it probably one of the biggest honors to be in the Academy. There are only like 1300 actors in it, and as far as I know, you're a member for life. To this day, I'm wondering how lucky I was.

William Sanderson

How Lucky You Are Quotes #1719647
#38. Because I want to see you with someone better than him. Someone who will see how lucky they are to have you.

Kody Keplinger

How Lucky You Are Quotes #530704
#39. We've been given a second chance. Some people never even get a first. Do you know how lucky we are?

Felice Stevens

How Lucky You Are Quotes #117414
#40. I hope they know how lucky they are to have you. But that doesn't mean I will ever stop trying to have you for myself. You know as well as I do, Meena, that we belong together. I hope that day will come sometime soon. In the meantime: truce.
With all the love in my heart, Lucien

Meg Cabot

How Lucky You Are Quotes #125765
#41. Distance never seperates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad cuz I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

How Lucky You Are Quotes #176785
#42. The roles I was lucky enough to get were real stretches for me: usually a character who was older, or a little weird, or whatever. And it was hard, not just for the lack of work but because you have to face up to how people are looking at you.

Kathy Bates

How Lucky You Are Quotes #180992
#43. I mean you have been disappointed in love, but don't you know how many things there are to be disappointed in besides love? You are lucky to be still disappointed in love. Later it may be even more terrible.

Saul Bellow

How Lucky You Are Quotes #301606
#44. No matter what you have, or how lucky you think you are, there's nothing in this world you can hold on to so tightly that it can't be taken from you.

Adam Sternbergh

How Lucky You Are Quotes #430092
#45. Use people whom you're excited by and who share your excitement ... The ideal collaboration is one in which the actor and director are saying to each other, 'I can't believe how lucky we are to be making a movie together.'

James Toback

How Lucky You Are Quotes #447983
#46. Simply being born female in our society is to grow up being told your worth as a person is tied to how slim and attractive you are. Even for those of us lucky enough to have evolved parents, the message is still driven home by the world at large.

Padma Lakshmi

How Lucky You Are Quotes #515089
#47. War is the easiest photography in the business. Just get close, be lucky, know how your camera works. There are subjects everywhere. Everyplace you go, there is something to photograph in a war, like being in the middle of a hurricane or a train crash or an earthquake. You can't miss it.

David Douglas Duncan

How Lucky You Are Quotes #800139
#48. I was lucky to have the right heroes. Tell me who your heroes are and I'll tell you how you'll turn out to be. The qualities of the one you admire are the traits that you, with a little practice, can make your own, and that, if practiced, will become habit forming.

Warren Buffett

How Lucky You Are Quotes #574023
#49. If you are lucky, one day you'll get the chance to have your life defined by how much you loved and were loved by someone else.

Iain S. Thomas

How Lucky You Are Quotes #589732
#50. You are so lucky
that I cannot remember
how to use doorknobs.

Ryan Mecum

How Lucky You Are Quotes #614819
#51. I do realise and understand very well on a profound level how lucky I am and what a privileged position it is and what it's done ultimately for me, my family and my kids. But at the same time, there are moments in a man's life when you just kind of want to feel somewhat normal.

Johnny Depp

How Lucky You Are Quotes #633158
#52. Even with all of the things that are so awful, if you walk into your yard and stay there looking at almost anything for five minutes, you will be stunned by how marvelous life is and how incredibly lucky we are to have it.

Alice Walker

How Lucky You Are Quotes #636090
#53. When you're a student of poetry, you're lucky if you don't realize how untalented you are until you get a little better. Otherwise, you would just stop.

Tony Hoagland

How Lucky You Are Quotes #650166
#54. I'm in this position where I can afford to wait, I'm lucky enough to be financially secure to not have to do anything that's thrown at me. You know the next couple of jobs are going to be pretty crucial in terms of how you're perceived by people. So I'm just waiting.

Dominic Monaghan

How Lucky You Are Quotes #655152
#55. Going to say it anyway," said Graff. "Poor fool of a boy. Pacifism only works with an enemy that can't bear to do murder against the innocent. How many times are you lucky enough to get an enemy like that?

Orson Scott Card

How Lucky You Are Quotes #746910

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