Top 46 How Did You Sleep Quotes
#1. And so I went to my room and took a nap. A ten year long nap. The Gerald who didn't have to do anything he didn't want to do has taken a ten-year long nap.
The Gerald who had control over his life is awake again.
Good morning.
How did you sleep?
A.S. King
#2. I say I don't sleep with married men, but what I mean is that I don't sleep with happily married men.
Britt Ekland
#3. I tried and tried to sleep, lulled by the movement, the purring of the motor, and the snores of the other passengers, but it's never been easy for me to sleep, and much less now, when I still have residues of the wild life running through my veins.
Isabel Allende
#4. You got to tell me the brave captain
Why are the wicked so strong?
How do the angels get to sleep
When the devil leaves the porch light on?
Tom Waits
#6. It's morning when I go to sleep
In the distant dawn a church bell rings
Another day is coming on
A baby's born, an old man dies
Somewhere young lovers kiss good-bye
I leave my soul and just move on
And wish that I was there to sing this song
Jon Bon Jovi
#7. I worked 120 hours a week for eight years. That's 20 to 22 hours a day every day and one week I only got 15 hours sleep.
Heston Blumenthal
#8. Tom hunts alone. While shunned by all he sees, he grows aware that, in reality, life is lived alone. When with a hen, there's only an illusion of sharing; a pretence that life's trials are easier to endure. Even sleep is a barrier that can't be shared.
Peter Gray
#9. The primary needs can be filled without language. We can eat, sleep, make love, build a house, bear children, without language. But we cannot ask questions. We cannot ask, 'Who am I? Who are you? Why?
Madeleine L'Engle
#10. Wine is an escape from grief,
a slip into sleep,
a cool forgetting of the hot pains of day.
What better cure for being human?
#12. Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore at the rim of a far flung sky.
Edgar Guest
#13. Sigh for me, night-wind, in the noisy leaves of the oak. / I am tired. Sleep for me, heaven over the hill. / Shout for me, loudly and loudly, joyful sun, when you rise.
Wallace Stevens
#14. O sleepers! what a thing is slumber! Sleep resembles death. Ah, why then dost thou not work in such wise as that after death thou mayst retain a resemblance to perfect life, when, during life, thou art in sleep so like to the hapless dead?
Leonardo Da Vinci
#15. It turns out that the 'Cry It Out' method of baby sleep training, where you ignore that your kid is screaming, crying and turning 40 shades of purple so that she can break herself out of the habit of being spoiled and cuddled to sleep, does more harm - way more - than good.
Denene Millner
#16. [Joseph] and the Virgin Mary got turned away from the inn and had to go sleep in the manger. (Not with the manager, like Troo says.)
Lesley Kagen
#17. Sorry. Did you know you giggle in your sleep, by the way?'
'Really? How adorable of me.
Gemma Burgess
#18. Did he teach you how to bore you opponents to sleep? Because I think I missed that lesson - Allie
Julie Kagawa
#19. It was quite a sad thing,
the way I watched you sleep like nothing could go wrong and I did not want to harm it, I did not want to blur it, but how could I not
when everything I've ever known has slowly gone away.
Charlotte Eriksson
#20. Are you sure this is okay?" he asks. "I mean, did your dad really invite the handsome stranger who's dating his daughter to sleep on the couch?"
"I like how you added in the 'handsome.
Suzanne Young
#21. I'm just curious... how much did Jake offer to pay you to sleep with me?"...
"Too little, in my opinion," Logan said. "You're worth way more.
Kristin Miller
#22. You can have 100 people tell you how beautiful you look, and one person will say, "God, did you sleep last night?" Not even "You're ugly," but "Did you sleep?" and you're all of a sudden like, "What?!" And the whole day that's what you'll remember.
Khloe Kardashian
#23. The more you do it, the more you learn to concentrate, as a child does, incredibly intensively and then you sort of have to relax. I remember the first film I did, the lead actor would in between scenes be reading a newspaper or sleeping and I'd think, 'How can you do that?'
Cate Blanchett
#24. Sleep without the fragrance of her hair next to him was impossible.
Toni Morrison
#25. Reflecting on these complex relationships between reader and story, fiction and life, can constitute a form of therapy against the sleep of reason, which generates monsters.
Umberto Eco
#26. I sleep seven hours. If I go to bed at two, I wake up at nine. If I go to bed at midnight, I wake up at seven. I don't wake up before - the house can fall apart, but I sleep for seven hours.
Karl Lagerfeld
#27. 8In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.
#28. Sleep sparks a series of pulses across the webs of neurons, pulses like waves; it washes out what is unnecessary and leaves only what's important behind.
Lauren Groff
#29. Euripides long ago said, 'who dares not speak his free thought is a slave.' I nominated myself as an 'infidel' as a challenge to thought for those who are asleep.
Luther Burbank
#30. The nearer you approach to God, the less you reason and argue. When you attain Him, then all sounds - all reasoning and disputing - come to an end. Then you go into samadhi - sleep - , into communion with God in silence.
#31. You can't go to sleep without a cup of tea and maybe thats the reason that you talk in your sleep ...
Louis Tomlinson
#32. Ank froze. The moaning became more stressful and a little bit louder. "I think its coming from the basement."
Without warning, Ank grabs a pool stick and starts banging on the floorboards. "Would you shut up! It four o'clock in the morning and people are trying to get their beauty sleep!
Khalia Hades
#35. Together a brick and a blanket create the perfect metaphor for life. Will you be a brick and make something of your life, or be a blanket and sleep your life away?
Amy Summers
#36. Now I know what it's like to be a rock star. No, I didn't sleep with 5 groupies at once. But I was interviewed about 45 times in 5 days in 3 cities.
Tony Visconti
#37. Our story opens in the mind of Luther L. (L for LeRoy) Fliegler, who is lying in his bed, not thinking of anything, but just aware of sounds, conscious of his own breathing, and sensitive to his own heartbeats. Lying beside him is his wife, lying on her right side and enjoying her sleep.
John O'Hara
#38. Spare time is like spare change. It's hard to quantify, the definition of that phrase. What do I do when I'm not onstage singing, or sleeping, with or without someone else? I watch movies.
Marilyn Manson
#39. Sleep, the type of death, is also, like that which it typifies, restricted to the earth. It flies from hell and is excluded from heaven.
Charles Caleb Colton
#40. Science, like art, religion, commerce, warfare, and even sleep, is based on presuppositions.
Gregory Bateson
#41. Bring up the past only if it will help to build the future, otherwise its best to be left to sleep
Tahir M Khan
#42. Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose to the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude, and in the calmest and most stillest night, with all appliances and means to boot, deny it to a king?
William Shakespeare
#44. Everything is your fault. You made me fall in love with you, and now I'm so upset I can't think or sleep or eat.
Julie Garwood
#45. By my soul, I can neither eat, drink, nor sleep; nor, what's still worse, love any woman in the world but her.
Samuel Richardson
#46. I'll watch movies I like to see, Steve Jobs interviews, something that's going to make me smart and then go to sleep.
Jaden Smith