Top 32 Hopeless Romance Quotes
#1. Would you guys choose to walk away from possibly the most incredible encounter of your lifetime just because you had to let it go sooner then you wanted? Just because you knew that it would never be?
Holly Hood
#2. Keep your app simple, keep your data simple, and keep your interactions with other systems simple, and you will stand a much better chance of achieving great performance for your app.
#3. Gun control responsibilities are taking police officers off the street and adding to crime.
Stockwell Day
#4. Man is in fact nailed down - like Christ on the Cross - to a grid of paradoxes ... he balances between the torment of not knowing his mission and the joy of carrying it out, between nothingness and meaningfulness. And like Christ, he is in fact victorious by virtue of his defeats.
Vaclav Havel
#5. Young men think old men are fools, but old men know young men are fools.
George Chapman
#6. When many different voices send you in different directions, you can't listen to your own.
Ray Stevenson
#7. One half of me is a hopeless romantic. The other half is well ... just realistic.
Faraaz Kazi
#8. He was so much more than she had expected. More than a delicious body and a smile that came out of nowhere to light up the darkness of this hopeless place.
Aria Kane
#9. It was only a matter of time. She would love him before the week was out and it would be gloriously terrible, wonderfully hopeless.
Tessa Dare
#10. The best photographs are made by the best people.
Morley Baer
#11. Even a manically depressed robot is better to talk to than nobody.
Douglas Adams
#12. She knew it was hopeless when he smelled better than the bacon.
Amanda Usen
#13. I want to have a romance so grand,
it would have made Shakespeare fumble for words.
Sanober Khan
#14. He gives me a despondent look, his eyes red, hopeless. The man I came to love is broken, lost, but I've fallen for him so deeply, I know exactly where to find him in his darkness. It's where I was before.
Alexandra Iff
#15. Call me a 'hopeless romantic'? I'm a romantic, but I'm not hopeless. I know there are good people out there; and that at least one of them is right for me. I won't let you convince me to settle for less.
Steve Maraboli
#16. Erotic Romance authors are just hopeless romantics with a dirty mind.
Audri Nichols
#17. When the heart is down and the soul is heavy, the eyes can only speak the language of tears
Ikechukwu Izuakor
#18. Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dream, I'm tryin not to think about you, Can't you just let me be? So long, my luckless romance, my back is turned on you, should've known you'd bring me heartbreak, almost lovers always do
A Fine Frenzy
#19. The evangelist is the world's hopeless romantic, and just like a hopeless romantic, he must hope for the miracle of God more than the romance itself.
Criss Jami
#20. There is no hope for the hopeless but there is always some love for the loveless.
Santosh Kalwar
#21. I was falling back again and fast, or maybe I'd never stopped feeling something for him. And it was still hopeless, but at least, I could touch him a little bit.
Stephanie Witter
#22. There's a phrase over the door; she called to him. "Haec est porta coeli." ... "Here is the gate to heaven.
Nancy Horan
#23. I'd rather be a hopeless romantic than a skeptic, because while the hopeless romantic may get burned many times, the skeptic will never really experience love.
#24. Too often, the hopeless romantics among us are wishing and praying for the Right One to come along and sweep them off their feet. But have you ever wondered first if YOU could be a Right person whom another person is worthy of having?-Elizabeth's Quotes on Love
Elizabeth E. Castillo
#25. Ronan's tall, broad-shouldered form cut a striking figure, and with Bowser at his side, the two of them had an almost superhero-like air about them. They were resolute and unwavering in the face of frightening and hopeless situations.
Man and beast, strong and steady.
Sara Humphreys
#26. May our twilights mix together
like breath and breathlessness.
Sanober Khan
#28. She said I was a monster, and for a long time I believed her. But you made me feel like a man, someone worthy of being loved. Then you went away, and I had nothing, nothing but a
hopeless demon inside.
N.D. Jones
#29. I guess I'm a hopeless case. No matter how much I try, his existence won't budge out of my mind. The only thing left for me to do is to focus on becoming a career woman, stay single for the rest of my life and go to my grave clutching a photo of his in my hand.
Kaoru Tada
#30. I may have loved to read my romance and smut novels, but I was not blinded by the 'fiction' part of it all. I knew the difference between what was real and what came from a hopeless romantic's imagination.
Christine Zolendz
#32. We cannot find freedom in our introversion until we embrace our primary identities as sons and daughters of God.
Adam S. McHugh
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