Top 52 Historical Western Quotes
#2. I'll try to turn the other cheek....But I've only got two and they're both stinging.
Heather Blanton
#3. Louisa rested her head against his shoulder. She inhaled a happy breath and allowed herself to relax and let the connection between them seep into her body.
Debra Holland
#4. The butchering may continue as it will, it shall remain the historical guilt of the Western powers that they did not promptly provide the sharpest preventative measures against the continued attack-politics Germany undertook. Possibilities existed for this, but no measures were seized upon.
Friedrich Kellner
#5. It's not fair that our dogs don't have longer lives. When I get to heaven, I intend to scold God for that.
Debra Holland
#6. Life is for the living," her late husband had said more than once. "Laugh while you can.
Debra Holland
#7. Caught the Viking looking at this. He's wife hunting." He winked at Frey before glancing down at Trudy. "Better than trying to capture one."
Frey sent Seth a mock scowl. "I left my battle axe at home.
Debra Holland
#8. Mrs. Carter raised her chin. "The essence of a lady comes from within," she said in a gentle but firm tone. "A lady can wear rags, but as long as she holds her head up and carries herself proudly, people will see her, not her clothing.
Debra Holland
#9. She sighed. "What I wouldn't give for a civilized bathroom."
Howie remained silent out of habit and also because he didn't know what a civilized bathroom was.
Debra Holland
#10. We can best honor our dead by livin' well. Moving' forward dusna mean y love them any less. It just means ye're still alive.
Heather Blanton
#11. Marxism is a Western construction - a conceptualization of human affairs and historical development that is emergent from the historical experiences of European peoples mediated, in turn, through their civilization, their social orders, and their cultures.
Cedric J. Robinson
#13. She was dangerous. I'd heard the rumors, that she had a history as a wild woman, that she'd been married to a gambler, maybe even been one herself, that her past was scandalous at best. But who was I to judge? My past was littered with scandal.
Margaret Madigan
#14. In Western culture, the 'miracles' referenced in scripture seem to have been relegated to the past as if to imply that they were reserved exclusively for certain historical periods.
Mark Ireland
#15. Ethan, but I'm certainly not the type of woman to just go home with two men whether I know them or not. It would be highly inappropriate, not to mention stupid."
"And you're not stupid."
"Not as far as I can tell" ...
MK McClintock
#16. Who would have thought God would send a bad man and a sheriff just to save Prince?
Debra Holland
#18. Was Jane now. All Jane. Come calamity or come calm, was myself and none else.
J.D. Jordan
#19. And then you realize one day that you can't remember her scent and nothing smells like her anymore. You can't remember how she feels or the sound of her voice. You haven't thought of her every second of every day. Then--then you feel more alone than on the day you lost her.
Desiree Banks
#20. Western civilization, because of fortuitous historical circumstances, has spread itself more widely than any other local group that has so far been known.
Ruth Benedict
#21. never held a book before and reverently turned the pages, looking at the incomprehensible print and wishing she could understand the meaning of the words.
Henri drifted close to peer over her arm. "What's that?"
"A book. There be stories in here.
Debra Holland
#22. She couldn't hold in her irritation. "What's so funny?"
He reached out and touched the tip of her nose.
Caroline Fyffe
#23. He'd stolen a kiss, and been transported to heaven. "I won't say I'm sorry, Susanna. Even if you think I should."
Her lips looked kissed and a bit plump. "I didn't ask you to.
Caroline Fyffe
#24. Only two to three per cent of an audience is interested in words and pays attention to lyrics; most of the rest of it is about image or the beat or the sound, or else it's a tribal thing - country & western, rap, heavy metal, with historical folk rock off in some kind of cult.
Al Stewart
#25. eyes running over me like the work of a hundred biting ants
Ann Howard Creel
#26. My outlook has changed, Antonia. Last year this time, I'd bemoaned the ruined hay." He shrugged. "Now I know what real loss is. So I'm seeing things differently.
Debra Holland
#27. You're a lady. It's written all over you, but the West doesn't forgive any woman-unless she's got a man.
Liliana Shelbrook
#28. Even through her coat, he could feel the curve of her arm, making him aware of their differences.
Man and woman.
Hard and soft.
Debra Holland
#29. If you write a book set in the past about something that happened east of the Mississippi, it's a 'historical novel.' If you write about something that took place west of the Mississippi, it's a 'Western'- and somehow regarded as a lesser work. I write historical novels about the frontier.
Louis L'Amour
#30. Naomi knew she should pray... Instead, she put her face in her hands and wept with all the force of a bursting dam.
Heather Blanton
#31. It's been much harder to forgive myself. My mistake was like a pebble dropped in a pond. The ripple effect has impacted everyone I love.
Heather Blanton
#32. According to this view, democracy is a product of western culture, and it cannot be applied to the Middle East which has a different cultural, religious, sociological and historical background.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
#33. Western civilization presents one of the most difficult tasks for historical analysis, because it is not yet finished, because we are a part of it and lack perspective, and because it presents considerable variation from our pattern of historical change.
Carroll Quigley
#34. Look through that clump of trees. There's a hawk sitting on the weathervane at the Red Rooster Inn. I've heard that if someone you love very much passes away, they can come back in the form of a hawk, to look after you and give you comfort.
Caroline Fyffe
#35. Men fight like men. Women fight like unchained demons.
Heather Blanton
#38. If you write a book about a bygone period that lies east of the Mississippi River, then it's a historical novel. If it's west of the Mississippi, it's a western, a different category. There's no sense to it.
Louis L'Amour
#39. Could he really want a relationship with a woman who was at the point in life of trading beauty for wisdom?
Heather Blanton
#40. Put me down."
Of course, the man couldn't hear her. She barely heard the scratchy whisper.
"I said - "
"I heard you, Mrs. McBride, but I'm not putting you down.
MK McClintock
#41. Putting one's parents out to pasture in a nursing home has very deep historical roots in Western Europe.
Francis Fukuyama
#42. Sunset encroached upon daylight like a powder burst from the mouth of a crimson cannon - orange and gold ribbons shot forth to wage a battle against the clouds. The western horizon was obscured by a glow like a living thing.
Marsha Ward
#43. My love for you won't stop with my leaving. Come an evening over the years, when you step outside your door and hear the wind blowing through the cottonwoods, that'll be me, thinking of you, whispering your name, and loving you.
Penelope Williamson
#44. The Western planners are definitely trying to fragment the entire Middle East. They already have done, on several historical occasions.
Andre Vltchek
#46. Finding her first smile since she read the telegram, Isabelle let out a soft sigh. "I sometimes wonder if you're even real, Mr. Gallagher."
He smiled in reply. "Oh, I'm real Isabelle. I promise you that."
-Gabriel and Isabelle in GALLAGHER'S HOPE
MK McClintock
#47. I've been thanking God for you being there. For you risking your life for Dove. I'll never forget it, Tyler. I'll never forget you...."
"Truth is, Lily, I'll never forget you either.
Debra Holland
#48. I'm more interested in lookin' forward than back. The past is done and there's no changin' it.
Heather Blanton
#49. Just let me catch my breath, Red Macalister, and think. You've tipped my teapot handle over spout.
Debra Holland
#50. Susanna, I'm not exactly sure how to begin. Where to start. I know I was in the wrong by not telling you sooner, but I was in an incredibly tight spot."
She crooked her brow.
"I'm still in an incredibly tight spot?"
She nodded.
Caroline Fyffe
#51. You're a virgin. You have no idea what you're asking for."
"Then you will have to teach me."
"Not like this. Not on a horse in the middle of nowhere.
Sarah McCarty
#52. It's a historical fact that the Stasi did horrible things and that they monitored a lot of people in East Germany, but I find it very interesting to think about the importance of the Western secret services back then and still working today.
Christian Schwochow
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