Top 17 Heart Mends Quotes

#1. Shed the tears.
Shed the blame and guilt too.
So that your heart mends and heals.

Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Heart Mends Quotes #595405
#2. When a heart mends it doesn't let the same people in twice.

Nikki Rowe

Heart Mends Quotes #1595958
#3. Our heart mends as our inner self - the central or innermost part of our identity - is wrapped around the Light inside of us, rather than around the people who have harmed us. This one small step changes the way we see things.

Suzanne Eller

Heart Mends Quotes #182484
#4. Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears.

Criss Jami

Heart Mends Quotes #1781518
#5. Oh hearts! Nobody gets through life without a broken heart. The important thing is to break the heart so that when it mends it will be stronger than before.

Robertson Davies

Heart Mends Quotes #1582868
#6. What men need is as much knowledge as they can organize for action; give them more and it may become injurious. Some men are heavy and stupid from undigested learning.

Thomas Huxley

Heart Mends Quotes #1564098
#7. In a few years, the date-tree had grown as tall as a woman, and out of it came a Fairy, who said to Zezolla, "What do you wish for?

Giambattista Basile

Heart Mends Quotes #1513008
#8. He loves you with perfect love that heals the heart and mends the holes that life leaves behind.

Mandy Fender

Heart Mends Quotes #1307759
#9. I'll never stop caring. But if decide to push me away, I'll go.


Heart Mends Quotes #1306881
#10. We need writers who know the difference between the production of a commodity and the practice of an art.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Heart Mends Quotes #1279037
#11. Virtue is everywhere that which is thought praiseworthy; and nothing else but that which has the allowance of public esteem is called virtue.

John Locke

Heart Mends Quotes #1102224
#12. My heart is truly broken. And I know that even if it mends, it will look different, feel different, beat differently.

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Heart Mends Quotes #907509
#13. You ask me why I don't speak
Not a word at will
But write so much worth well over a mill'
Well I value words like I value kisses
A sober one, a closer one penetrates the heart
Darling it's how it mends it

Criss Jami

Heart Mends Quotes #872682
#14. Suicide is a terrible idea, but if you're going to end it, do so at a Pinkberry near you.

Dov Davidoff

Heart Mends Quotes #832221
#15. He was staring at her as if he'd just been gifted some rare jewel.

Abbi Glines

Heart Mends Quotes #743099
#16. A heart can only break so many times. I'm not saying it fails entirely: just that it mends the wrong way. It warps. It's stitched together loose and askew and it doesn't work as it should.

Gillian Philip

Heart Mends Quotes #717695
#17. We must declare this Snow a traitor and a rebel," agreed Ser Harys Swyft. "The black brothers must remove him." Grand Maester Pycelle nodded ponderously. "I propose that we inform Castle Black that no more men will be sent to them until such time as Snow is gone.

George R R Martin

Heart Mends Quotes #551542

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