Top 100 Heart Inspiration Quotes

#1. No," Jason said. "No ban." The idea that Vale might write poems about him was deliriously wonderful. His heart squeezed and jolted. He wanted to be deserving of Vale's attention and dedicated words. "He'll write according to his inspiration." Father

Leta Blake

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1227471
#2. Don't be afraid to take the first step and speak from your heart.


Heart Inspiration Quotes #1471929
#3. Lasting change cannot occur without transformation of the heart.

Nathan W. Morris

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1465996
#4. In my view, I am often immensely rich, not in money, but (although just now perhaps not all the time) rich because I have found my metier, something I can devote myself to heart and soul and that gives inspiration and meaning to my life.

Vincent Van Gogh

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1460912
#5. May the trees continue to thrive and flourish on this earth, filling our hearts with joy and inspiration.

Stephanie Kaza

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1400622
#6. Pursue what catches your heart rather than what catches your eyes.

Roy Bennett

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1381786
#7. The heart of service is grace of belonging.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1377444
#8. We should take heart from our own experience and performance. In a cynical world we have become an inspiration to many.

Nelson Mandela

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1350040
#9. There is madness in the heart of a man.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1347376
#10. Heart throbs- yes, heart throbs of happiness, heart throbs of courage, heart throbs that make us feel better. Those things that appeal to others; that note of inspiration laid aside
bring it forth and let us make a magazine that will speak the language of the heart as well as of the mind.

Ami McKay

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1323740
#11. The first step of any journey must be taken with daring in your heart. Don't let fear clog your arteries.

T.S. Welti

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1305342
#12. Commitment and creativity cannot be captured and handcuffed. Inspiration cannot be jailed. The heart cannot be contained.

Gary Zukav

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1296156
#13. There is no fear in love. Live with the foundation of LOVE in your heart and you will become FEARLESS.

Molly Friedenfeld

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1236956
#14. The blessings for which we hunger are not to be found in other places or people. These gifts can only be given to you by yourself. They are at home in the hearth of your soul.

John O'Donohue

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1477746
#15. The longing of every heart is to be loved.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1221665
#16. Kindness kindled the love in human heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1203859
#17. Do not lose heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1194201
#18. Our wounds can so easily turn us into people we don't want to be, and we hardly see it happening.

Protect your heart, love yourself, and be with people who love and care for you.

Sue Fitzmaurice

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1169757
#19. There is always a realistic way to fulfill any dream. There has never been a dream that you can't have - at least, not the heart of it, not the part you love the most.

Barbara Sher

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1160131
#20. Life is not judged just by the heart beats, but by the way you accept and overcome the challenges of life.

Amit Ray

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1140449
#21. Others have falsely claimed to be the inspiration for Tom Booker in The Horse Whisperer. The one who truly inspired me was Buck Brannaman. His skill, understanding and his gentle, loving heart have parted the clouds for countless troubled creatures. Buck is the Zen master of the horse world.

Nicholas Evans

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1064684
#22. The practice of yoga has been an amazing tool to actually unearth where my inspiration lives inside my body and mind and heart.

Rodney Yee

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1041788
#23. Love is both a principle and an emotion; it is something both felt and willed. It is capable of almost infinite degrees. Love in the human heart may begin so modestly as to be hardly perceptible and go on to become a raging torrent that sweeps its possessor before it in total helplessness.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1029967
#24. With all my heart, I seek to reach the Holy Land.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1003129
#25. Have you ever paused to be Grateful? For eyes to see, nose to smell, ears to hear, tongue to taste, hands to feel, head to think and heart to love?-RVM


Heart Inspiration Quotes #968507
#26. No amount of trying to inhale one more shred of inspiration is going to make it any easier to put your heart and soul out there.

Christine Kane

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1737200
#27. Words of love cast from thy lips reach another heart at lightning speed.

Molly Friedenfeld

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1868195
#28. If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.

Marc Chagall

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1865703
#29. London's where I was brought up. It's where my heart is and where I get my inspiration,

Alexander McQueen

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1861602
#30. Write and your experiences with others. Never underestimate your writings. It can bring hope and inspiration to many people.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1860775
#31. Grace, lavished upon us by God and communicated through the Mystery of the Incarnate Word, is an absolutely free gift with which nature is healed, strengthened and assisted in pursuing the innate desire for happiness in the heart of every man and of every woman.

Pope Benedict XVI

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1855667
#32. An individual's yearning to reach outside his life is a seed of greatness waiting for a stream of inspiration. Carving that stream to people's hearts is a simpler task if the endeavor you are leading them into is attached to a bigger story.

Mac Anderson

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1838593
#33. To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem.

Maurice Young

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1835345
#34. When you follow the dream in your heart, you're energised, inspired, & motivated.

John Frederick Demartini

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1832439
#35. All the people who'd brought me here, past and present, ancient and young, legend and life and lore, I channeled. I welcomed them into my infinite heart, alongside the ghosts, the shadows, the ache I'd always carry. I made their strength mine, a part of me. My inspiration. My voice.

Sarah Ockler

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1809321
#36. You are Destined for Greatness. The enemy seeks to destroy your hopes and dreams. It is Important that you Activate Your Faith. Believe with All Your Heart. Nothing is Impossible for God. You shall Fulfill Your Destiny.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1795643
#37. Friends are medicine for a wounded heart and vitamins for a hopeful soul.

Steve Maraboli

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1763923
#38. Believe in your heart that you're meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.

Roy Bennett

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1747128
#39. Books are the heart of any home, and I spend hours going through books for design inspiration.

Nate Berkus

Heart Inspiration Quotes #964198
#40. His heart was as great as the world, but there was no room in it to hold the memory of a wrong

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1728555
#41. Once you have the gift of life, you are blessed.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1691081
#42. An intellectual, heartless man never becomes an inspired man. It is always the heart that speaks in the man of love; it discovers a greater instrument than intellect can give you, the instrument of inspiration.

Swami Vivekananda

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1688279
#43. The possibility of the dream is our joy.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1685417
#44. A good ride in the winter is something you quietly put adjacent to your heart; an unspoken victory filed away for times of weakness and need, to be pulled out when you require a reminder of what you are capable of.

Tom Babin

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1685222
#45. Beauty is the arrowhead of evangelization, the point with which the evangelist pierces the minds and hearts of those he evangelizes.

Robert Barron

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1678441
#46. The sixth gift is Joy. May it keep your heart open and filled with light.

Charlene Costanzo

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1619733
#47. Let your heart shine even more than your face. The beautiful contents of your heart can never be forgotten, but your face will be a history.

Michael Bassey Johnson

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1563642
#48. The light that colors the embraces the gods is the light that resides in your heart.

Pooja Ruprell

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1560383
#49. I believe in letting the story speak for itself.

L.M. Fields

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1545532
#50. Age isn't triggered by wrinkles,nor by the reduction of strong footing,for the true youth exists effectively in your heart,brightens through your smile and beats slow when your heart is right, innocent like that of a child

Nwilliams S C

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1544650
#51. Head up, heart open. To better days!

T.F. Hodge

Heart Inspiration Quotes #143160
#52. Pursue what catches your heart, not what catches your eyes.

Roy Bennett

Heart Inspiration Quotes #367614
#53. Clearing away the excess whittles life down to its bare essence, revealing purity of heart, integrity of character and inspiration of purpose,

Kathleen Ann Harper

Heart Inspiration Quotes #360936
#54. The kindness sent from one compassionate soul to another during the time of loss of one held so dear allows the sorrow-filled heart to open wide, filling the space of emptiness that grief may have created with a renewed sense of peace, compassion, and love.

Molly Friedenfeld

Heart Inspiration Quotes #333184
#55. What is needed to attain happiness is not a comfortable life, but a heart in love, such as Christ's.

Dario Castrillon Hoyos

Heart Inspiration Quotes #314467
#56. Shino looked at me straight in the eye and smiled, her face brimming with a kind of inner strength. That strength seemed to gather the beads of perspiration that glistened on her brow, then sprang from her face and leapt across to my heart with a rhythm like ripples on water.

Tetsuo Miura

Heart Inspiration Quotes #299463
#57. Make your Life Exciting. Find out what gives you Joy and makes your heart Dance, and Do it.-RVM


Heart Inspiration Quotes #290509
#58. God is not interested in your art but, your heart.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Heart Inspiration Quotes #225143
#59. I've never met a woman with divine sweetness in her eyes, or a delicacy in her smile that was so glorious, that it made my heart ascend to grace.

Lionel Suggs

Heart Inspiration Quotes #189643
#60. Writing is the voice of the heart' Julia Suzuki

Julia Suzuki

Heart Inspiration Quotes #183566
#61. In the darkness of my dark-beating heart, I know. He'd have loved it, all right.

Markus Zusak

Heart Inspiration Quotes #183547
#62. O Lord open our hearts to heed to thy holy word.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #183500
#63. The heart of a person only beats when it's surrounded by blood, by family.

Erica Goros

Heart Inspiration Quotes #183217
#64. In the pierced heart of the Crucified, God's own heart is opened up - here we see who God is and what he is like. Heaven is no longer locked up. God has stepped out of his hiddenness

Pope Benedict XVI

Heart Inspiration Quotes #368555
#65. Christ has no body now but mine. He prays in me, works in me, looks through my eyes, speaks through my words, works through my hands, walks with my feet and loves with my heart.

Teresa Of Avila

Heart Inspiration Quotes #132099
#66. New York was the inspiration for The Heart of Rock and Roll and Workin for a Livin. There are a lot of songs in the streets of New York.

Huey Lewis

Heart Inspiration Quotes #120741
#67. God is constantly knocking at the gate of my heart to invite me to go beyond the state I have reached, because my whole life should be a journey on the way to Love.

Charles Journet

Heart Inspiration Quotes #108310
#68. As I read the Qur'an and prayed the Islamic prayers, a door to my heart was unsealed and I was immersed in an overwhelming tenderness.

Jeffrey Lang

Heart Inspiration Quotes #104636
#69. You made us for yourself, Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you. In this creative restlessness beats and pulsates what is most deeply human - the search for truth, the insatiable need for the good, hunger for freedom, nostalgia for the beautiful, and the voice of conscience.

Pope John Paul II

Heart Inspiration Quotes #73305
#70. The eternal God asks a favor of his bride: "Hold me close to your heart, close as locket or bracelet fits." No matter whether we walk or stand still, eat or drink, we should at all times wear the golden locket "Jesus" upon our heart.

Henry Suso

Heart Inspiration Quotes #70866
#71. Follow Your Heart
& The world Shall Follow YOU!
Reject it and It stops beating!

Sujit Lalwani

Heart Inspiration Quotes #62302
#72. My heart is filled with endless praise.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #54283
#73. Music can minister to minds diseased, pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, raze out the written troubles of the brain, and with its sweet oblivious antidote, cleanse the full bosom of all perilous stuff that weighs upon the heart.

William Shakespeare

Heart Inspiration Quotes #33098
#74. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Heart Inspiration Quotes #25801
#75. When you're taking care of the customer, you can never do too much. And there is no wrong way ... if it comes from the heart.

Debbi Fields

Heart Inspiration Quotes #5289
#76. It doesn't matter what you did or where you were ... it matters where you are and what you're doing. Get out there! Sing the song in your heart and NEVER let anyone shut you up!!

Steve Maraboli

Heart Inspiration Quotes #674956
#77. You hold in your heart everything you need to know to write anything your story needs written.

Dan Alatorre

Heart Inspiration Quotes #948286
#78. All an actor has, I think, is their heart, really, ... that's the place you go for your inspiration. If my heart wasn't filled with them, where would I get stuff? What would I have to express?

Meryl Streep

Heart Inspiration Quotes #877493
#79. I see where we are starting to pay some attention to our neighbors to the south. We could never understand why Mexico wasn't just crazy about us, for we have always had their good will, and oil and minerals, at heart

Will Rogers

Heart Inspiration Quotes #877383
#80. Where do you want to go, my heart?" "Anywhere - anywhere, out of this world.


Heart Inspiration Quotes #867499
#81. It's about quality, not quantity. It's about the memories, the bond, the love. It's about the heart.

Shandy L. Kurth

Heart Inspiration Quotes #836924
#82. When love dies, the heart's ashes do not leave on the wind - they rest on the mantelpiece of the soul, darkening the sunrise we once saw to be beautiful.

A.M. Hudson

Heart Inspiration Quotes #817026
#83. There are new mercies every morning.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Heart Inspiration Quotes #780929
#84. Others may write from the head, but he writes from the heart, and the heart will always understand him.

Washington Irving

Heart Inspiration Quotes #746957
#85. We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the heart: love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness ...

Wilferd Peterson

Heart Inspiration Quotes #744044
#86. Writing heals my heart like no pill ever could.

Rob Bignell, Editor

Heart Inspiration Quotes #689747
#87. God, the object of our worship, also becomes the inspiration of that worship. He has imparted His own Spirit into our hearts to energize that worship. All that is due Him comes from Him.

Judson Cornwall

Heart Inspiration Quotes #687943
#88. What a lovely place this world would be if only people would feel affection for everyone else, and all the ugliness of the human heart were to vanish - our envy of those better off than ourselves and our scorn for those worse off.

Sayo Masuda

Heart Inspiration Quotes #687117
#89. LISTEN to the small, quiet voice within that only ever guides you with love and compassion. Let yourself receive the inspiration of beauty and kindness. Let yourself rediscover peace in your heart. And, from that secure place, meet whatever comes.

Stephanie Dowrick

Heart Inspiration Quotes #1064
#90. Yoga is bringing fitness in body, calmness in mind, kindness in heart and awareness in life.

Amit Ray

Heart Inspiration Quotes #642330
#91. The heart breaks in so many different ways that when it heals, it will have fault lines ...

John Geddes

Heart Inspiration Quotes #589213
#92. The orator yields to the inspiration of a transient occasion, and speaks to the mob, before him, to those who can hear him; but the writer, whose more equable life is his crowd which inspire the orator, speaks to the intellect and heart of mankind, to all in any age who can understand him.

Henry David Thoreau

Heart Inspiration Quotes #567064
#93. The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.

Pearl S. Buck

Heart Inspiration Quotes #566768

Helen Heinmiller

Heart Inspiration Quotes #528759
#95. He had been dazzled. Because of the dazzling brightness, he had had to kill [Seigen]. All who had encountered Seigen had had their hearts stolen by that brightness. That envy had turned to malice.

Takayuki Yamaguchi

Heart Inspiration Quotes #503958
#96. Those whose hearts are pure are temples of the Holy Spirit.

Saint Lucy

Heart Inspiration Quotes #501650
#97. Know that My Heart is mercy itself. From this sea of mercy graces flow out upon the world ... I desire that your heart be an abiding place of My mercy. I desire that this mercy flow out upon the whole world through your heart.

Mary Faustina Kowalska

Heart Inspiration Quotes #484435
#98. Kindness always leaves a timeless deposit on the heart.

Molly Friedenfeld

Heart Inspiration Quotes #458594
#99. May your heart open.
May joy emerge.
May love flow through you.
May you heal and help others.

Charlene Costanzo

Heart Inspiration Quotes #409984
#100. Works of Art are meant to connect the human heart to inspiration, for cosmic consciousness to grow in the Supreme Reality rooted in Life and Being.

Nelly Mazloum

Heart Inspiration Quotes #370034

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