Top 39 Happiness Encouragement Quotes

#1. You fall flat on your face, and it's not the first time you've done it, Never let your past press you down.

Auliq Ice

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1508682
#2. Bitterness leads to misery.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1124335
#3. There are seeds of happiness in every soul. Our mental attitude and dispositions constitute the environment in which these seeds germinate. There is as much need for sunshine in our heart as for sunshine in the world. Today, as perhaps never before, mankind needs encouragement and cheer.

David O. McKay

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1132397
#4. All ways will lead and take you there as long as you know where you want to go.

Auliq Ice

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1230979
#5. Do not stop pursuing your dreams in the midst of all the difficult situations you find yourself to be in. Instead, set your goals in faith.

Auliq Ice

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1234818
#6. You don't have to be bitter in life. Focus on the beauty of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1266556
#7. You're going to act like a happy man. I know, I know. It's the hardest role in the world.

Pat Conroy

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1378343
#8. Even when you can't see, God is working it out. You should not be discouraged or give up hope. Keep the Faith! Your situation is not your destination. God will do what he promised, you just be ready

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1416711
#9. Giving is the secret to a healthy life. Not necessarily money, but whatever a person has to give of encouragement, sympathy, and understanding.

John D. Rockefeller

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1435560
#10. Success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice.

Zig Ziglar

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1446361
#11. The more you cry today, the more stronger and happier you'll be tomorrow.

Michael Bassey Johnson

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1052302
#12. Accept yourself for the person you are, for all the mistakes you did and also for the transformation you're about to experience in the future. Love your future version from this moment.

Lidiya K.

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1516863
#13. When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It's not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It's up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.

Joel Osteen

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1529487
#14. Christmas united us as holy beings. We experience love, joy and peace.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1675994
#15. Instead of trying to hide yourself from the world, make it your signature trait. Make what most people think to be the worst of you become something your proud of.

Auliq Ice

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1676232
#16. I dance to the music in my heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1711764
#17. Embrace each other with joyful smiles and sacred kiss.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1733270
#18. Mourn with those are sorrowful.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1737352
#19. Embrace the beauty of existence.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1765593
#20. Prayer still works, you need not be so quick to judge another person. You never know what they are going through. Instead, pray for them. Send encouragement their way.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #1804723
#21. Be happy while you have breathe.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #589570
#22. We ought to celebrate the sacredness of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #61854
#23. My entire life, I've never been able to understand the concept of not being happy or excited when others were successful or had something good happen to them. It quite honestly is a concept that I cannot grasp.

Dan Pearce

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #92878
#24. Don't cry for them to be happy.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #190447
#25. It is better to trade your bitterness with gratefulness.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #203469
#26. Dwell on the beauty of sacred-existence.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #261494
#27. We ought to live the fullness of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #348396
#28. The secret to happiness ... be satisfied and be grateful.

Mitch Albom

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #349230
#29. When you connect with nature, you will create yourself.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #476408
#30. Be happy with those who are joyful.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #517360
#31. When you know your role in life, living makes sense because of clarity, and the loads become enjoyable to carry.

Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #50468
#32. Dancing ignite a blissful body, soul and spirit.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #642232
#33. Love is the strength of the heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #698098
#34. The grace of living life is to give glory to God.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #727523
#35. Interact with others as if you are radiating happiness and healing from within.

Franklin Gillette

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #798214
#36. Happiness is a great contentment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #803126
#37. Don't be afraid to have goals and dreams. Even in the face of haters and those who do not believe in you, don't stop dreaming.

Auliq Ice

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #853652
#38. Walk away from gossip and verbal defamation. Speak only the good you know of other people and encourage others to do the same.

Steve Maraboli

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #876672
#39. Although there are things that just tend to rub you the wrong way too! Smile and move on your choice!

Auliq Ice

Happiness Encouragement Quotes #959893

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