Top 100 Hal's Quotes

#1. Hal's internal fault predictor could have made a mistake." "It's more

Arthur C. Clarke

Hal's Quotes #60394
#2. Our bodies form a symbol, I think, as powerful as one of Hal's - and it occurs to me that the most meaningful symbols of all must be based on all the different ways two people can embrace.

Neal Shusterman

Hal's Quotes #377460
#3. As usual, the note occupied less than a page and included neither salutation nor closing, Uncle Hal's opinion being that since the letter had a direction upon it, the intended recipient was obvious, the seal indicated plainly who had written it, and he did not waste his time in writing to fools.

Diana Gabaldon

Hal's Quotes #1018706
#4. You saved Hal's wife, why not my wife? Why not Janice? WHY NOT MY JANICE?

Stephen King

Hal's Quotes #1800978
#5. Mean-Value Theorem for Integrals, 123 but for Hal's synoptic purposes here it's enough to say that megatonnage is distributed among Combatants according to an integrally regressed ratio of (a)

David Foster Wallace

Hal's Quotes #1841139
#6. My first job on 2001 was to make all of the HAL readouts: the 16 screens that surround HAL's eyes.

Douglas Trumbull

Hal's Quotes #1843620
#7. Give yourself permission to be happy. It doesn't matter what's going on around you, what matters is what's going on inside you.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #86
#8. A borderline suffers a kind of emotional hemophilia; [s]he lacks the clotting mechanism needed to moderate [her] spurts of feeling. Stimulate a passion, and the borderline emotionally bleeds to death.

Jerold Kreisman, Hal Straus

Hal's Quotes #18446
#9. I don't feel badly about that. There's a lot of energy on the golf course. The guys are playing great. I like the pairings in the afternoon. I'm going to take what we've got.

Hal Sutton

Hal's Quotes #72628
#10. Until you're willing to accept what already is - the things of your past that you can't change - there's no space for you to create what you want. Acceptance is the key to unlocking the door to true peace, happiness, and freedom.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #78403
#11. In a city of illusion, where change is what the city does, it's no wonder Las Vegas is the court of last resort, the last place to start over, to reinvent yourself in the same way that the city does, time after time. For some it works; for some it doesn't, but they keep coming and trying.

Hal Rothman

Hal's Quotes #86368
#12. I should have loved,' Hal said after a very long silence. Neville's eyes filled with tears. ' Aye. You Should have loved.

Sara Douglass

Hal's Quotes #87750
#13. I'm as heterosexual as any person need be. I'm open about my relationships - or lack thereof - in my own life, because I want to make the case that gay isn't contagious. It's not something that you can catch or learn or choose.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #106682
#14. People think that the arts are optional and they aren't. They teach a level of emotional depth that's equally important to mathematic skill. You can replace some math skills with a calculator if you know how to operate the thing, but there's no calculator for human interaction.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #171131
#15. It's not just a revue where one song is done, then another. There are concepts and ideas at work.

Hal David

Hal's Quotes #172932
#16. Mediocrity has nothing to do with how you compare to other people; it's simply a result of not making the commitment to continuously learn, grow, and improve yourself.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #186566
#17. There's a good part of Computer Science that's like magic. Unfortunately there's a bad part of Computer Science that's like religion.

Hal Abelson

Hal's Quotes #188373
#18. Most people start the day by checking email, texts, and social media. And most people struggle to be successful. It's not a coincidence.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #191271
#19. It's true that everything happens for a reason, but it is always our responsibility to choose the reasons.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #194227
#20. On the one hand X is true, but on the other hand, Y is true," Harry S. Truman is reported to have muttered in frustration, "Get me a one-armed economist!

Hal Herzog

Hal's Quotes #214744
#21. No, we're not prisoners of flesh, I think, bound in our skins, and only waiting for the final judgment that will send us into fire or light. We're fucking prisoners of conscience, prisoners of fear and shame. We're fucking prisoners of sorrow, and it's time for our release.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #217137
#22. Here's a rule of thumb: If he hasn't faced the trial yet, or he's in the midst of it - encourage him. If he's been to the wars and is limping home wounded - comfort him. Once the wounds are bound up, encourage him to rise and face the fight again.

Hal Young

Hal's Quotes #218107
#23. Anything you want for life is available to you, the universe is just waiting for you to take the necessary action(s) before it gives you what you want.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #224247
#24. Who comes first? Don't be silly, says King Hal; it's employees. That is - and this dear Watson, is elementary - if you genuinely want to put customers first, you must put employees more first.

Tom Peters

Hal's Quotes #244933
#25. Most 'reality' shows aren't reality at all. They're game shows with no prize. Like 'Rock of Love.' His aren't genuine feelings. Then again, Bob Barker didn't really care whether or not you won the toaster. Sorry to shatter everyone's dreams.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #266529
#26. Cause what do groanhuffs know? All's they've done is heard our tales and passed em along in a game of Chinese Whispers, getting em all mixed up, like.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #303894
#27. If I have anything, it's tenacity.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #309428
#28. Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.

Hal Borland

Hal's Quotes #359070
#29. You must allow yourself to start thinking BIGGER and acting BOLDER with regards to what's possible for you. Seriously. Don't wait. Start now.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #370626
#30. Check if anyone's following us," HAL said from the backseat. "How do I know that?" "Uh ... look in the rearview mirror.

Jane Seville

Hal's Quotes #376786
#31. Did you take Joyce's engine?'
'My instructions were to disable the car, but one of the men bet Hal a burger he couldn't get the engine out. So Hal removed the engine.

Janet Evanovich

Hal's Quotes #419316
#32. This is a deep and personal topic in our society today. Read the papers. America is hurting because of it. For God's sake, speak up. Don't we need to learn respect for people's feelings? What is going to school for? To learn how to add?

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #435378
#33. Oh dear, oh deary me!" Thorn said in a ridiculous falsetto voice. "What are we going to do? It's twelve big hairy guardsmen and Mahmel in a natty green hat."
It was all very well to joke about it, Hal thought, but the situation was serious.

John Flanagan

Hal's Quotes #442853
#34. Does Grandpa love to baby-sit his grandchildren? Are you kidding? By day he is too busy taking hormone shots at the doctor's or chip shots on the golf course. At night he and Grandma are too busy doing the cha-cha.

Hal Boyle

Hal's Quotes #448971
#35. It is often said that everything happens for a reason, but you must embrace the perspective that it's never a reason that is predetermined or out of your control. It is always your responsibility to choose the most empowering reasons for the occurrences of your life.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #451250
#36. So, it's cool that, yes, Hal Jordan is a superhero, but my character is a real-world hero in her own life.

Blake Lively

Hal's Quotes #457516
#37. Mother told me always to follow the golden rule.And she said it's really a sin to be mean and cruel.So remember if you're untrueAngels up in heaven are looking at you.

Hal David

Hal's Quotes #475491
#38. I started thinking about the endless bullshit about quotas, and how certain types of character are fine "as long as it's important to the story," and so on, started thinking about the absence of the abject.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #480161
#39. No," Hal said. "The sea is moving constantly and you have to make little adjustments to keep it going smoothly. You can't take it for granted."
"Just like a friendship," she said smiling. And Hal nodded.
"Maybe that's why the word ends in ship," he said.

John Flanagan

Hal's Quotes #496758
#40. It's better to waste money than time. You can always get more money.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #500162
#41. I swear," Hal said, "this place is like the Bermuda Triangle. It's friggin' spooky. I went out to feed the monkeys last night, and I saw the Easter Bunny walking down the road with Sasquatch. And now there are rockets shooting into the sky from nowhere.

Janet Evanovich

Hal's Quotes #520204
#42. I don't claim to be an expert on this, but I think ADD and creativity may be the same thing; it's just that they can't sell you drugs for being creative. Seriously, the world needs people whose minds constantly wander, because that's how great ideas are stumbled upon.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #560524
#43. Silence is one of the best ways to immediately reduce stress, while increasing your self-awareness and gaining the clarity that will allow you to maintain your focus on your goals, priorities, and what's most important for your life, each and every day.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #618353
#44. Boredom is your mind and body's way of telling you you're not living up to your potential.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #619548
#45. Time after time ... today's crisis shrinks to next week's footnote to a newly headline disaster.

Hal Borland

Hal's Quotes #633348
#46. From its founding, [Nevada] has always struggled to belong. It has had a series of masters
the mining industry, the railroads, the federal government, and now gaming and tourism
that have driven the state's economy and compelled its direction.

Hal Rothman

Hal's Quotes #674486
#47. There's no good guys and bad guys.

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #697853
#48. We all get one chance, as far as we know, to write our life's story. Make today the day that you proactively and consciously decided to write the story you are proud of! The

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #742018
#49. People only have guilty pleasures when they crowbar pleasure down their throat all the time and then they reach for the brownies. Then you should feel guilty because you're killing your body and that's something to be guilty about.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #765510
#50. The whole cast of 'Company' was invited to Hal Prince's house. This is one of the highlights of my life. We all sat in the living room. Sitting on the floor, I was right by the piano.

Donna McKechnie

Hal's Quotes #770123
#51. You can't foresee all the consequences of your actions - But that's no excuse to do nothing.

Hal Jordan

Hal's Quotes #770385
#52. Mainly, when I go see a show, unfortunately it's more industrial espionage than it is going to actually enjoy a show.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #779077
#53. What's important is not just to develop the technology; it's to develop the processes.

Hal Abelson

Hal's Quotes #792327
#54. Each runner's capacity to absorb hard training is different. Find your own unique level of comfort and success will be yours.

Hal Higdon

Hal's Quotes #822486
#55. It's okay to be average, as long as you surround yourself with extraordinary people that you become the average of.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #823165
#56. Ray Bradbury's entire oeuvre exemplifies the crumbling of SCIENCE FICTION into the open interplay of science fiction, fantasy and horror.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #830387
#57. Welcome to Shelter Bay,' he said to Stig. 'Is that what it's called?' Hal gave him a tired grin. 'It is now'.

John Flanagan

Hal's Quotes #835118
#58. See, you have the choice we didn't. You wanna think about it though, you do, before you decide to throw your lot in with us. Cause it's not just about living in society's stitches, you know, the bits in between, the squats and secret places. It's about being Fixed.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #848782
#59. We need not worry so much about what man descends from - it's what he descends to that shames the human race.

Hal Boyle

Hal's Quotes #859818
#60. So, fuck 'em, we say. Fuck the mundane of Mainstream, the elitists of Literature. We're GENRE FICTION and proud of it, proud to wear that brand painted on the backs of our biker's jackets.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #862807
#61. There is no better day than today to do the things you've been putting off. Take action; it's the only way to change your life!

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #864109
#62. Human nature is to live with a "someday" mindset and think life will work itself out. How's that working out for everybody?

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #884996
#63. Know that TODAY, and each and everyday literally becomes the BEST day of your life, when YOU choose to see that it is. It doesn't matter what's going on around you, it only matters what's going on inside of you.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #899485
#64. I think I may drop dead on the stage someday. I hate to think of it. But it's getting tough on me, the travel. The show, I somehow manage to rise up to it, you know. But I have no desire to retire.

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #900418
#65. Homophobia's just one form of abjection, and wherever you have a marker of deviance - skin colour, gender, gender identity, disability - you get the same mechanisms of prejudice.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #920178
#66. Learning to play golf is like learning to play the violin. It's not only difficult to do, it's very painful to everyone around you.

Hal Linden

Hal's Quotes #1009815
#67. There's one rule of thumb that suggests that you need one day of recovery for every mile run in a race. Another rule of thumb ... suggests one day ... for every kilometer run in anger.

Hal Higdon

Hal's Quotes #1043318
#68. There's no such thing as adventure. There's no such thing as romance. There's only trouble and desire.

Hal Hartley

Hal's Quotes #1043625
#69. As a leader, parent, or friend - don't let someone's poor attitude and poor performance hinder your commitment to holding them to higher standards. You don't need to make the person 'wrong' for the way they're behaving, simply point out that the behavior is ineffective.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #1051283
#70. Ranger locked eyes with me. "Please," he said.
Tank and Hal were goggle-eyed. They weren't used to "please." I wasn't used to it either. But I liked it.
Okay," I said. "Be careful. He's insane.

Janet Evanovich

Hal's Quotes #1088331
#71. Losing maturity in one's fiction for the sake of marvels and monsters can also mean losing propriety, and that's not always a bad thing.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #1089662
#72. Getting fired is nature's way to telling you that you had the wrong job in the first place

Hal Lancaster

Hal's Quotes #1089793
#73. There is never hesitation about doing stand-up. It's just me doing my thing.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #1096126
#74. Kids growing up in today's generation are constantly documenting their experience. It's different - how does that change their sense of self when everything becomes a story that you are telling?

Hal Niedzviecki

Hal's Quotes #1096291
#75. Well, I myself, while sometimes unkempt by nights of drunkenness and debauchery, am quite convinced a man's good character is marked by his impeccable attire.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #1114739
#76. I haven't done anything wrong. "Get off me!"
"You're kidding, right? You've injured a sheriff, broken in and entered a house, stole a car - mine - stole Hal Haverton's clothes, broken a glass, and littered.

Terry Spear

Hal's Quotes #1115069
#77. I'm looking for one of two things and sometimes they dovetail: I'm looking to go into a theatre and see a certain kind of show. And if it's not there, I'd like to do it myself so it would be there.

Hal Price

Hal's Quotes #1120794
#78. Personally, I'd like to see the word genre taken out back and shot, a bullet in the back of its head, if it's going to be so overloaded with meanings it's just gibberish skewed to self-serving doublethink.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #1132635
#79. [Mark] Twain was a publisher. He published General Grant's Memoirs (a big success) and had a hand in the publishing of many of his own books. He would, I think, be very keen about the question of how a book would sell.

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #1138088
#80. I do know one thing: I wish people were doing more dangerous musicals, more courageous musicals and not just falling into the trap of trying to figure out what the public wants, because you find out that the public very often wants what's good.

Hal Price

Hal's Quotes #1139137
#81. Most people's strategy to achieve more is to do more. But when you focus on becoming more, you find that you can achieve more by doing less.

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #1146488
#82. For the Fall of the year is more than three months bounded by an equinox and a solstice. It is a summing up without the finality of year's end.

Hal Borland

Hal's Quotes #1154023
#83. Sure, we all have problems and we all have our mess, and what happens tomorrow is anyone's guess, but there's no need and no benefit to let yourself stress, because for one and for all ... life is blessed!

Hal Elrod

Hal's Quotes #1157868
#84. There's an Elvis movie on the marquee sign, we've all seen at least three times.

Hal Ketchum

Hal's Quotes #1162590
#85. Like most North Americans of his generation, Hal tends to know way less about why he feels certain ways about the objects and pursuits he's devoted to than he does about the objects and pursuits themselves. It's hard to say for sure whether this is even exceptionally bad, this tendency.

David Foster Wallace

Hal's Quotes #1211522
#86. Let me tell you what's fun in golf - low scores. The manufacturers have tricked people into believing that distance is everything. There is no place on the scorecard that says you need to hit it 350 yards.

Hal Sutton

Hal's Quotes #1233227
#87. It's better to waste money, than it is to waste time. You can always get more money.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #1247670
#88. One of the really American things about Hal, probably, is the way he despises what it is he's really lonely for

David Foster Wallace

Hal's Quotes #1280424
#89. Vegas has the Whitman's Sampler of audiences. They come from all different places, so you have to do some crowd psychology. You have to find the heartbeat of the room. It doesn't shift my jokes, but it shifts my timing and my attention.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #1281261
#90. Screw the dialogue, let's wreck some cars.

Hal Needham

Hal's Quotes #1283939
#91. There's a need to keep the history of an artform going, parallel with the new work that's being done.

Hal Price

Hal's Quotes #1286410
#92. That's the $64,000 question. And I would love to tell you there was an answer.

Hal Sutton

Hal's Quotes #1336214
#93. He doesn't look very smart," Diesel said. "He's not even giving me the finger."
"Can monkey's do that?" Hal asked.
Carl gave him the finger.
"Cool!" Hal said.

Janet Evanovich

Hal's Quotes #1351428
#94. You can go into Mark Twain's material and prove anything you want. He was against war. He was for war. He was against rich people and he was for them. He was a kaleidoscope.

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #1373238
#95. If 'Airplane!' comes on, it's like a comfort film. You can always guarantee a laugh watching that movie.

Hal Sparks

Hal's Quotes #1379898
#96. Mark Twain married the daughter of one of New York State's leading Abolitionists, Jervis Langdon, who helped Frederick Douglass who became the great Negro leader to escape from slavery.

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #1424927
#97. Hal: " ... Then we'll leave in a huff, taking you with us."
"I've always wanted to travel in a huff," Ingvar mused. "It sounds very comfortable. I imagine they're well padded."
"Lined with feathers, in fact," Gilan put in.

John Flanagan

Hal's Quotes #1449518
#98. Writers are a combative bunch when it comes to aesthetics, and the generation before GENRE are born into a discourse that's been brewing since Cervantes.

Hal Duncan

Hal's Quotes #1468902
#99. Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

Hal Holbrook

Hal's Quotes #1473816
#100. I only know that since he left,
My life's so empty.
Though I try to forget,
It just can't be done.

Hal David

Hal's Quotes #1476905

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