Top 100 Grimes Quotes
#1. God made the Sea of Galilee and its surroundings as they are. Is it the province of Mr. Grimes to improve upon the work?
Mark Twain
#2. Your colleague, Captain Grimes, has been convicted before me on evidence that leaves no possibility of his innocence - of a crime (I might almost call it a course of action) which I can neither understand nor excuse. I dare say I need not particularise.
Evelyn Waugh
#3. Someone is going to tell you to get use to this. That feeling of being scared and sad. They're going to say it'll be better when you learn to ignore it. Don't listen to them. Hold on to it, remember it ... Don't let yourself forget it. It's too easy to lose.
-Carl Grimes
Robert Kirkman
#4. Old Peter Grimes made fishing his employ; His wife he cabined with him and his boy, And seemed that life laborious to enjoy.
George Crabbe
#5. Neither of the Grimes sisters would have a happy life, and looking back it always seemed that the trouble began with their parents' divorce.
Richard Yates
#6. If you want the extra-ordinary, you've got to be willing to forsake the ordinary' - Annie Grimes in Mr Alhourani's Dead Man's Spots
D.M. Lee
#7. When I'm making a song that's very Grimes, it just feels very insular and it feels weird to have someone else do something on it.
#8. Usually when I make music, in my head I'm like 'this isn't Grimes, this is just some other project that you can release later, so there's no pressure and it doesn't matter and no-one's ever gonna hear it'.
#9. I want to make Grimes a high-fashion sci-fi act.
#10. I've always said women are vicious creatures - Detective Zach Grimes
Lauren Bradshaw
#11. Rick Grimes: [Jimmy reaches for a rifle; Rick takes it from him] You ever fire one before?
Jimmy: Well, if I'm going out I want one.
Daryl Dixon: Yeah, and people in hell want Slurpees.
The Walking Dead
#12. Harley Grimes might be a bad, bad guy, but I happen to be a bad, bad bitch.
Jennifer Estep
#13. This is Rick Grimes being pushed to his absolute limit. And if you think you've seen that before, you haven't. And the Rick Grimes that comes out of this is really going to shock people.
Robert Kirkman
#14. Rick Grimes: Where'd you find everyone?
Daryl Dixon: Well, those guys' tail lights zigzagging all over the road - figured he had to be Asian, driving like that.
Glenn: [chuckles] Good one.
The Walking Dead
#15. Son, don't mind what's missing. Count allthat's free: friendship, laughter, all thelove your heart can carry, and time -- count time.
Nikki Grimes
#16. I just watched another person I care deeply about basically turn into Gollum and my heart is broken.
#17. Intricately plotted, beautifully paced, The Music of the Spheres is an elegant historical novel rich in detail, at times Dickensian in its description of London. Elizabeth Redfern has made an exciting debut.
Martha Grimes
#18. My Aunt Marsha ruled the family with a rod of iron. She was one wicked, mean woman.
Karolyn Grimes
#19. You don't just have to be influenced by rock, or goth, anymore. It's okay to say, 'My influences are Tin Pan music from Bali and Rihanna.' There are still so many combinations that haven't been done yet.
#20. And so it continued all day, wynde after wynde, from a room beyond came the whistle of a teakettle. Now, you really must join me. I've some marvelous Darjeeling, and some delicious petits fours a friend of mine gave me for Christmas.
Martha Grimes
#22. Fashion can be a really powerful tool, but it's also a place where you can be totally humiliated and have your power taken from you.
#23. I approach music- and this sounds crazy- as though I'm Phil Spector, and I'm cranking out these pop stars and forcing them to do all this stuff-except they're all me. But I'm not, like, transgendered.
#24. You have to take people one at a time, check out what's in their head and heart before you judge.
Nikki Grimes
#25. There are people who read Tolstoy or Dostoevski who do not insist that their endings be happy or pleasant or, at least, not be depressing. But if you're writing mysteries - oh, no, you can't have an ending like that. It must be tidy.
Martha Grimes
#26. I love tailcoats; I love blazers. I love tailored things.
Shenae Grimes
#27. I'm not good at being, like, a sexy girl.
#28. Ugly girls generally don't become successful in music. And it sucks because it's a standard that just exists.
#30. The oldest pitcher acquires confidence in his ballclub - he doesn't try to do it all himself.
Burleigh Grimes
#31. In L.A., everyone is in their car all the time, so you're used to not interacting with people for the majority of the day, and it kind of trickles into nightlife and all that. People stay within their circles and there's no real mingling to be had.
Shenae Grimes
#32. It's interesting to be a front person who is controlling the majority of the sound.
#33. Lets make it known that we don't want to give away our beautiful homeland to corporate interests. It is our right as Canadians to be part of these decisions. The only thing standing between this world and environmental catastrophe is us
#35. Elf made his way fuzzily back to the drawer, trying to think nasty thoughts about his tormentor (Mungo the dog) but he couldn't, as he was too little and his mind was formless and without messages.
( "Elf" the tiny kitten Mungo tormented )
Martha Grimes
#36. Singing is definitely not my forte. I'll put that out there on the record.
Shenae Grimes
#37. I've always been such a nerd.
#38. The fact is that you are more comfortable with myth than man.
Nikki Grimes
#39. In all, I was in 16 movies, including 'The Bishop's Wife' with Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven; I was in 'Rio Grande' with John Wayne, 'Albuquerque' with Randall Scott, 'Blue Skies' with Bing Crosby and 'Hans Christian Anderson' with Danny Kaye.
Karolyn Grimes
#40. I think one of the reasons I'm successful as a musician is that the first like 30 shows I played, I played with no monitors standing in front of guitar amps in a shitty, smoky warehouse where people were screaming and wasted, knocking over my gear. So shows after that seem pretty easy!
#41. The thing about music is it's not an obscure pursuit, it's a very natural thing for human beings to do. Once you put in the effort, the learning curve is very fast.
#42. I was raised in a Catholic household and went to a Catholic school, and my childhood brain perceived medieval Catholicism as an action movie: There's this crazy omnipresent guy who can destroy you at any moment.
#43. The groove can go for like three days - once I'm in it it will just keep going until I'm totally exhausted. But that's how I like to work, I like to be away from everyone and just get in the zone, and stay there for as long as I can keep it there.
#44. I think my music's kind of cold, but I don't know if it's related to the weather. It might be because it's always grey [in Montreal], it's very depressing.
#45. What does the absolutely final deadline apply to? What book?"
If there was one book that did not cry out for a sequel, it was "Death of a Doge". "Don't you remember what an awful time you had writing that book?
Martha Grimes
#46. The England I write about doesn't strike me as the real one.
Martha Grimes
#47. Art gives me an outlet where I can be aggressive in a world where I usually can't be.
#48. I listen to a lot of medieval music.
#49. My mother had early-onset Alzheimer's, and it took her four years to die. She was only 44; I was 14.
Karolyn Grimes
#50. I have a lot of Japanese friends: I grew up in Vancouver, and there's this huge Japanese population over there.
#51. Well, I am as much a cheerleader for President Obama as Sen. McConnell is a Chippendale dancer.
Alison Lundergan Grimes
#52. The most valuable live thing for me is when people look like they're having a good time.
#53. I just can't perform well unless I'm wearing jeans.
#54. I feel like vocals are to music what portraits are to painting. They're the humanity. Landscapes are good and fine, but at the end of the day everyone loves the Mona Lisa.
#55. There aren't many other labels who I can say are that successful, and can give me as much as 4AD gives me, and still have such a great roster.
#56. I don't know if I would ever have costume changes - usually I just end up taking off my shoes, I get so sweaty, and ... I just need to be comfortable.
#57. I need to be able to work for 20 or 30 hours in one go in complete darkness, alone with just the computer glow.
#58. I saw a lot of good hitters but I never saw a better one than Paul Waner. I mean I once threw a side arm spitter right into his belly and he hit it into the upper deck.
Burleigh Grimes
#59. Just because people are calling you skinny doesn't mean I'm like, 'Yay!' No! You're telling me I don't look right. This is me, this is my body - I have accepted it.
Shenae Grimes
#60. Just because something might not have a deep philosophical meaning doesn't mean it's not important or relevant.
#61. You want people to hate you. If you're just making people happy, you're like Mumford & Sons.
#62. Removing all stimulation around you is a really positive thing in terms of stimulating your creativity.
#63. When I'm in the U.S. Senate, I will fiercely oppose the president's attack on Kentucky's coal industry, because protecting our jobs will be my No. 1 priority.
Alison Lundergan Grimes
#64. I really can't help what someone thinks of me because they are reading a paper and choosing to believe it.
Shenae Grimes
#65. Success, for me, is a song that can deliver shivers.
#66. Pat Conroy embraced his new hometown with the grateful passion of a refugee.
William Grimes
#67. My life has never been wonderful. Maybe when I was a child, but not after age 15.
Karolyn Grimes
#68. Only the wind shatters the silence. I have been here before choking in solitude.
Nikki Grimes
#69. I prefer making videos to making music.
#70. It matters greatly not only that we birth and die but how we birth and die.
Ronald L. Grimes
#71. Since I have that edgy, rocker-tomboy kind of vibe, it can be very difficult to translate my style for the red carpet.
Shenae Grimes
#72. I'm a sucker for fries. It's definitely one of my biggest vices. My biggest savory vice for sure.
Shenae Grimes
#73. When I'm making something I need it to be catchy - I need it to hit the sweet spot.
#74. I don't even wear shoes with heels because I hate making a noise when I walk and people looking at me.
#76. From an early age, I knew I would be unhappy if I wasn't doing something creative.
#77. Before you hate something you should try to understand it.
Martha Grimes
#78. I put the movie days totally behind me ... It was a part of my past that I really kind of put in a little drawer and shut the door.
Karolyn Grimes
#79. When I first started out, I was making really slow, psychedelic ambient music because it was all I could do.
#81. The only candidate pocketing big money from people who want to destroy coal is Mitch McConnell.
Alison Lundergan Grimes
#82. It took me a while to accept that I'm not going to have the curves other girls get.
Shenae Grimes
#84. Originally I had planned to write just a couple of children's books and then, return the focus on adult literature. A funny thing happened along the way - I kept having new ideas, and then I looked up one day, and 30 years had passed!
Nikki Grimes
#85. So don't tell me that I can't fit in. My heart beats like a talking drum.
Nikki Grimes
#86. I've never lived outside of Canada, so I've been really cold my entire life. Most of my memories are coloured by the fact that I was really cold, just ... all the time!
#87. I'm against spending money to record.
#88. My mother died when I was 12, and right after, my dad died in a car crash. I was 15 and had no family. The court sent me to live with my uncle and aunt in Missouri.
Karolyn Grimes
#89. My manager lives on my block; four of the apartments in my apartment complex of seven are people I know. It's a really close-knit community, and almost everyone on these few blocks are artists or graphic designers, because we live right on the cusp of a warehouse district.
#90. I only work at night, generally. Usually when I work [during the day] I'll black out the windows or something.
#91. As a producer, I'm trying to challenge myself to just make something that is of a professional quality - not necessarily pop music, but maybe in the sense that Nine Inch Nails is professional quality.
#92. Something about your life always makes its way into your stories. That's just the nature of the beast.
Nikki Grimes
#93. It's really odd to be up close to an icon like Bruce Willis. You're used to seeing him on a screen, 50 feet tall. To think, 'Hmm, I'm taller than you are' is just weird.
Luke Grimes
#94. I love pop music, but I also love noise music, IDM - anything really, I get something out of most kinds of music. I just need to enjoy the process.
#95. I think the internet is kind of redefining what it is to be a teenager. Because there's a lot of media that's aimed at teenagers that other people are getting into. But, conversely, pornography or stuff that's intended for adults is completely readily available to anyone, like teenagers.
#96. If I think about what other people are thinking when I'm making music, I just can't do it. It's too withheld - I need to go totally over the top, and then kind of clean it up a bit and make it more reasonable after the fact.
#97. There are a lot of musicians I've met on Twitter where it was like, 'Hey, I like your music' - and then I ended up meeting them and it turned into a friendship.
#98. I think Canadians make a lot of music because we're stuck inside all the time.
#99. I'll see something or hear something. Sometimes, it can be a color. Or a piece of music. Or an image of some kind. I see something, and it has huge emotional weight, although I have no idea why.
Martha Grimes
#100. It's kind of like I'm Phil Spector, and I'm forcing a young girl to make pop music and perform exhaustively. Except, instead of it being someone else, that girl is also me.
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